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bio_man bio_man
Posts: 33327
13 years ago
Beauty and brains DO go together! Study claims good-looking men and women have higher IQs

Handsome men and women often appear to be blessed with lucky lives. Now research has shown they are cleverer than most people as well.

Studies in Britain and America have found they have IQs 14 points above average.

The findings dispel the myth of the dumb blondes or good-looking men not being very bright.

Beauty and intelligence: Supermodel Lily Cole, Cambridge student, and Hollywood actress Kate Beckinsale who studied at Oxford

It appears that those already physically blessed attract partners who are not just good looking but brainy too, according to research by the London School of Economics.

The children of these couples will tend to inherit both qualities, building a genetic link over successive generations between them.

LSE researcher Satoshi Kanazawa told the Sunday Times: ''Physical attractiveness is significantly positively associated with general intelligence, both with and without controls for social class, body size and health.

'The association between attractiveness and general intelligence is also stronger among men than among women.'

In other research on social standing, he found that middle-class girls tended to have higher IQs than their working- class counterparts.

Among the millions of examples of  beauty and brains, there's supermodel Lily Cole who went  to  Cambridge University, actress Kate Beckinsale, an Oxford graduate, and physicist Brian Cox, one-time keyboard player with D:ream.

In Britain, the study found that men who are physically attractive had IQs an average 13.6 points above the norm while women were about 11.4 points higher.

Kanazawa's findings were based on the National Child Development Study which followed 17,419 people since their birth in a single week in March, 1958.

Throughout their childhood up to early adulthood, they were given a series of tests for academic progress, intelligence and marked on appearance.

The American research was taken from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health which involved a similar study of 35,000 young Americans.

Kanazawa, whose paper was published in the academic journal Intelligence, said: 'Our contention that beautiful people are more intelligent is purely scientific. It is not a prescription for how to treat or judge others.'
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bio_man Author
13 years ago
It debunks the myth that good-looking people are dumb.
Staff Member
13 years ago
It debunks the myth that good-looking people are dumb.

This myth was probably created by jealous, not-so-good-looking people who cherry picked at the exceptions. Slight Smile
- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
Trusted Member
13 years ago
It debunks the myth that good-looking people are dumb.

This myth was probably created by jealous, not-so-good-looking people who cherry picked at the exceptions. Slight Smile

WAITTTT a second there, isn't attractive a subjective standard?
Staff Member
13 years ago
However, each person must be assessed individually. There are non-good-looking people who are exceptionally gifted.
- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
On Hiatus
13 years ago
However, each person must be assessed individually. There are non-good-looking people who are exceptionally gifted.

Well said!  Slight Smile
Staff Member
13 years ago
If human beauty was totally subjective then disagreement on who is beautiful and who is not would be enormous. Facts however show that there is a colossal degree of overlapping agreement on human facial and body aesthetics.
- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
Trusted Member
13 years ago
In different cultures in history beauty was judged very differently. I also find it a bit telling that we need to refer to popular culture to derive a standard of beauty.
13 years ago
For instance, how many people ( in terms of % ) would disagree that Angelina Jolie and George Clooney are good-looking people ?

So let's debunk the myth that human beauty is totaly "subjective".
13 years ago
biolove, surely, there is a cultural influence on beauty but you are obviously exagerrating when you say that "In different cultures in history beauty was judged very differently."

In support of the claim Nancy Etcoff quotes, for example, “a study showing that regardless of cultural, racial or other background, people would generally agree in rank ordering of other people according to their ‘beauty’”.
Trusted Member
13 years ago
Can people actually provide a standard for this decision? because the studies i've seen show a correlation between general disposition and levels of attractiveness. I recommend reading this book if you get a chance. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3200/SOCP.148.3.379-384
13 years ago
Can people actually provide a standard for this decision? because the studies i've seen show a correlation between general disposition and levels of attractiveness. I recommend reading this book if you get a chance. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3200/SOCP.148.3.379-384

The author of your link seems to indulge in pseudo-science.

Between other psychology fields, Evolutionary psychology presents the most solid scientific evidence and best evolutionary explanations for its claims.
Trusted Member
13 years ago
I suppose you're right in some sense. But the evolutionary psychology you're talking about also notes behavior as a precursor to human attractiveness. Visual aesthetics are one of many factors that determines mate selection in humans. I may have exaggerated a bit and maybe made the mistake of going too postmodern in a psychological sense.
13 years ago
I think that, probably, some of the people who defend that “human beauty is arbitrary” want to both excuse and rationalize their personal non-attractiveness or their odd taste on beauty. Come on guys, get over it. You still can be beautiful on your personality attributes. However, lying about reality is not a good start.
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