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Subject Blog Comments Views Author Date Written
Bonobos, Chimpanzees, and the 98% DNA Link
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Biology Forums Blog 0 14483 bio_man 11 months ago
Simulating the evolution of aggression
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Biology Forums Blog 0 3760 duddy 2 years ago
Did birds evolve from dinosaurs?
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Biology Forums Blog 1 4133 bio_man 3 years ago
Where is our third eyelid?
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Biology Forums Blog 0 2654 bio_man 5 years ago
Key energy-producing proteins missing in this plant
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Biology Forums Blog 0 1535 bio_man 5 years ago
Poison dart frog
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Biology Forums Blog 0 1553 bio_man 6 years ago
What causes the rattle in a rattlesnake's tail?
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Biology Forums Blog 0 6025 bio_man 7 years ago
An essential bone lost
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Biology Forums Blog 0 16706 duddy 7 years ago
Our butts are the largest in the animal kingdom. Why?
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Biology Forums Blog 4 4153 duddy 8 years ago
A few things you probably didn't know about chimpanzees
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Biology Forums Blog 0 4827 duddy 8 years ago
This synthetic organism survives with less than 500 genes
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Biology Forums Blog 0 10813 duddy 8 years ago
Being afraid of the dark is totally normal
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Biology Forums Blog 1 13184 duddy 8 years ago
Why do humans have chins?
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Biology Forums Blog 2 14055 duddy 8 years ago
Turns out that fish oil only benefits those who have the right genes
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Biology Forums Blog 0 15486 duddy 9 years ago
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Biology Forums Blog 0 9155 ehd123 9 years ago
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