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11 years ago
I take the MCAT in a few months. How did you prepare for it? Can you give me a few tips and pointers? Thank yo
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11 years ago
You should take a course to prepare you for the MCAT.  The best ones are Kaplan or Princeton Review, though they cost around $1000 for the class.  However, they will aid you a lot, as they have lots of experience with the MCAT.  At the very least, take a cheaper course.  In the course, follow the syllabus, and don't cram until the end.

It's good that you're starting so early.  Perhaps before the course, borrow some books from the library that aid with the MCAT (e.g., Princeton Review and whatnot).
11 years ago
I've taken the MCAT and it is....wow!  
Study, study, study is all that I can say.
11 years ago
I took it (40 years ago!) and fortunately did quite well on it.  The only preparation I did for it was my college course work.  I was accepted into medical school, and I still believe that your college courses are the best preparation.  

If you want more preparation, there are books and courses that other people who answered this question mentioned, and those are especially helpful (from what I have seen after the fact) in knowing ahead of time what sorts of questions will be asked.  I am not aware of any studies that show that people who take the review courses or use the review books actually get better scores than those who don't.

I believe you wold feel most comfortable and feel best prepared if you took a corse or went through the MCAT or Princeton review books, or both.

Best of luck to you, and I hope you will have a successful career in your chosen field.  It has been highly rewarding for me, as I begin thinking about retirement from practice.
11 years ago
The best way to prepare yourself is just to do a ton of questions.  They sell question books, and online question banks.  I would do as many of these as possible, and try to time them realistically like it will be on the MCAT.   The most useful part of the course (took Kaplan, now I teach for TPR) for me was that they offer  5 or 6 full length practice MCAT tests, timed, proctored, and with feedback.   By the time I got to the MCAT, I thought it was actually easier than the tests I had already taken!

You guys are lucky, the MCAT is only 5 hours now, and computerized.   It was 8 hours when we took it.   Good luck!
11 years ago
Review books and practice tests.  LOTS of each.  Memorize formulas and math shortcuts, as no calculators are allowed.

Good luck!
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