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11 years ago Edited: 9 years ago, padre
Which of these statements accurately describes a similarity between sharks and fishes?
a the skin is typically covered by flattened bony scales.
b they are equally able to exchange gases with the environment while stationary
c. they are highly maneuverable due to their flexibility
d they have a lateral line that is sensitive to changes in water pressure
e a swim bladder helps control buoyancy
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11 years ago
I would choose  C due to the lack  of specificity of the content, that  is always a good reason.   It is a general "opinion" that has no real parameter for judging accuracy.
11 years ago
E. a swim bladder
11 years ago
Let us first go over each of these questions and find out why they are wrong. A. the reason why this is wrong is because Sharks do not have bony scales, they are rather cartiligenous. B. Is wrong because sharks cannot stay stationary or else they will pretty much flip around. D. Lateral line does not sense the changes in water pressure, on top of that fishes do not have this lateral line. E. Swim bladder does not control the buoyancy of the shark, rather sharks need their fins to maintain equilibrium. So C. both sharks and fishes are pretty flexibile because they do not have anything hindering them from moving.
11 years ago
if this is a take home test, isn't the point to use your brain and your books to figure this out? or google the hell out of it?

do you really trust the people on yahoo with your grades anyways? i mean how many of these people will actually know the answer or have adequate background knowledge to even attempt an answer? how can you tell that someone isn't just guessing based on a quick google search? try asking your teacher. my ap bio teacher never told us we couldn't ask him when we had a couple take home tests. in fact, his rule was you can ask him but not another student.

in regards to your question, however, i really have no clue because it has been far too long since ap bio for me to remember that, and i've had mostly classes about molecular biology since then.

as an aid for ap bio in general, may i recommend kimball's biology pages and mr. johnson's biology home page (if you can find it...i can't).

good luck with your test and ap bio in general!
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