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darlas92 darlas92
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10 years ago
I am looking at what's left of my garden.  Stink bugs killed all the arugula, mustards/lettuces, radishes, Brassicas (cabbages etc).  Having consumed everything, the local population has doomed itself to starvation.  Why doesn't that sort of thing happen more often?
Seriously, why doesn't a selfish lynx and its descendants just kill all the snowshoe hares?
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10 years ago
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10 years ago
The bugs will likely move to another food source. Since the food source (your garden) is seasonal things that feed on them will eat all they can when they can. Humans are the only animals that cultivates food.

Lynx are selfish and would kill all the snowshoe hares if it could. Thanks to evolution both species are in a constant arms race to either kill or avoid being killed leaving neither with a clear advantage. Animals don't think of resources as we do they are too busy simply trying to survive long enough to pass on their genes.

Simply put with our big brains we can control our food supply. Animals can't.
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