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RJ5876 RJ5876
Posts: 62
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11 years ago
Is it a disease or a distubed gland condition which needs one time treatement or life long treatment? Can it be corrected for once and for ever with the modern day medicines? If not treated out of ignorance then what are the extreme harmful effects of the disease? Can any medical professional guide me about this disease as to help me approach the doctor to be guided properly to overcome the problem?
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Posts: 68
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11 years ago
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11 years ago
A thyroid disease is something that doctors made up for fat people to give them a reason for being fat. It can be cured by putting down your bucket of fried chicken, getting off the couch and getting some exercise.
11 years ago
Depends on whether it is an under active or over active thyroid.  Under active is managed with Synthroid, but over active can be surgically removed, or managed with meds as well.
Under active thyroid is not a made up illness, Tyler, as I have had it for 15 years but am still within normal weight guidelines - thanks for the helpful comments...
11 years ago
Thyroid disease can be hyperactive or hypoactive. You see, the thyroid gland is the one that partly controls your metabolism. The thyroid gland also secretes calcitonin which is responsible for absorption of calcium from the bloodstream or GI tract.
So if you have a hyperactive gland, you will most likely experience weight loss, agitation, fatigue, heat intolerance, palpitaion, tachycardia, hypertension, perspiring too much, etc. Just imagine yourself continuing burning calories even when you're just lying on the couch.
If you're hypoactive, it's the opposite: weight gain, hair loss, hypotension,  always feeling cold, but also tired too, because you don't have any energy.

It surely is easily treated these days and very manageable, if you're hypoactive, they will prescribe you with a thyroid hormone replacement like synthroid.
If it is hyperactive, most cases is due to a tumor (benign or malignant), It's either surgery (most of the time) or if it's benign sometimes they give you an antithyroid drug (PTU). It depends on how much tissue is removed (if ever surgery is opted) they may not only give you thyroid replacement, but also calcitonin, to prevent bone breakage. And it is a life-long treatment, othr than this, you can have a normal life.

Well, this disease is fairly common, so it will be easy for them to
make a diagnosis for you. They'll most probably do a thyroid scan for confirmation.

Have it treated seriously, there are some permanent effects if not treated for long like eye problems (exophthalmos- bulging eyes), and cardiovascular problems- if hyperactive.
Good Luck!
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