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illmatic118 illmatic118
Posts: 72
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11 years ago
I know there is a difference between Marxism and socialism. I just think I see alot of both in the democrat party. I am not ready to give up my constitutional rights.
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20 Replies

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11 years ago
11 years ago
So you oppose public funding of police and firefighters?
11 years ago
One party kills your with taxes, the other just kills you, so there isn't much difference between death and taxes !!!
11 years ago
You're not ready to give up your constitutional rights but yet you're  okay with the patriot act. O-Tay!
11 years ago
Democrats follow and defend the Constitution, they are not Marxist or Socialist. Hey, too bad about those Constitutional rights Bush took away, I guess you should support Democrats if you are not ready to loose any more of your Constitutional rights.
11 years ago
Not much.  The dems won't do a full socialist/marxist grab at government power, because they know the US citizens aren't ready for that.  

They do it incrementally, and in varying degrees, we are moving down that path.

Even the Republicans buy into it at times and spend like drunk sailors on government programs.

The difference is, Republican voters held them accountable last election.
11 years ago
Huh?  I think you are confused.  I see us losing more constitutional rights under Bush and the Republicans!  Patriot Act?  Wire-taps?  Hello!
11 years ago
Check out Dennis Kucinich if you haven't already. He represents the true Democrat.

We are not Marxists (communists) or socialists. We believe in people working and contributing. No free hand-outs. We do believe in a helping hand because we recognize that life is not fair and some people need a hand because they don't receive it. Dennis is for restoring our constitutional rights (i.e. repealing the Patriot Act).
11 years ago
The main difference is that Marx believed the people could take care of themselves... and each other.

The democratic party believes that people are too weak and require the help of the federal government to survive.
11 years ago
Not much.
11 years ago
well the Democratic party is a freedom loving party in the USA and Marxism/socialism is more like the republican party, you know dicatorial and removing freedoms that peopel have died for
11 years ago
Socialism ALREADY failed. Democrats still have to opress, make miserable, take freedom away from, and cause uprisings before they will meet their fate. They are well on track though!
11 years ago
You as k a very intelligent question. There is not a lot of difference between communism and the democratic party. The democrats want to tax the wealthy and give it to the people that don't want to work. Elect the democrats and we will have socialism at its best.
Most people don't realize that 90% of all income taxes are paid by the 20% of the wealthy people in the US. If you keep raising their taxes, they lose their incentive to pay the taxes. The democrats want to keep on increasing taxes, and the republicans want to cut taxes. It's proven that cutting taxes increase the incomes of people thereby increasing the tax they pay.
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