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lubo77 lubo77
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7 years ago
Noise is sound that can damage hearing or cause mental or emotional distress.

Type: FIB
Topic: Describe the consequences of noise pollution and what you can do to protect yourself.

79) Parliament passed the Clean Air Act in 1970 in order to develop standards for air quality.

Type: FIB
Topic: Identify the major causes of air pollution, including photochemical smog and acid rain, and make suggestions for reducing it.

80) Carbon monoxide is the odourless, colourless gas that originates primarily from motor vehicle emissions.

Type: FIB
Topic: Identify the major causes of air pollution, including photochemical smog and acid rain, and make suggestions for reducing it.

81) The brownish-yellow haze that results from the combination of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides is known as photochemical smog.

Type: FIB
Topic: Identify the major causes of air pollution, including photochemical smog and acid rain, and make suggestions for reducing it.

82) Forests and lakes are showing damaging levels of sulphur deposition due to acid rain.

Type: FIB
Topic: Identify the major causes of air pollution, including photochemical smog and acid rain, and make suggestions for reducing it.

83) Formaldehyde is a colourless, strong-smelling gas present in some carpets, draperies, and furniture.

Type: FIB
Topic: Identify the major causes of air pollution, including photochemical smog and acid rain, and make suggestions for reducing it.

84) The specific chemicals responsible for the rapid depletion of the ozone layer are called chlorofluorocarbons.

Type: FIB
Topic: Identify the major causes of air pollution, including photochemical smog and acid rain, and make suggestions for reducing it.

85) A build-up of greenhouse gases in the earth's atmosphere is said to have an effect called global warming.

Type: FIB
Topic: Identify the major causes of air pollution, including photochemical smog and acid rain, and make suggestions for reducing it.

86) Pollutants that enter a waterway at a specific point through a pipe, ditch, culvert, or other such conduits are referred to as point-source pollutants.

Type: FIB
Topic: Identify major sources of water pollution and make suggestions for reducing it.

87) Lead might be ingested in household water if the house is an older one.

Type: FIB
Topic: Identify major sources of water pollution and make suggestions for reducing it.

88) Trihalomethanes, or THMs, are synthetic organic chemicals formed at water treatment plants when the added chlorine reacts with natural organic compounds in the water.

Type: FIB
Topic: Identify major sources of water pollution and make suggestions for reducing it.

89) The process by which chemicals dissolve and filter through soil is called leaching.

Type: FIB
Topic: Identify major sources of water pollution and make suggestions for reducing it.

90) A nuclear meltdown is an accident that occurs when the temperature in the core of a nuclear reactor increases sufficiently to melt the nuclear fuel and the containment vessel housing it.

Type: FIB
Topic: Identify the major causes of land pollution and what you can do to reduce it.

91) Formaldehyde is released into the air in a process called outgassing.

Type: FIB
Topic: Identify the major causes of air pollution, including photochemical smog and acid rain, and make suggestions for reducing it.

92) An ailment in which the skin develops hard, black, painful pimples that may never go away chloracne.

Type: FIB
Topic: Identify major sources of water pollution and make suggestions of reducing it.

93) Match the following. (Answers may be used once, more than once, or not at all.)

1. metal pollutant found in some auto exhaust   a. lead
2. also known as non-point-source water pollutants   b. runoff
3. contaminant liquid from landfills and dumps   c. leachate
4. has devastating effects on lakes and forests   d. acid rain
5. carcinogen found in older insulating materials   e. asbestos
6. can be found in pipes of homes built before 1930   f. lead
7. major contributor to ozone depletion   g. CFCs
8. another name for photochemical smog   h. ozone pollution
9. volatile organic compounds   i. hydrocarbons
10. type of radiation in medical X-rays   j. ionizing
11. chlorinated hydrocarbons which are contained in herbicides   k. dioxins
12. tiny solid particles or liquid droplets suspended in the air   l. particulates
13. chemicals designed to dissolve grease and oil   m. organic solvents

14. term used to measure exposure of radiation absorbed doses   n. rads

Type: Match

94) What is ozone? Explain how it can be both beneficial and harmful to humans and the environment.
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7 years ago
Ozone is a form of oxygen that is produced when nitrogen dioxide reacts with hydrogen chloride. In the lower atmosphere, ozone irritates the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, causing coughing and choking, and can impair lung function and aggravate heart disease, asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia. In the upper atmosphere, however, the ozone layer serves as a protective membrane against the heat and radiation of the sun.
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