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znny23 znny23
Posts: 2
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11 years ago
Two true breeding white strains of the plant ilgett... were mated and the f1 progeny were all white. When th f1 was allowed to self fertilze 126 white flowered and 33 purple flowered f2 plants grew.

How could you describe the inheritance of the flower color? Describe how specific alleles   influence each other and the phenotype?

Question 3-24 from genes to genome.

I have the solutions manual but don'tunderstand? Seems to me a 13:3 ratio so dominant epistasis but it is the same plant in the p generation.
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11 years ago
I have the solutions manual but don'tunderstand? Seems to me a 13:3 ratio so dominant epistasis but it is the same plant in the p generation.

Do you have the solution manual as a PDF? Could you upload it so I could take a look at it? Thinking Face
11 years ago
It is simple Mendelian genetics, as seen with Mendel's pea plant experiment (white vs purple flowers). The white flowers are dominant over the purple flowers, and so the purple trait only shows when the plant is homozygous recessive. This is the principle of independent assortment.
znny23 Author
11 years ago
It is simple Mendelian genetics, as seen with Mendel's pea plant experiment (white vs purple flowers). The white flowers are dominant over the purple flowers, and so the purple trait only shows when the plant is homozygous recessive. This is the principle of independent assortment.

No that is not correct. It is the same plant which is white and true breeding. this would mean the f2 generation should be all white. Also mendel got a 3:1 ratio which is not the case here it is closer to 13:3 meaning it is controlled by two genes rather than one with one gene being epistatic. Im just asking if anyone can confirm my answer.
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