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rubybraich rubybraich
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6 years ago
Name the two methods that will produce a spectrum from white light.  Compare the methods based on the

•   type of apparatus used
•   wave properties involved
•   mathematical calculations used to describe the process
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6 years ago
The two method are diffraction and the prism method

1. Diffraction grating

A diffraction grating is an optical component with an intermittent structure, which splits and diffracts light into a few pillars going in various ways. The developing shading is a type of auxiliary coloration. The bearings of these pillars rely upon the dividing of the grinding and the wavelength of the light with the goal that the grinding goes about as the dispersive component. Along these lines, gratings are usually utilized as a part of monochromators and spectrometers.

2. Prism

A Prism is a clear optical component with level, cleaned surfaces that refract light. No less than two of the level surfaces must have a point between them. The correct points between the surfaces rely upon the application. The conventional geometrical shape is that of a triangular prism with a triangular base and rectangular sides, and in conversational utilize "prism" typically alludes to this sort. A few sorts of optical ptism are not in actuality in the state of geometric crystals. prisms can be produced using any material that is straightforward to the wavelengths for which they are planned. Average materials incorporate glass, plastic and fluorite.
wave properties involved

> prism - The wave properties of light are dispersion and recombination
> diffraction method - The wave properties of light are destructive interference,diffraction crest and troughs.

Mathematical calculations used to describe the process
> diffraction method
lamda =xd/nl , lambda =dsin/n
> Prism method
µ = sin i/sin r
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