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lesh0402 lesh0402
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6 years ago
When assessing the sensory skin perception of an elderly client, the nurse strokes the skin with a cotton ball at various places on both sides of the body. What information does the nurse obtain from this assessment?
  A) Ability to identify sharp and dull touch
  B) Ability to identify fine touch
  C) Ability to differentiate temperature change
  D) Ability to sense vibrations
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6 years ago
Stroking the client's skin with a cotton ball at various places on both sides of the body helps to determine the client's ability to identify fine touch. The nurse uses both the pointed and the curved ends of a safety pin to determine if the client can discriminate between sharp and dull touch. The nurse touches the client with warm and cold containers to assess the client's ability to identify differences in temperature. The client's ability to sense vibrations is determined by striking a tuning fork and placing the stem on bony areas, such as the wrist or along the shin.
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