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lausengc lausengc
Posts: 35
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12 years ago
Marcy is a meteorologist concerned that rainfall may decline in a country undergoing extentsive deforestation.  Why might rainfall decline?
A. Lack of nitrogen fixation
B. Depletion of aquifers
C. Pollution of ground water
D. Excessive nitrogen fixation
E. Reduced traspiration

If you encountered a seafloor that you suspected was composed largly of diatom or foraminferan skeletal material, a diagnostic test to identify foraminiferans would detect which compound?
A. Chlorophyll a
B. Silica
C. Carrageenan
D. Agar
E. Calcium carbonate

Calo is a microbiologist who detected viral genes intergated into bacteria and found that the viral genes were reproducied each time a bacterium divided.  What kind of infection is he witnessing?
A. Lysopgenic
B. Acute
C. Latent
D. Lytic
E. Tertiary

If a person eats contaminated meat from a caw that sufferd from mad cow disease, how might that person acquire the disease?
A. Cow prion RNA strands are replicated in human brain cells
B. Cow prion RNA strands are replicated in human nerve
C. Cow prions convert normal human prions to abnormal forms
D. Cow prions replicate in the human stomach
E. Cow prions mutate human DNA

Brandon had chicken pox for ten days when he was 10 years old, then many years later he suffered a painful case of shingles that lasted 2 weeks.  This was caused by the chickenpox virus that had rested inactive in his body since causing chickenpox.  How would you describe the sequence of infections, namely chickenpox>sleeping virus>shingles?
A. Acute>latent>acute
B. Pathogenic>acute>pathogenic
C. Persistent>acute>latent
D. Acute>lytic>pathogenic
E. Lysogenic>lytic>acute

Chen is studying viral carbohydrates.  Where would he expect to find these?
A. Core
B. Nucleus
C. Cell wall
D. Capsid
E. Envelope

Nora  was a biologist testing the effects of a vacine against West nile virus.  She compared the west nile infection rates between a vaccinated community and as unvaccinated community that was otherwise similar.  In this investigation, how would you classify unvaccinated community?
A. Controlled variables
B. Dependent variable
C. Control
D. Treatment
E. Independent variable

Maria is a microbiologist investigating possiable causes of a new disease that is killing people in her community.  As a scientist, which of the following hypotheses would Maria NOT investigate?
A. The disease is caused by a spiritual force
B. The disease is caused by a bacteria
C. The disease is trasmitted by mosquitoes
D. The disease is casued by a food contaiminant
E. The disease is caused by mercury pollution

Yan was studying the effects of diet cola on tooth decay.  He compared the rate of tooth decay in a group of people who consumed diet cola to the rate of tooth decay in a group of non-consummers who otherwise had similar diets and lifestyles.  In this investigation which is the independent variable?
A. Diet cola
B. The similarity of the diets
C. The consumers
D. Tooth decay
E. The non-consummers

Halem is studying differences between human DNA and starfish DNA.  Where might he find the greatest differences?
A. Deoxyribopse
C. Bases
D. Ribose
E. Amino acids
Read 2012 times
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12 years ago
Halem is studying differences between human DNA and starfish DNA.  Where might he find the greatest differences?
A. Deoxyribopse
C. Bases
D. Ribose
E. Amino acids

C. Bases
lausengc Author
12 years ago
Thank you do you know any of the other ones?
12 years ago
Marcy is a meteorologist concerned that rainfall may decline in a country undergoing extentsive deforestation.  Why might rainfall decline?
A. Lack of nitrogen fixation
B. Depletion of aquifers
C. Pollution of ground water
D. Excessive nitrogen fixation
E. Reduced traspiration

E. Reduced transpiration
lausengc Author
12 years ago
You are a lifesaer bioman.  Any others your aware of?
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