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Assignment 8: Health, Stress and Coping

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Category: Psychology and Mental Health
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BESC1490 Introduction to Psychology Topic 8. Health, stress and coping Task B: Complete the following Life Events Stress Test and answer the associated questions [~200 words] What was your overall stress score? My overall stress score was 365 (Team, 2016). Name and describe the major stressor in your life In the past year I have had a baby and had a very close friend pass away. Describe a possible coping strategy that could be used to resolve this stress To resolve the stress of my friend passing away I can use emotion-focused coping, mainly distraction and not thinking about what has happened has helped me (McLeod, 2015). Dealing with the stressor of having a new baby I am better off using problem-focused coping, this would include using instrumental social support by asking for help from others (McLeod, 2015). Discuss whether you would use others [eg., disclosure] in your stress resolution I would definitely use others in helping me to cope with a new baby, using them for instrumental social support and hand on helping can help to give me a break and time to do other things. Using disclosure could help me cope with my friend’s passing, this could help by getting out what I am feeling and in turn decreasing the stress I am facing. Task C. Answer one of the following in no more than a 100 words: Apply some aspect of this material to some part of your life [or your future work life] or Ask the course coordinator an interesting question on this week’s content [note insightful questions [and the answer] may be posted for other students to read In my life I am currently facing all sorts of stressful situations such as my friend passing and a new baby. I have found more coping strategies and way to help me cope with the stress and grief I am facing. Using a combination of emotional-based and problem-based coping strategies I can continue to cope with my stress and future stressors. By doing this I will reduce the likelihood of future illness and disease caused by stress (Health, 2017). Bibliography Health, E. (2017, November 15). Illnesses Caused By Stress. Retrieved August 27, 2018, from Everyday Health: McLeod, S. (2015). Stress Management. Retrieved August 27, 2018, from Simply Psychology: Team, M. T. (2016). The Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale. Retrieved August 27, 2018, from Mind tools:

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