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ilikescience ilikescience
Posts: 61
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12 years ago
I have a Macbook Pro and I don't want to waste my money if its useless.
I use my Macbook Pro for school and how good is the Ipad for typing up reports and other documents and does it have functions the Macbook doesn't? Also can the Ipad use ethernet cables?
And I'm probably going to wait until Apple comes out with another better generation. I mean the Ipad doesn't even have a camera for god's sake.
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12 years ago
loads and loads of cool stuff but it wont be very powerful like say a netbook
12 years ago
There isnt really much point if your happy with your current laptop. I also would like one, but i want replace it with my macbook unless it was broken/out dated. It basically is for people who do commute on a regular basis, but want to watch a film, or book or even do some light work. Its in no way a replacement for a person needing a computer to work on who travels te country doing meetings etc. its for average joe (thats why it isnt expensive), who wants to cure boredom, but can also do some light work. Think of it as an iPod touch, but just bigger with a few feautures from their OS such as photos, or iWork.
12 years ago
You are going to have to wait to see if apps that make use of the extra square inches end up in the App Store.  Until then it is just a giant iPod Touch with a 3G data plan.

I think it will be great for watching movies, video podcasts, and catching up on TV serials on the train or bus.  There will probably be some cool games made for it.  If you are artistically minded, (I am not) it will probably make a great sketch pad, when you can't get to a desk with a graphics tablet.

With tech, I always find it better to wait until you have a compelling use for something, so if one of the above is something you have always wanted, then go for it and keep our economy in recovery!  If not, keep enjoying your MacBook until a better app or a better price comes along.
12 years ago
Well, basically it makes a great photo frame. Seriously, I don't understand what Apple were thinking. Its basically a huge iPhone, with a book store, lack of a camera or microphone, no ethernet, no real buttons, with no expandability, or any real market, and a huge price tag! But for some bizarre reason, they will probably sell like hotcakes. Don't bother with it. A MacBook Pro is 1000 times as useful and far more functional. Wait until Apple finally realize they need to make a real tablet running OS X to take on the netbook market.
12 years ago
Really, the main purpose for the iPad was for the use of iBooks, movies, and pictures. An iPhone or iPod touch can function all three of these, but the image is much smaller. With the iPad ,however, the large display makes it much easier for one to observe these different functions.
12 years ago
You just have to watch this youtube video:

It's Hitler's reaction to the iPad.

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