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Whistler Whistler
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6 years ago
Of the following, which statement most accurately describes the rate of dropping out of high school for members of cultural minorities compared to students in general?
A) Overall, about 60% of students graduate from high school, but for members of cultural minorities, that figure is closer to 30%.
B) Overall, about 90% of students graduate from high school, but for members of cultural minorities, that figure is closer to 80%.
C) Overall, slightly more than 70% of students graduate from high school, but for members of cultural minorities, that figure is closer to 50%.
D) Overall, about 70% of students graduate from high school, but for members of cultural minorities, that figure is closer to 33%.
Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional

Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional

Edition: 5th
Read 93 times
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Posts: 418
6 years ago
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