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habiba habiba
Staff Member
Posts: 871
7 years ago
Moisture from a noncondensable gas at T1 and P1 needs to be removed by compression and then cooling so that the gas will finally contain no more than 0.5% moisture (%v). The compression and cooling costs (in $) are C1 and C2, respectively. Assume that in gas compression, gas temperature increase following the expression of ∆T= α (∆P)β, where α and β are constant and ∆ indicates the change in T or P.

C1= m (P2 –P1)1.2, where P1 and P2 in KPa, are the inlet and the outlet pressures of the compressor, respectively.

C2= n (T2 –T3)1.8, where T2 and T3 in K, are the gas temperatures at the cooler's inlet and the outlet, respectively. Both m and n are constants.
Define and list the objective function, the independent and the dependent variables, and all the constraints (equality and inequality). Do not solve the problem.

Note that the vapor pressure of water is related to the temperate by the Antoin's equation of:
Log10P = A-B/(C+T)
Where A, B and C are constants, and P and T are the vapor pressure of water and gas temperature, in KPa and K, respectively.

List stationary point(s) and their classification (maximum, minimum, saddle point) of:
f(x) = (x1 –x2)4+ (x2-2)4

You may want to investigate function values at and near the stationary point f(x1*, x2*) and f(x1* + e1, x2*+ e2)
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