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Quen89 Quen89
Posts: 863
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8 years ago
Becoming a good teacher involves all of the following EXCEPT:
A) learning about students.
B) learning about the foundations of education.
C) learning the fundamentals of corporal punishment.
D) learning what to teach.
Teaching in America

Teaching in America

Edition: 4th
Read 132 times
9 Replies
Quen89 Author
8 years ago
Akilah and Jan are in the teacher's lounge discussing a student teacher (John) in their school. Akilah says John makes excellent lesson plans, has good control over the class, and effectively uses cooperative learning. However, Jan has concerns about whether John has taken enough Math and Science classes. What is the focus of Jan's concern?
A) knowledge of assessment
B) knowledge of pedagogy of teaching
C) knowledge of children and youth
D) knowledge of subject matter
Quen89 Author
8 years ago
The knowledge, skills, and other behaviors involved in the process of effective teaching are known as:
A) a teacher's knowledge base and skills.
B) a set of core proficiencies.
C) the professional competencies.
D) the core competencies.
Quen89 Author
8 years ago
Effective teachers use their proficiencies to promote:
A) self reflection.
B) professional development.
C) student achievement.
D) self-esteem.
Quen89 Author
8 years ago
In the final analysis, teacher effectiveness may be defined as:
A) ability to engage one's students.
B) ability to promote learning in students.
C) proficiency with current technologies.
D) ability to lecture well.
Quen89 Author
8 years ago
High teacher efficacy refers to teachers who:
A) have what it takes to run a smooth classroom.
B) believe in themselves and in children's ability to learn.
C) are highly efficient.
D) are well trained and have students with high test scores.
Quen89 Author
8 years ago
Mary is a first grade teacher who is highly defensive. She frequently criticizes students and uses punishment as a deterrent. According to your text, Mary is apparently lacking:
A) self-assurance.
B) self-esteem.
C) confidence.
D) teacher-efficacy.
8 years ago
8 years ago
The constitutional doctrine under which many of the provisions of the Bill of Rights have been made enforceable against the states is the doctrine of ____.

a. habeas corpus

b. injunction

c. federalism

d. incorporation
8 years ago
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