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daveydickler daveydickler
Posts: 7
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11 years ago
I've been interning at a lab, and theyve been having me stain some slides with an immunohistochemistry technique. Basically the protocol involves dewaxing the tissues, rehydrating with alcohol, blocking, then applying primary antibody, and then secondary antibody, then DAPI fluorescent stain. In between I do washes with 1x PBST (PBS+Tween) solution.

The problem is that I did it 3x with different slides and all the times it didnt stain properly. There was too much yellow and too much background color in the microscope pictures. Basically nothing really stained except DAPI.

Apparently its prob not my fault, and it happens all the time, and there are so many factors which could cause it not to work. But, I feel like it might be, because I have been making the solutions (Buffer solution and PBS, PBST). I know I made the stain solutions correctly, and the buffer solutions as well.

But, I did use old PBS solution once, and once when I made PBST solution, I diluted the PBS in it too much.

Could those mistakes really cause the whole thing to mess up like this? I mean, PBS and PBST are just for washing...

Someone else is going to stain another batch of slides, and if that works for them then its my fault that these didnt work, and Im just worried that that might happen. :/
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11 years ago
As you were told, there are a lot of factors that can contribute to such problems, new lab workers tend to take a year to be trained, and I always consider it very lucky when anything works for a summer student.

But one factor to always consider is whether there were any new stock solutions made at the same time an experiment stopped working. Given that your problem is partly too much background, you're not getting efficient washing, and whether that's due to your technique or to the dilution, both, or neither, isn't clear.

In theory, more salt = cleaner washes, and more dilution = poorer washes. But old PBS shouldn't matter unless it's the sort with calcium and there's calcium phosphate precipitating out. And if you just diluted the PBS 10% by adding some previously-diluted Tween-20, that's not going to have any effect on your washes. Diluting 50% or 75%, sure.

I wouldn't worry too hard about it working in someone else's hands. That's really the most likely variable here - someone who's used to the technique vs. someone new - and then the next step if it were my lab would be to have you watch that someone else and note what they do differently, if their technique works.
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