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redcandle redcandle
Posts: 3986
8 years ago
To measure the effects of task complexity on an individual's perception of time, a researcher has one group of participants do simple addition problems and another group solve complex mathematical formulas. Both groups are then asked to estimate the amount of time that has elapsed since they began the task. Later the researcher finds out that the participants given the complex task were in a room with higher noise levels than the other group. In this study the noise level would be considered an example of
A) a dependent variable.
B) an independent variable.
C) the placebo effect.
D) a confounding variable.
Psychology and Life

Psychology and Life

Edition: 18th
Read 526 times
3 Replies
Answer verified by a subject expert
Top Poster
Posts: 2650
8 years ago
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redcandle Author
8 years ago
This helps dramatically, thank you for answering.
7 years ago
To measure the effects of task complexity on an individual's perception of time, a researcher has one group of participants do simple addition problems and another group solve complex mathematical formulas. Both groups are then asked to estimate the amount of time that has elapsed since they began the task. Later the researcher finds out that the participants given the complex task were in a room with higher noise levels than the other group. In this study the noise level would be considered an example of
A) a dependent variable.
B) an independent variable.
C) the placebo effect.
D) a confounding variable.
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