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nustudent83 nustudent83
Posts: 13
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11 years ago
I need to find the x and y intercepts of the equation. I forgot how to find it with two X's. Really appreciate it.
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11 years ago
To find the x intercepts, just set y = 0 and solve for x.  There are two x values that work.
To find the y intercepts, just set x = 0 and solve for y.  There is only one y value that works.
11 years ago
y intercepts occur where x = 0
x intercepts occur where y = 0

0 = 9x - 18x² = 9x(1 - 2x)

Zero product property.
11 years ago
y = 0 gets x-intercepts

9x - 18x² = 0
9x(1 - 2x) = 0
x = 0, 1/2
(0, 0) ((1/2), 0)

x = 0 gets y-intercept

(0, 0)
11 years ago
to find the x-intercept,assume y=0 and
to find the y-intercept,assume x=0.Then solve the problem.
11 years ago
x intercepts are when y = 0

0 = 9x-18x^2

factor the x out

0 = x(9-18x)

So either x = 0 or 9-18x = 0  (because anything times zero is zero)

if 9-18x = 0

9 = 18x
9/18 = x
1/2 = x

So either x = 0 or x = 1/2

Sorry you want y intercept as well?

y = ax^2 = bx + c  (note the c is the y intercept, in this case y = -18x^2 +9x +0  the y intercept is 0)
11 years ago
Just plug x=0 to find the y and then y=0 to find the x intercept...

0=18x^2 -9x(i multiplied the entire equation by -1)
0=9x(2x-1) (solve for both x's by just eliminating the other)
1. 0=9x  Rightwards Arrow  x=0/9  Rightwards Arrow x=0
2. 0=2x-1 Rightwards Arrow 2x = 1  Rightwards Arrow x= 1/2

y = 9(0) - 18(0)^2 Rightwards Arrow y = 0

(0,0) , (0.5,0)

you can also just google it and google will graph it for you.
11 years ago
solving for x- intercept

set y = 0

0 =9x - 18x^2
18x^2 - 9x = 0
9x(2x - 1) = 0
9x = 0, 2x - 1 = 0
x = 0, 2x = 1
............x = 1/2

x - intercept are (0,0),(1/2,0) answer//

for y - intercept

set x = 0

 y = 0

y - intercept is (0,0) answer//
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