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pallakjj pallakjj
Posts: 12
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10 years ago
We have a journal reporting regarding Renal Physiology and our chosen journal is entitled as "Dental Considerations in patients with chronic renal failure, can someone help me with this please? It would be of great help.

If a patient has chronic renal failure, are dentists able to perform oral check up or operations to them? If not, why? These patients also have specific drug dosage which can be determined by creatinine clearance. Can anyone tell me in a simplified way on how to determine creatinine clearance and giving dosage to these patients. Also, what is the relationship with chronic renal failure and dental anomalies in a patient? Can chronic renal failure lead to dental anomalies or something? Can someone elaborate this?

Thank you in advance to those who could answer some of my questions. I am having a hard time understanding the journal since we haven't had Pharmacology yet.  Crying Face
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Staff Member
10 years ago
Is there a correlation between chronic renal failure and dental anomalies? I never knew the two were even closely related Confounded Face I've attached something that might help. let me know if it helps.
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Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
pallakjj Author
10 years ago
The document that you have attached is the journal that I was talking about. I am having a hard time understanding the results since its mostly pharmacology related, and as I've mentioned, we have not yet been taught about Pharmacology. T.T Do u have any idea??? Thanks btw.
Staff Member
10 years ago
It's still understandable without knowledge in pharmacology. I'd have to read the whole thing, but I don't have the time. If anything, the results are cleanly summarized in the conclusion:

The most important renal pathology in dentistry is CRD.
Up to 90% of patients with CRD show oral signs and
symptoms, such as bleeding tendency, greater susceptibility
to infections and gingival overgrowth produced by
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
pallakjj Author
10 years ago
Thanks. Do you know the patho-physiology of Chronic Renal Disease?
Staff Member
10 years ago
A lot to read, but it's exactly what you need Downwards Arrow
Source  http://student.vetdoctor.ru/ftp/wendy/data/M04197.htm
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
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