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smn smn
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11 years ago
Some surface receptors are also enzymes.
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11 years ago
say the most common receptor kinase...cAMP kinase. it's ligand binding site is cAMP.

say u need glucose, then glucagon or epinephrine is produced from your beta-cells of your islets of langerhans from your pancreas......endocrined all the way to your liver cells. then they are bound to the memb and induce some signal transduction pathway. say adenylate cyclase, which will break down ATP to cAMP. this cAMP will bind to INACTIVE cAMP-dependent protein kinase to become ACTIVE cAMP-dependent protein kinase. this in turn will phosphorylates a INACTIVE glycogen phosphorylase to become ACTIVE glycogen phosphorylase that will thus help break down glycogen to smaller subunits ie your glucose that u need. Slight Smile

so u see....it has a receptor that binds to a ligand that later helps it turn to a active kinase (an enzyme that transfer phosphate group....from one compound usually ATP to another specific compound). EXTRA: it can don't be a kinase, it can be phosphatase i.e. break off the phosphate group.... Slight Smile yup.
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