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amoders amoders
Posts: 6
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10 years ago
Not sure what answer is. Please help?  A and P homework question.

Person received a small but deep cut in exact midline of the anterior side of distal forwarm.  Would they bleed to death.  Why?  Explain Resoning.

Thanks so much for your help.
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Staff Member
10 years ago
There's the radial and ulnar artery found there that pushes blood at high pressure. It's very much the first area where blood is pumped from your heart! If you cut it, you will lose blood very quickly, possibly faint and/or die.
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
amoders Author
10 years ago
thank for all the help you have given me with all my questions.
i was thinking maybe the answer to tis one would be he shouldn't worry so much because in the midsagital region of your wrist there are not a whole lot of veins our arteries there?
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