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smlan3 smlan3
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11 years ago
have a physics project to do and it involves taking something that has to do with physics out of a movie. theres a scene in a movie where the bus goes over a ramp crossing a small gap and landing on the other side. i know projectile motion is involved. are there any others? thanks Slight Smile
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11 years ago
gravity, as well as every other law of physics that normally apply to an object, even when it is motionless.
11 years ago
You're thinking of the movie "Speed"?

Yes, it's projectile motion.  Simple ballistics.

Actually, it's a little more complicated.  As soon as the bus's front wheels leave the ramp, gravity will start pulling the front end down, creating a rotational motion of the bus.

Mythbusters did a nice re-creation of this Hollywood trick.  (It wouldn't have worked in real life.)
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