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10 years ago
Thanks so so much! Slight Smile
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Staff Member
10 years ago
Thanks so so much! Slight Smile

Please post the question word for word

1.   Assume that white color is dominant over yellow color in squash.  If pollen from the anthers of a heterozygous white-fruited plant is placed on the pistil of a yellow –fruited plant, what would be the ratios among the genotypes and among the phenotypes of plants grown from the resulting seeds?
a.   F=white fruit
b.   f = yellow fruit
2.   In human beings, brown eyes are usually dominant over blue eyes.  Suppose a blue-eyed man marries a brown-eyed woman whose father had blue eyes.  What proportion of their children would you predict will have blue eyes?
a.   B=brown eyes
b.   b= blue eyes
3.   If a brown eyed man marries a blue-eyed woman and they have 10 children, all with brown eyes, can you be certain that the man is homozygous for eye color?  If the eleventh child has brown eyes, will that prove what the father’s genotype is?
4.   A brown-eyed man whose father had brown eyes and whose mother had blue eyes married a blue-eyed woman whose father and mother both had brown eyes.  The couple has a blue-eyed son.  Construct a pedigree for this family, showing all the genotypes for which you can be certain, and indicate the possible genotypes of individuals whose genotypes cannot be determined from the information given. What further information could you use to determine the genotypes of those individuals?
5.   Two short-tailed cats were mated, and produced a litter of 11 kittens:  3 with no tails, 2 with long tails, and 6 with short tails.  What would be the simplest explanation of the inheritance of tail length in these cats?  Show the genotypes of each kind.
6.   In the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, vestigial wings and hairy body are produced by two recessive alleles carried on different chromosomes.  The normal alleles, long wings and hairless body, are dominant.  If a vestigial-winged, hairy male is crossed with a female homozygous for both of the normal traits, what would be the phenotypes and genotypes of their progeny?  If the F1 generation was allowed to mate randomly among themselves, what phenotypes and genotypes would be expected among the F2 generation, and in what proportions?
a.   F=normal wing
b.   F=vestigial wing
c.   H=hairless body
d.   h=hairy body
7.   If a hairy female heterozygous for vestigial wing is crossed with a vestigial-winged male heterozygous for hairy body, what will be the characteristics of the F1 generation?
8.   In some breeds of dogs, a dominant allele controls the characteristics of barking while trailing.  In these dogs, another, independent gene controls ear shape, erect ears being dominant over floppy ears.  If a dog breeder wants to produce a true-breeding strain of floppy-eared dogs that bark on the trail, how should she proceed, knowing that the alleles for erect dogs and silent trailing are present in her kennels?
a.   B=barker
b.   b=silent
c.   E=erect ears
d.   e=drooping ears
9.   In hogs, a gene that produces a white belt around the animal’s body is dominant over its allele for solid color. Another gene produces a fusion of the two hooves on each foot, a condition known as syndactyly.  The syndactyl allele is dominant over the allele that produces normal hooves.  If a solid-colored hog homozygous for syndactyly is mated with a normal-footed hog homozygous for the belted character, what would be the genotypes and phenotypes of the progeny?  If the progeny are allowed to breed freely among themselves, what genotypes and phenotypes would you predict among their offspring, and in what proportions?
a.   F=white belt
b.   f=solid color
c.   S=Syndactyl hoof
d.   s=normal hoof
10.   In watermelons, the genes for green color and for short shape are dominant over the alleles for striped color and for long shape.  If a plant producing long, striped fruit is crossed with a plant that is heterozygous for both these characters, what would be the phenotypes of plants grown from the resulting seeds, and in what ratios?
a.   G=green
b.   g=striped
c.   S=short
d.   s=long
11.   In peas, a gene for long stems (L) is dominant over its allele for short stems (l).  The gene for smooth seeds (W) is dominant over the allele for wrinkled seeds (w). Calculate the genotypic and the phenotypic ratios that would be expected among the progeny of the following crosses:
a.   LlWw x LlWw
b.   Llww x llww
c.   llWw x Llww
d.   LLww x llWW
12.   A dominant gene, A, causes yellow color in rats. In another, independent gene the dominant form (R) produces a black coat color.  When the two dominants occur together (A_R_), they interact to produce grey.  Rats with the genotype aarr are cream colored.  If a grey male and a yellow female, when mated, produce a litter consisting of approximately 3/8 grey, 1/8 cream, and 1/8 black individuals, what are the genotypes of the parents?
13.   What are the genotypes of a yellow male rat and a black female rat that, when mated, produce 46 grey and 53 yellow offspring?
14.   In Leghorn chickens, colored feathers are due to a dominant gene, C; white feathers are produced by its recessive allele, c.  Another dominant gene (I) carried on a different chromosome, inhibits color expression in birds with genotypes CC or Cc.  Consequently, both C_I_ and cc__ are white.  A colored rooster is mated with a white hen and produces many offspring, all colored.  What are the genotypes of a) the parents, and b) the offspring?
