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mandy! mandy!
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10 years ago
1.)the nurse is assigned to care for a female client with full thickness burns over 1/4 of her body. what characteristics would the nurse expect to be of most urgency to assess in this client??

2.)if you increased the relative amount of collagen in a bone, while keeping the calcium levels the same, how would the physical characteristics of the bone be changed?

3.)how is a strong nerve stimulus coded for by action potentials if all action potentials are identical?

4.)cancer is a genetic problem in which genes that control mitosis have been mutated. as a result, the cancerous cell will divide uncontrollably. many cell types develop cancer but neurons do not. the reason is that______??

if anyone has any suggestions that would help...
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10 years ago
4.)cancer is a genetic problem in which genes that control mitosis have been mutated. as a result, the cancerous cell will divide uncontrollably. many cell types develop cancer but neurons do not. the reason is that______??

Neurons don't replicate (divide). They are arranged in a specific way to facilitate thought and memory. If they divided (replicated) without others dying, then the brain would grow too large.
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
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