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iloveamy511 iloveamy511
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11 years ago
I am doing a science assignment and i need information on what negative effects of :

an overturned transport truck spills pesticides onto the roadway and into the local water system

and i need to say who should be responsible for cleaning it

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11 years ago
This should not be too tough. The spill will kill any insects, any animals, and many of the plants in the immediate area.  If it flows into a stream, it will probably kill all the bugs and the fish in the stream for some distance down stream.  It will continue to poison animals that drink from the stream a long ways down stream.  It will soak into the ground and contaminate the ground water.  'There are laws that cover who is responsible.
11 years ago
Sprayed pesticides are falling on the ground and during rain, they go down and pollute the ground water.They also find their way to lakes,rivers and pollute them killing the fishes and other marine plants ands animals.
So population of fish is reduced,Human beings get cancer like disses
after comsuming contaminated fish.
Insects build resistance to pesticides and we have to use larger quantity.
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