15.   If the dominant gene K is necessary for hearing, and the dominant gene M results in deafness no matter what other genes are present, what percentage of the offspring produced by the cross kkMm x Kkmm will be deaf?
16.   When Mexican hairless dogs are crossed with normal, hairy dogs, about half the pups are hairless and half have hair.  When two Mexican hairless dogs are mated, about a third of the pups have hair, about two-thirds are hairless, and a few deformed pups are born dead.  Explain these results.
17.   Red-green color-blindness is inherited as a sex-linked recessive trait. If a color blind woman marries a man who has normal vision, what would be the expected phenotypes of their children with reference to this character?
a.   XB = normal color vision
b.   Xb = color blind
18.   Suppose that b is a sex-linked, recessive, lethal allele. If a man married a woman who carried the allele, and they had many normal children, what would you predict the sex ratio of the children to be?
a.   Xb = recessive lethal
19.   If two parents are both of the genotype KkLlMm, what fraction of their offspring would be expected to have the genotype kkllmm?
20.   In a certain species of butterfly, the genes controlling body color and wing shape are located on the same chromosome.  Black is dominant to white body color, and tapered wing is dominant to rounded wing.  If a female homozygous for black body and tapered wing mates with a male having a white body and rounded wings, what would be the expected genotypes and phenotypes in the F2 generation, and in what proportions?
a.   B=black  T=tapered
b.   b=white  t=rounded
21.   In some people, the carbohydrate A and B antigens of the ABO blood groups not only are found on the surface of the red blood cells but also are secreted into the saliva and other body fluids.  Secretion of the antigens is due to a dominant allele of another genetic locus called secretor.  People of genotype SeSe or Sese do secrete the A and B antigens, but those of genotype sese do not.  There is epistasis between the genetic systems, because people of blood group O are nonsecretors regardless of their secretor genotype.  The ABO and secretor genes are different chromosomes and therefore show independent assortment.  In crosses of the following type, what is the expected ratio of secretors to nonsecretors?
a.   IA IO  Se se x IB IO  Se se
22.   A recessive mutation of an X-linked gene in human beings results in hemophilia, marked by prolonged increase in the time needed for blood clotting.  Suppose that a phenotypically normal couple produces two normal daughters and a son affected with hemophilia.
a.   What is the probability that both of the daughters are heterozygous carriers?
b.   If one of the daughters and a normal man produce a son, what is the probability that the son will be affected?
23.   Duchenne-type muscular dystrophy is an inherited disease of muscle due to a mutant form of a protein called dystrophin.  The pattern of inheritance of the disease has these characteristics 1) affected males have unaffected children 2) the unaffected sisters of affectedmales often have affected sons 3)the unaffected brothers of affected males have unaffected children.  What type of inheritance do these findings suggest?  Explain your reasoning.
24.   Tall red-flowered hibiscus ismated with short, white-flowered hibiscus.  Both varieties are true-breeding.  All the F1 plants are backcrossed with the short, white-flowered variety.  This backcross yields 188 Tall red, 203 Tall white, 175 short red, and 178 short white plants. Does the observed result fit the genetic hypothesis of 1:1:1:1 segregation as assessed by a chi-square test?
25.   In D. melanogaster, the alleles dp+  and dp determine long versus short winds, and e+ and e determine gray versus ebony body.  A dihybrid cross was carried out to produce flies homozygous for both dp and e.  The following phenotypes were obtained in the F2 generation:
a.   Long wing, gray body         462
b.   Long wing, ebony body      167
c.   Short wing, gray body        127
d.   Short wing, ebony body          44
26.   Construct a map of a chromosome from the following recombination frequencies between individual pairs of genes:  r-c 10, c-p 12, p-r 3, s-c 16, and s-r 8.   You will discover that the distances are not strictly additive.  Why aren’t they?
27.   In the yellow-fever mosquito, Aedes acgypti, a dominant gene DDT for DDT resistance (DDT is dichlorodiphenyltrichloroetha ne, an insecticide) and a dominant gene Dl for Dieldrin resistance (Dieldrin is another long lasting insecticide) are known to be in the same chromosome.  A cross was carried out between a DDT resistant strain and a Dieldrin resistant strain, and female progeny resistant to both insecticides were testcrossed with wildtype males.  The progeny were 99 resistant to both insecticides, ii resistant to DDT only, 89 resistant to Dieldrin only, and 106 sensitive to both insecticides.
a.   Are DDT and Dl alleles of the same gene?  How can you tell?
b.   Are DDT and Dl linked?
c.   What can you say about the positions of DDT and Dl along the chromosome?
28.   The yeast Saccharomyces cervisiae has unordered tetrads.  In a cross made to study the linkage relationships among three genes, the tetrads in the accompanying table were obtained.  The cross was between a strain of genotype + b c and one of genotype a + +.
Tetrad type      Genotypes of spores in tetrads         Number of tetrads
1         a++    a++    +bc     +bc      132
2         ab+   ab+   ++c   ++c      124
3         a++   a+c   +b+   +bc        64
4         ab+   abc   +++   ++c        80
                                                  Total          400

