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SkipperSnow SkipperSnow
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8 years ago
Cell cycle progression is regulated at key transition points, called checkpoints, to ensure that all cellular components are present and functioning properly before the cell proceeds to the next stage. Checkpoints are controlled by the level of cyclins. Cyclins are proteins that bind to specific kinases, called cyclin dependent kinases (Cdks).

Once activated by cyclins, Cdk proteins phosphorylate specific proteins important for cell cycle progress. Relative amounts of cyclin proteins vary through the cell cycle, controlling progression through each stage (G1,S,G2,M).

The significance of checkpoints can be demonstrated by considering what happens when they are impaired.

What would occur if there was a gain-of-function mutation in the promoter for the cyclin E gene such that cyclin E protein was always made at high levels even under conditions in which cyclin E would not normally be made?

What would occur if there was a gain-of-function mutation in the promoter for the cyclin E gene such that cyclin E protein was always made at high levels even under conditions in which cyclin E would not normally be made?
 A.Cells will skip the S phase and go directly to G2 phase and not complete DNA replication.
 B.Cells will pass the M checkpoint with chromosomes unattached to spindles.
C. Cells will pass through the G1/S checkpoint even if conditions are not ideal for cell division.
 D. Cells will pass through the G2/M checkpoint with damaged DNA.

Which of the following might explain why the level of cyclin B in a cell is not increasing heading into mitosis?

Select all that apply.
 A. The cell has not reached an adequate size.
B.  The attachment of spindle fibers to the kinetochores is inadequate.
C.  Spindle fibers are not properly formed.
D.  The cell has not repaired damaged DNA.
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8 years ago
Which of the following might explain why the level of cyclin B in a cell is not increasing heading into mitosis?

Select all that apply.
 A. The cell has not reached an adequate size.
B.  The attachment of spindle fibers to the kinetochores is inadequate.
C.  Spindle fibers are not properly formed.
D.  The cell has not repaired damaged DNA.

B. The attachment of spindle fibers to the kinetochores is inadequate

D. The cell has not repaired damaged DNA.

C. Spindle fibers are not properly formed.

Specific steps in cell cycle are controlled by cyclins, which act through cyclin dependent kinases (CDKs). CDK inhibitors antagonize the functions of cyclin-CDK complexes. Cyclin B plays a key role in completion of mitotic phase of a cell cycle. So, if it detects any defect during the mitosis phase, it does not allow the cell to exit the mitosis phase, similarly, if the mutations are not corrected prior to entering into the mitosis phase, these check point genes do not allow he cell to enter into mitotic phase.
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8 years ago
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8 years ago
What would occur if there was a gain-of-function mutation in the promoter for the cyclin E gene such that cyclin E protein was always made at high levels even under conditions in which cyclin E would not normally be made?

Cyclin E is an important check point between the G1 and S phase. Cyclin E is required for a cell to move from G1 to S phase. In the event of gain of function mutation in the Cyclin E gene, the cyclin E will be at high levels at all times. Due to this overexpression, the check will not be performed during the transition from G1 to S, and the cells will pass through the G1/S phase even when conditions are not ideal for cell division.
SkipperSnow Author
8 years ago
Correct answers:  Cells will pass through the G1/S checkpoint even if conditions are not ideal for cell division.

The attachment of spindle fibers to the kinetochores is inadequate.
 Spindle fibers are not properly formed.
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