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fisher 2012 fisher 2012
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11 years ago
I'm taking AP Biology this year, and I fairly enjoy it. I'm getting an A in the class, and believe me, it took a hell lot of suffering for that grade, especially with AP Euro and sports.

I'm planning on taking AP Chemistry next year, and all I constantly hear about that class are pretty bad. Besides being told I'll die in that class, I'm worrying about how I'll actually fare.

Math is not an impossible subject for me- I do fairly well in mathematic classes if I just look over my notes and homework. I'm in Algebra II this year. But, I'm not a total math genius- I've gotten some C's on tests and quizzes before.

Obviously, Chem involves a lot of math. I'm not too good, nor am I too bad at math. I have no idea how I might do.

I have good work ethics and am very determined to do well in this class. Motivation is the key to everything I do.

But do I have to be great at math to do well in the class and on the AP exam? I love biology, and enjoy math, but what does that say?
Many thanks to those who answered!
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11 years ago
I teach AP chemistry.  Here are the strategies I encourage my students to use:
1) Study each night!!  You will not remember everything you think you will unless you read it over and over again.
2) Practice the problems.  Don't take the easy way and copy the answers from the book or on-line.  Work the same problems over again to make sure you understand them.
3) Read the next day's lesson ahead of time.  This allows you to be familiar with the topic and not get caught up with the vocabulary issues.  If you read ahead of time you can formulate questions over the parts you did not understand.
11 years ago
I took AP Chemistry this year and it really changed the way I studied and organized my schoolwork.  It is one of the most challenging courses.  Even though I was not always good at chemistry, I came to love it and dedicate myself to working hard to learn it.  It is really a great course and will prepare you a lot for college.  You will most likely get an A in college after taking this course!  Good luck buddy.  May the force be with you.
11 years ago
I would suggest this one major thing to prepare for the AP exam.
take as many released AP chemistry exams (1994,1999,2002, etc) and learn from your mistakes of why you got the answer wrong also
make sure you understand every concept before the day of the test
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