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RowanF RowanF
Posts: 9
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7 years ago Edited: 7 years ago, RowanF
Hi there, I was wondering if someone could let me know if I did this right or not. Thanks in advance for any help.

So, the problem states the following:

We have crossed one flower with a corolla that is white and personé (the original question is not in English and I can't find a definition for personé anywhere, doesn't really matter I guess^^) with another flower which has a corolla which is red and has axial symmetry.

All the F1 offspring are pink and personé.

The F2 are as follows:

94 pink, personé
39 red, personé
45 white, personé
28 pink with axial symmetry
15 red with axial symmetry
13 white with axial symmetry

I am supposed to determine the number of genes and allèles for each trait and determine if the genes are linked or not.

I assumed at the beginning that there is partial dominance of either red or white and that personé is dominant over axial symmetry.

I used this nomenclature:

white corolla = w
red corolla = r
pink corolla = r/w

personé = p+
axial symmetry = p

For the first cross my punnet square got individuals who all have the genotype r/w, p+/p, which is in line with what the problem states at the beginning.

For the second punnet square, I put the following chromosome donations at the top: r,p+----r,p----w,p+-----w,p. I put the same ones on the side too.

The theoretical results I got are the following:

pink, personé: 6/16
red, personé: 3/16
white, personé: 3/16
pink, axial: 2/16
red, axial: 1/16
white, axial: 1/16

After doing a chi squared test, the results are confirmed to be close enough to the observed. So I concluded that there are two genes, one with three alleles, the other with two alleles.  And finally, that the genes are not linked because we do not note a higher than expected proportion of the parental type.

Thanks so much for any and all help!

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