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irina irina
Posts: 919
11 years ago
Nurses, both bedside RN's and Advanced Practice nurses (NP's CNS's)  are often overlooked when discussing health care topics. Why is this and what can we do to change this on yahoo?  I think there are plenty of nurses out there who would like a forum of questions of their own, and plenty of people who want to hear what they have to say!  Thoughts?

PS I posted this in medicine because I noticed a lot of nurses about!

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11 years ago
Well surely, although there is a lot of nurses about, and they give good answers, they give answers in the medical field?

If there was a nurse section of YA, then this would be for questions ABOUT nurses, not for nurses to answer, and so I am guessing that there would not be many questions on it. Is there a particularly large number of questions ABOUT nurses? If so, approach YA about it, if not, then thats your answer. We regulars in the medical section of YA are welcome to answers from nurses, but dont have many questions about them!

Hope this helps

11 years ago
I think medical encompasses ALL medical professionals - MD's, RPh's, RN's etc.
11 years ago
there kind of is. This section is for people who have questions about medical conditions and treatments. There is a healthcare section under careers that covers the nursing field quite often.
11 years ago
I think most people do not understand that there is a difference between medicine and nursing.  We're all lumped into one category, medicine.
11 years ago
I agree with the person that said most people don't know the difference between nursing and medicine; however, most people do not want to ask questions quite related to nursing itself, except for maybe wanting to know some interventions; most people are interested in asking medicine related questions and nurses are able to provide their nursing perspective.  There are a lot of groups on yahoo groups set up specifically related to nursing questions, such as nurse bob's critical care where CCRN's come together for professional discussions on best practices etc...  I personally enjoy answering questions on YA in the medicine and woman's health and even men's health.  As nurses we have the opportunity to educate so many people in this format and in the end, as nurses, isn't that what we want...to teach health promotion and prevention, etc...  Anyway, I don't know if you are new on here but it seems you have maybe misunderstood the category listings because your answers are certainly welcomed on any category and most definately valued by the people you are helping!  Happy answering and check out some of the professional groups online for professional chats.
11 years ago
Medicine is not restricted to doctors. Nurses, pharmacists, phsiotherapist, occupational therapist, social worker, everyone is involved in the process. The category is Science and Mathematics, Medicine and its not strictly for doctors. Everyone is welcomed to answer, even physiologists and anatomists are more than capable to answer as well.

Every health care specialty has their area of expertise and there would be some questions that are specific to that area. I guess the problem would lie if you create one for nursing, then you would have to create one for everything else as well e.g. pharmacy, physio etc etc. and then the problem would come as people may get confused as to which area their question belongs to. It may be clear to you but not so for the layman. and it would prevent a multi-disciplinary approach to a problem which is what the art of medicine is all about.

It is true that sometimes other health professionals are not given as much respect as doctors. But, you do not have to feel sidelined on Yahoo!. yahoo! answers is for everyone and anyone.

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