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The Atmosphere: An Introduction to Meteorology - Chapter 5

University of Nebraska
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5.1 Clouds are classified and named according to their height and: Temperature Water content Cloud droplet size Form Amount of precipitation produced 5.1 Clouds are classified and named according to their height and: Temperature Water content Cloud droplet size Form Amount of precipitation produced 5.2 Which of the following are sources of cloud condensation nuclei? Dust storms Volcanic eruptions Pollen Forest fires All of the above 5.2 Which of the following are sources of cloud condensation nuclei? Dust storms Volcanic eruptions Pollen Forest fires All of the above 5.3 Which of the following cloud types would be LEAST likely to have precipitation associated with it? Cumulonimbus Nimbostratus Cirrus Stratus 5.3 Which of the following cloud types would be LEAST likely to have precipitation associated with it? Cumulonimbus Nimbostratus Cirrus Stratus 5.4 A Sun or a Moon halo forms around which type of cloud? Cirrostratus Cumulonimbus Altostratus Cirrus Stratus 5.4 A Sun or a Moon halo forms around which type of cloud? Cirrostratus Cumulonimbus Altostratus Cirrus Stratus 5.5 You observe a cloud at an altitude of 10,000 feet. This cloud name would have the prefix: Alto Cirro Strato Medial Nimbo 5.5 You observe a cloud at an altitude of 10,000 feet. This cloud name would have the prefix: Alto Cirro Strato Medial Nimbo 5.6 The cloud type that is best described as sheets or layers that cover much or all of the sky is termed: Cumulus Stratus Cirrocumulus Cumulonimbus Cirrus 5.6 The cloud type that is best described as sheets or layers that cover much or all of the sky is termed: Cumulus Stratus Cirrocumulus Cumulonimbus Cirrus 5.7 This word indicates that a cloud is a rain producer: Lenticular Alto Nimbus Cumulus Cirro 5.7 This word indicates that a cloud is a rain producer: Lenticular Alto Nimbus Cumulus Cirro 5.8 Thunder and lightning are associated with which type of clouds? Cirrostratus Cumulonimbus Altostratus Cirrus Stratus 5.8 Thunder and lightning are associated with which type of clouds? Cirrostratus Cumulonimbus Altostratus Cirrus Stratus 5.9 Which association is correct? Low cloud – stratus Middle cloud – cirrus Vertical cloud – nimbostratus High cloud – altostratus Low cloud – cirrostratus 5.9 Which association is correct? Low cloud – stratus Middle cloud – cirrus Vertical cloud – nimbostratus High cloud – altostratus Low cloud – cirrostratus 5.10 Where are lenticular clouds most likely to form? Over oceans Along coastlines To the lee of mountains In desert regions Downwind of lakes 5.10 Where are lenticular clouds most likely to form? Over oceans Along coastlines To the lee of mountains In desert regions Downwind of lakes 5.11 Which type of fog occurs during nights when skies are clear and relative humidity is high? Steam fog Advection fog Radiation fog Precipitation fog Upslope fog 5.11 Which type of fog occurs during nights when skies are clear and relative humidity is high? Steam fog Advection fog Radiation fog Precipitation fog Upslope fog 5.12 When warm, moist air moves over a cold surface, ________ fog may result. Steam Advection Radiation Precipitation Upslope 5.12 When warm, moist air moves over a cold surface, ________ fog may result. Steam Advection Radiation Precipitation Upslope 5.13 This type of fog is produced when cold air moves over a warm, moist surface: Steam fog Advection fog Radiation fog Precipitation fog Upslope fog 5.13 This type of fog is produced when cold air moves over a warm, moist surface: Steam fog Advection fog Radiation fog Precipitation fog Upslope fog 5.14 Most precipitation that falls in the middle latitudes is formed by: The Bergeron process Collision-coalescence Spontaneous freezing of water droplets Condensation of water vapor 5.14 Most precipitation that falls in the middle latitudes is formed by: The Bergeron process Collision-coalescence Spontaneous freezing of water droplets Condensation of water vapor 5.15 Which of the following best describes supercooled water? Part liquid and part solid A unique form of ice that only forms in clouds Liquid water at temperatures below 0° C Water with a slightly different chemical nature than ordinary water Produced from dry ice 5.15 Which of the following best describes supercooled water? Part liquid and part solid A unique form of ice that only forms in clouds Liquid water at temperatures below 0° C Water with a slightly different chemical nature than ordinary water Produced from dry ice 5.16 The collision-coalescence process occurs when the entire cloud is: Below freezing Above freezing Raining Snowing 5.16 The collision-coalescence process occurs when the entire cloud is: Below freezing Above freezing Raining Snowing 5.17 Which of the following types of precipitation results when raindrops freeze before reaching the ground? Rime Glaze Hail Sleet Snow 5.17 Which of the following types of precipitation results when raindrops freeze before reaching the ground? Rime Glaze Hail Sleet Snow 5.18 What type of precipitation causes ice to form on surfaces as supercooled water makes contact with them? Sleet Graupel Glaze Snow Hail 5.18 What type of precipitation causes ice to form on surfaces as supercooled water makes contact with them? Sleet Graupel Glaze Snow Hail 5.19 Which of the following instruments can be used to measure precipitation? Tipping-bucket gauge Anemometer Barograph Thermometer Bi-metal strip 5.19 Which of the following instruments can be used to measure precipitation? Tipping-bucket gauge Anemometer Barograph Thermometer Bi-metal strip 5.20 Cloud seeding using silver iodide only works when: Cold clouds are composed entirely of ice crystals. Warm clouds are composed entirely of water droplets. A portion of the cloud contains supercooled water. Cumuliform clouds are present. 5.20 Cloud seeding using silver iodide only works when: Cold clouds are composed entirely of ice crystals. Warm clouds are composed entirely of water droplets. A portion of the cloud contains supercooled water. Cumuliform clouds are present. 5.21 Which of the following is NOT a form of intentional weather modification? Cloud seeding Fog dispersal Frost prevention Hail suppression Urbanization 5.21 Which of the following is NOT a form of intentional weather modification? Cloud seeding Fog dispersal Frost prevention Hail suppression Urbanization

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