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oemBiology oemBiology
Posts: 1263
7 years ago Edited: 7 years ago, oem7110
Since blue light gets shorter wavelength than red light and blue light is easier to disperse. I would like to know on whether we recieve more blue light on sunny or cloudy day on earth's surface.

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions
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7 years ago
Dispersion decreases as wavelength shortens. I'd assume more blue light penetrates the clouds on cloudy days.

oemBiology Author
7 years ago
Dispersion decreases as wavelength shortens. I'd assume more blue light penetrates the clouds on cloudy days.

Referring to following images, during the sunset, the atmosphere layer is getting thicker, the sky appears to be red instead of blue. Based on this assumption, can we say that less blue light penetrating the clouds on cloudy days?

Referring to following images, under the ocean, the water color is blue instead of red.
Why do ocean blue instead of red?

Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you very much for any suggestions :>
7 years ago
Dispersion decreases as wavelength shortens. I'd assume more blue light penetrates the clouds on cloudy days.

You're very wrong. Blue light does scatter, it's the reason the sky is blue, giving it brightness and color.

Rayleigh scattering is inversely proportional to the fourth power of wavelength, so that shorter wavelength violet and blue light will scatter more than the longer wavelengths (yellow and especially red light).

oemBiology Author
7 years ago Edited: 7 years ago, oem7110
Therefore, comparing with cloudy day, there is more blue light reaching the earth surface on sunny day.  If dispersion decreases as wavelength lengthen, Red light should be received more than blue light on Earth's surface.  The next question is why water color is blue instead of red under the ocean.  Referring to following video, I would like to know on why red light is more easy to be absorb by water instead of blue light. 

What happen when red light penetrate water molecules?
What happen when blue light penetrate water molecules?
What make water absorb more red light than blue light?

Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks, to everyone very much for any suggestions :>
7 years ago
Referring to following video, I would like to know on why red light is more easy to be absorb by water instead of blue light.

That's a fair question.

I found some info on Wikipedia that answers your question.

The absorption of electromagnetic radiation by water depends on the state of the water.

In the near-infrared range liquid water has absorption bands around 1950 nm (5128 cm−1), 1450 nm (6896 cm−1), 1200 nm (8333 cm−1) and 970 nm, (10300 cm−1).

The regions between these bands can be used in near-infrared spectroscopy to measure the spectra of aqueous solutions. The absorption band at 698 nm (14300 cm−1) is a 3rd overtone (n=4). It tails off onto the visible region and is responsible for the intrinsic blue color of water. This can be observed with a standard UV/vis spectrophotometer, using a 10 cm path-length.

The colour can be seen by eye by looking through a column of water about 10m in length; the water must be passed through an ultrafilter to eliminate color due to Rayleigh scattering which also can make water appear blue. In both liquid water and ice cluster vibrations occur, which involve the stretching (TS) or bending (TB) of intermolecular hydrogen bonds.

I know this is a very technical explanation, but it does provide good evidence and reasoning to answer your question.
oemBiology Author
7 years ago Edited: 7 years ago, oem7110
Since light can travel through vacuum, is Light a particle, not wave, would it be correct? but light is vibrated at high frequency, which can knocks off an electron within atom.  If light is defined as electromagnetic radiation, light have both property of particle and wave. 

Ocean is blue

Light contains different color of spectrum

Electron Movement

We can only see object from reflected energy, so somehow ocean reflects a lot of blue color, so we see blue ocean.  On the other words, atom emits blue light wavelength frequency and most of electrons emit blue light by dropping into lower energy levels.

I would like to know on why (ocean is not red) or (H2O has less red light wavelength emission), does ocean (H2O) has less electron at lower energy levels?

Furthermore, back to the basic question, how do Rayleigh scattering work on atom level?

Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks, to everyone very much for any suggestions :>

Post Merge: 7 years ago

Post Merge: 7 years ago

Post Merge: 7 years ago

Referring to following video, when an free electron knocks off Hg's electron, that Hg's electron would move up one energy level.  After the free electron gives a ultraviolet proton to Hg's electron (as video mentioned). I would like to know on what the free electron get or lose during this process.  A free electron is just an electron, why a free electron can give out a ultraviolet proton on above process?

Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks, to everyone very much for any suggestions :>

7 years ago
Life is both a particle and a wave.

If light is defined as electromagnetic radiation, light have both property of particle and wave. 

This statement is correct.

I believe the ocean act as a mirror of the sky. H2O is a clear liquid, and depending on the light of the sky, the light will reflect that light. For example, during sun down, the light reflects red
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oemBiology Author
7 years ago Edited: 7 years ago, oem7110
Light have the property of particle and wave, but light is a particle only, because Light can travel through space, and light is not a wave.  Would it be correct statement?

If Light is a particle - electromagnetic radiation, what substance is made of light? electron?

"The ocean act as a mirror of the sky", I would like to look at mirror effect on atom levels.

Referring to following video, when an free electron knocks off Hg's electron, that Hg's electron would move up one energy level.  After the free electron gives a ultraviolet proton to Hg's electron (as video mentioned). I would like to know on what the free electron get or lose during this process.  A free electron is just an electron, why a free electron can give out a ultraviolet proton on above process?

Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks, to everyone very much for any suggestions :>


7 years ago
Light is made of photons. To put it simply photons are the fundamental particle of light. They have a unique property in that they are both a particle and a wave. This is what allows photons unique properties like refraction and diffusion. However light particles are not quite the same as other elementary particles. They have interesting characteristics that are not commonly observed. First, as of right now physicists theorize that photons have no mass. They have some characteristics of particles like angular momentum but their frequency is independent of the influence of mass. They also don’t carry a charge.

Photons are basically the most visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. This was one of the major breakthroughs Einstein and the father of quantum physics, Planck made about the nature of light. This link is what is behind the photoelectric effect that makes solar power possible.Because light is another form of energy it can be transferred or converted into other types. In the case of the photoelectric effect the energy of light photons is transferred through the photons bumping into the atoms of a giving material. This causes the atom that is hit to lose electrons and thus make electricity.

As mentioned before photons played a key role in the founding of quantum physics. The study of the photons properties opened up a whole new class of fundamental particles called quantum particles. Thanks to photons we know that all quantum particles have both the properties of waves and particles. We also know that energy can be discretely measured on a quantum scale.

Photons also played a big role in Einstein’s theory of relativity. without the photon we would not understand the importance of the speed of light and with it the understanding of the interaction of time and space that it produced. We now know that the speed of light is an absolute that can’t be broken by natural means as it would needs an infinite amount of energy something that is not possible in our universe. So without the photon we would not have the knowledge about our universe that we now possess.

How does a mirror work at the atomic level?

Coming soon... Give me a few hours Frowning Face Slight Smile
7 years ago
How does a mirror work at the atomic level?

Keep in mind that the photon is *much* larger than the atoms making up the mirror. The distance between atoms in the silver on the back of the mirror might be 0.3 nm, but the wavelength of (green) light is 500 nm. In terms of wave equations (Maxwell’s equations for electromagnetic fields), the light would see a very smooth surface, not even noticing the individual atoms.

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