a.    From these data determine which, if any, of the genes are linked.
b.   For any linked genes, determine the map distances.

Which one in particular?
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
10 years ago
Problems 1-3 in the attachment
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padre,  jamesrod
Find a job that you like and you will never work another day.
tsweet24 Author
10 years ago
all questions on the attached document !

Thanks so so much! Slight Smile

Please post the question word for word

1.   Assume that white color is dominant over yellow color in squash.  If pollen from the anthers of a heterozygous white-fruited plant is placed on the pistil of a yellow –fruited plant, what would be the ratios among the genotypes and among the phenotypes of plants grown from the resulting seeds?
a.   F=white fruit
b.   f = yellow fruit
2.   In human beings, brown eyes are usually dominant over blue eyes.  Suppose a blue-eyed man marries a brown-eyed woman whose father had blue eyes.  What proportion of their children would you predict will have blue eyes?
a.   B=brown eyes
b.   b= blue eyes
3.   If a brown eyed man marries a blue-eyed woman and they have 10 children, all with brown eyes, can you be certain that the man is homozygous for eye color?  If the eleventh child has brown eyes, will that prove what the father’s genotype is?
4.   A brown-eyed man whose father had brown eyes and whose mother had blue eyes married a blue-eyed woman whose father and mother both had brown eyes.  The couple has a blue-eyed son.  Construct a pedigree for this family, showing all the genotypes for which you can be certain, and indicate the possible genotypes of individuals whose genotypes cannot be determined from the information given. What further information could you use to determine the genotypes of those individuals?
5.   Two short-tailed cats were mated, and produced a litter of 11 kittens:  3 with no tails, 2 with long tails, and 6 with short tails.  What would be the simplest explanation of the inheritance of tail length in these cats?  Show the genotypes of each kind.
6.   In the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, vestigial wings and hairy body are produced by two recessive alleles carried on different chromosomes.  The normal alleles, long wings and hairless body, are dominant.  If a vestigial-winged, hairy male is crossed with a female homozygous for both of the normal traits, what would be the phenotypes and genotypes of their progeny?  If the F1 generation was allowed to mate randomly among themselves, what phenotypes and genotypes would be expected among the F2 generation, and in what proportions?
a.   F=normal wing
b.   F=vestigial wing
c.   H=hairless body
d.   h=hairy body
7.   If a hairy female heterozygous for vestigial wing is crossed with a vestigial-winged male heterozygous for hairy body, what will be the characteristics of the F1 generation?
8.   In some breeds of dogs, a dominant allele controls the characteristics of barking while trailing.  In these dogs, another, independent gene controls ear shape, erect ears being dominant over floppy ears.  If a dog breeder wants to produce a true-breeding strain of floppy-eared dogs that bark on the trail, how should she proceed, knowing that the alleles for erect dogs and silent trailing are present in her kennels?
a.   B=barker
b.   b=silent
c.   E=erect ears
d.   e=drooping ears
9.   In hogs, a gene that produces a white belt around the animal’s body is dominant over its allele for solid color. Another gene produces a fusion of the two hooves on each foot, a condition known as syndactyly.  The syndactyl allele is dominant over the allele that produces normal hooves.  If a solid-colored hog homozygous for syndactyly is mated with a normal-footed hog homozygous for the belted character, what would be the genotypes and phenotypes of the progeny?  If the progeny are allowed to breed freely among themselves, what genotypes and phenotypes would you predict among their offspring, and in what proportions?
a.   F=white belt
b.   f=solid color
c.   S=Syndactyl hoof
d.   s=normal hoof
10.   In watermelons, the genes for green color and for short shape are dominant over the alleles for striped color and for long shape.  If a plant producing long, striped fruit is crossed with a plant that is heterozygous for both these characters, what would be the phenotypes of plants grown from the resulting seeds, and in what ratios?
