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Jendo Jendo
Posts: 1230
8 years ago
The family of a dying patient in the intensive care unit does not want a “do not attempt resuscitation” order. What can the nurse do to assist the family in seeing the value of this order?

1. Explain that other medical interventions will not be stopped.
2. Explain that comfort is the goal instead of a cure.
3. Explain that the patient will not receive less care.
4. Explain that the patient will be transferred out of the intensive care unit soon.
5. Explain that all medical care will be restricted going forward.
Understanding the Essentials of Critical Care Nursing

Understanding the Essentials of Critical Care Nursing

Edition: 2nd
Read 151 times
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Majoring in Nursing, using Understanding the Essentials of Critical Care Nursing
Answer verified by a subject expert
Top Poster
Posts: 1228
8 years ago
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Jendo Author
8 years ago
Your rationale is what helped me understand it, I appreciate the thorough answer
Majoring in Nursing, using Understanding the Essentials of Critical Care Nursing
8 years ago
Great feedback, I figured what's the point of answering without an explanation
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