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Nikhil verma Nikhil verma
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7 years ago
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6 Replies
7 years ago
The cool thing about reproduction (and it's sexual reproduction, even in hermaphrodites) is that all the genes recombine. Mutations happen, too. Crossing over of the chromosomes also happens. All this added up means that there's tons of possibilities for the offspring's genes.
7 years ago
Sexual reproduction by hermaphrodites is *not* the same as parthenogenesis (asexual reproduction).

If an hermaphrodite mates with another hermaphrodite, their eggs and sperm fuse in exactly the same way as mating between non-hermaphrodites.

Lets take an hypothetical example:
Dogs mate and reproduce using sexual reproduction - so the pups that are produced are a "blend" of the genetic traits of each of their parents.
If dogs were hermaphrodites, their offspring would still be produced by fusion of eggs and sperm, and would therefore still be a "blend" between the two parents.
However, if female dogs could reproduce parthenogenically, then no male would be needed, as the female could just "become" pregnant with clones of herself.
When you like a flower, you just pluck it out.
But when you love a flower, you water it daily.
The one who understands this, understands life.

- That's the difference between I like you and I love you.
Nikhil v. Author
7 years ago
But my question was that what would happen if both the male and female gamets are of the same parent  , as in earthworm it's sometimes occur?
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Nikhil v. Author
7 years ago
Thank you so much .  " best answer"
7 years ago
Wink Face I marked it for you
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