a.   G=green
b.   g=striped
c.   S=short
d.   s=long
11.   In peas, a gene for long stems (L) is dominant over its allele for short stems (l).  The gene for smooth seeds (W) is dominant over the allele for wrinkled seeds (w). Calculate the genotypic and the phenotypic ratios that would be expected among the progeny of the following crosses:
a.   LlWw x LlWw
b.   Llww x llww
c.   llWw x Llww
d.   LLww x llWW
12.   A dominant gene, A, causes yellow color in rats. In another, independent gene the dominant form (R) produces a black coat color.  When the two dominants occur together (A_R_), they interact to produce grey.  Rats with the genotype aarr are cream colored.  If a grey male and a yellow female, when mated, produce a litter consisting of approximately 3/8 grey, 1/8 cream, and 1/8 black individuals, what are the genotypes of the parents?
13.   What are the genotypes of a yellow male rat and a black female rat that, when mated, produce 46 grey and 53 yellow offspring?
14.   In Leghorn chickens, colored feathers are due to a dominant gene, C; white feathers are produced by its recessive allele, c.  Another dominant gene (I) carried on a different chromosome, inhibits color expression in birds with genotypes CC or Cc.  Consequently, both C_I_ and cc__ are white.  A colored rooster is mated with a white hen and produces many offspring, all colored.  What are the genotypes of a) the parents, and b) the offspring?
15.   If the dominant gene K is necessary for hearing, and the dominant gene M results in deafness no matter what other genes are present, what percentage of the offspring produced by the cross kkMm x Kkmm will be deaf?
16.   When Mexican hairless dogs are crossed with normal, hairy dogs, about half the pups are hairless and half have hair.  When two Mexican hairless dogs are mated, about a third of the pups have hair, about two-thirds are hairless, and a few deformed pups are born dead.  Explain these results.
17.   Red-green color-blindness is inherited as a sex-linked recessive trait. If a color blind woman marries a man who has normal vision, what would be the expected phenotypes of their children with reference to this character?
a.   XB = normal color vision
b.   Xb = color blind
18.   Suppose that b is a sex-linked, recessive, lethal allele. If a man married a woman who carried the allele, and they had many normal children, what would you predict the sex ratio of the children to be?
a.   Xb = recessive lethal
19.   If two parents are both of the genotype KkLlMm, what fraction of their offspring would be expected to have the genotype kkllmm?
20.   In a certain species of butterfly, the genes controlling body color and wing shape are located on the same chromosome.  Black is dominant to white body color, and tapered wing is dominant to rounded wing.  If a female homozygous for black body and tapered wing mates with a male having a white body and rounded wings, what would be the expected genotypes and phenotypes in the F2 generation, and in what proportions?
a.   B=black  T=tapered
b.   b=white  t=rounded
21.   In some people, the carbohydrate A and B antigens of the ABO blood groups not only are found on the surface of the red blood cells but also are secreted into the saliva and other body fluids.  Secretion of the antigens is due to a dominant allele of another genetic locus called secretor.  People of genotype SeSe or Sese do secrete the A and B antigens, but those of genotype sese do not.  There is epistasis between the genetic systems, because people of blood group O are nonsecretors regardless of their secretor genotype.  The ABO and secretor genes are different chromosomes and therefore show independent assortment.  In crosses of the following type, what is the expected ratio of secretors to nonsecretors?
a.   IA IO  Se se x IB IO  Se se
22.   A recessive mutation of an X-linked gene in human beings results in hemophilia, marked by prolonged increase in the time needed for blood clotting.  Suppose that a phenotypically normal couple produces two normal daughters and a son affected with hemophilia.
a.   What is the probability that both of the daughters are heterozygous carriers?
