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colleen colleen
Valued Member
Posts: 17076
11 years ago
A patient returns to the unit following a cardiac catheterization. Which are appropriate nursing interventions for this patient?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Assess cardiac rhythm and rate.
2. Assess patient for complaints of shortness of breath.
3. Maintain bed rest as ordered.
4. Assess pulses proximal to the insertion site.
5. Maintain fluid restriction.
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Sunshine ☀ ☼

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11 years ago
1,2,3 -- Nursing interventions after the cardiac catheterization procedure include monitoring vital signs every 15 minutes for the first hour and then every 30 minutes until stable. Assess cardiac rhythm and rate for alterations. Assess patient for complaints of chest heaviness, shortness of breath, and abdominal or groin pain. Monitor insertion site for bleeding or hematoma. Assess pulses distal to the insertion site. Administer pain medications as prescribed. Instruct patient to remain on bed rest as ordered. Encourage oral fluids unless contraindicated. Assessing pulses proximal to the insertion site and maintaining fluid restrictions are not appropriate.
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