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bulldog1973 bulldog1973
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9 years ago
Does anyone have tlmt 341 quiz six?
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8 years ago
A little late I suppose...

Quiz 6::::

Question 1 of 8
12.5/ 12.5 Points

What is a modular product?

Correct   A.A product assembled from a variety of modules such that , for each module, there are a number of options. 
   B.A product built quickly to ensure demand is needed. 
   C.A manufacturing process consisting of discrete operations, so the inventory can be stored in partially manufactured form between operations. 
   D.None of the above. 

 Answer Key: A

 Feedback: page 345 ch 11

Question 2 of 8
12.5/ 12.5 Points

What is a modular process?

   A.A product assembled from a variety of modules, such that, fro each module, there are a number of options 
Correct   B.A manufacturing process consisting of discrete operations, so the inventory can be stored in partially manufactured form between operations 
   C.A product that is assembled within 24 hours 
   D.None of the above 

 Answer Key: B

 Feedback: Ch 11 page 345

Question 3 of 8
12.5/ 12.5 Points

The biggest problem Walmart faced when entering the country of Brazil was:

   A.slow response to adapt to Brazil's fast-changing credit culture 
Correct   B.shipping product on time and getting it on the shelf 
   C.brought in stock handling equipment that didn't work with standardized local pallets 
   D.installed a computerized bookkeeping system that failed to take into account Brazil's wildly complicated tax system 

 Answer Key: B

Question 4 of 8
12.5/ 12.5 Points

Which of the following methods is not used to manage supply chain risks?

Correct   A.Employ lean supply chain management practices 
   B.Invest in redundancy 
   C.Increase velocity in sensing and responding 
   D.Create an adaptive supply chain community 

 Answer Key: A

Question 5 of 8
12.5/ 12.5 Points

Which of the following answers is not employed to mitigate global supply chain risks?

   A.Speculative Strategies 
   B.Hedge Strategies 
Correct   C.Political Strategies 
   D.Flexible Strategies 

 Answer Key: C

Question 6 of 8
12.5/ 12.5 Points

Which of the following answers about cultural differences was not identified as playing a big role global business?

Correct   B.Religion 

 Answer Key: B

Question 7 of 8
12.5/ 12.5 Points

Which of the following statements is not correct?

   A.Higher demand uncertainty leads to a preference for managing the supply chain based on a pull strategy. Small demand uncertainty leads to an interest in managing the supply chain using a push strategy 
   B.Products that can be packed more compactly are cheaper to transport, particularly if delivery trucks 'cube out' before they 'weigh out'. 
   C.Concurrent and parallel processing involves modifying the manufacturing process so that steps that were previously performed in a sequence can be completed at the same time. 
Correct   D.A key to keeping the manufacturing process parallel is the concept of consolidation. 

 Answer Key: D

Question 8 of 8
12.5/ 12.5 Points

Which of the following statements is not correct?

   A.Mass production involves the efficient production of a large quantity of a small variety of goods. 
   B.Craft production involves highly skilled and flexible workers, often craftsmen in the manufacturing setting, who are governed by personal or professional standards. 
Correct   C.Mass customization utilizes the concept of 'bookshelf' of technologies where management monitors the development of relevant new technologies and follows the suppliers that have demonstrated expertise. 
   D.Mass customization involves the delivery of a wide variety of customized goods or services quickly and efficiently at low cost. 

 Answer Key: C
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