b.   If one of the daughters and a normal man produce a son, what is the probability that the son will be affected?
23.   Duchenne-type muscular dystrophy is an inherited disease of muscle due to a mutant form of a protein called dystrophin.  The pattern of inheritance of the disease has these characteristics 1) affected males have unaffected children 2) the unaffected sisters of affectedmales often have affected sons 3)the unaffected brothers of affected males have unaffected children.  What type of inheritance do these findings suggest?  Explain your reasoning.
24.   Tall red-flowered hibiscus ismated with short, white-flowered hibiscus.  Both varieties are true-breeding.  All the F1 plants are backcrossed with the short, white-flowered variety.  This backcross yields 188 Tall red, 203 Tall white, 175 short red, and 178 short white plants. Does the observed result fit the genetic hypothesis of 1:1:1:1 segregation as assessed by a chi-square test?
25.   In D. melanogaster, the alleles dp+  and dp determine long versus short winds, and e+ and e determine gray versus ebony body.  A dihybrid cross was carried out to produce flies homozygous for both dp and e.  The following phenotypes were obtained in the F2 generation:
a.   Long wing, gray body         462
b.   Long wing, ebony body      167
c.   Short wing, gray body        127
d.   Short wing, ebony body          44
26.   Construct a map of a chromosome from the following recombination frequencies between individual pairs of genes:  r-c 10, c-p 12, p-r 3, s-c 16, and s-r 8.   You will discover that the distances are not strictly additive.  Why aren’t they?
27.   In the yellow-fever mosquito, Aedes acgypti, a dominant gene DDT for DDT resistance (DDT is dichlorodiphenyltrichloroetha ne, an insecticide) and a dominant gene Dl for Dieldrin resistance (Dieldrin is another long lasting insecticide) are known to be in the same chromosome.  A cross was carried out between a DDT resistant strain and a Dieldrin resistant strain, and female progeny resistant to both insecticides were testcrossed with wildtype males.  The progeny were 99 resistant to both insecticides, ii resistant to DDT only, 89 resistant to Dieldrin only, and 106 sensitive to both insecticides.
a.   Are DDT and Dl alleles of the same gene?  How can you tell?
b.   Are DDT and Dl linked?
c.   What can you say about the positions of DDT and Dl along the chromosome?
28.   The yeast Saccharomyces cervisiae has unordered tetrads.  In a cross made to study the linkage relationships among three genes, the tetrads in the accompanying table were obtained.  The cross was between a strain of genotype + b c and one of genotype a + +.
Tetrad type      Genotypes of spores in tetrads         Number of tetrads
1         a++    a++    +bc     +bc      132
2         ab+   ab+   ++c   ++c      124
3         a++   a+c   +b+   +bc        64
4         ab+   abc   +++   ++c        80
                                                  Total          400

a.    From these data determine which, if any, of the genes are linked.
b.   For any linked genes, determine the map distances.

Which one in particular?
Staff Member
10 years ago
That's a bit overkill, you're permitted two questions per thread. No more.
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
tsweet24 Author
10 years ago
okay.... so can i know 4, 5 and 6 ?
Staff Member
10 years ago
4.   A brown-eyed man whose father had brown eyes and whose mother had blue eyes married a blue-eyed woman whose father and mother both had brown eyes.  The couple has a blue-eyed son.  Construct a pedigree for this family, showing all the genotypes for which you can be certain, and indicate the possible genotypes of individuals whose genotypes cannot be determined from the information given. What further information could you use to determine the genotypes of those individuals?

If a child is blue-eyed both parents must carry the blue allele (b). Thus, the father in this case must be Bb.  Her mother was blue-eyed, so each of her brown-eyed parents must be heterozygotes.
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Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
9 years ago
Thank you
3 years ago
Thank i
3 years ago
thank you
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