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Leocastilho Leocastilho
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6 years ago
Describe three specific examples from the text of how humans communicate meaning without verbal language.
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
Answer: The ideal answer will include:
1. Sign languages include all of the features of verbal languages. They are typically used by the hearing impaired, but their use can be found in various cultural contexts.
2. American Indian groups use silence to communicate a range of meanings, often related to ambiguity or uncertainty.
3. In Japan, kimono sleeve length communicates facts about the wearer including age and marital status.
4. Eye contact has different meaning in different cultures. It is expected and valued in Euro-American conversations, but considered impolite or lewd in many Asian cultures.
5. The meaning of head coverings for women differs between cultures: In Egypt, head covering is done by lower or middle-class women; in Kuwait, the reverse is true.
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