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Organizational Behaviour – Ch2 Ch3

University of Ottawa
Uploaded: 4 years ago
Contributor: dante_alias
Category: Management
Type: Lecture Notes
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Filename:   Organizational Behaviour – Ch2 Ch3.docx (24.43 kB)
Page Count: 3
Credit Cost: 1
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CHAPTER 2 – JOB PERFORMANCE Employee behaviours that contribute either positively, or negatively to the accomplishment of organizational goods. Two Elements of Job Performance Results Objective measures of outcomes Focusing on the bottom line (sales target – weekly, daily etc.) Behaviour Specific behaviours employees engage in Focusing on people, not just the bottom line (Comcast – how they treat customers) Task Performance What you’ve been hired to do. Behaviours that are directly involved in the transformation of resources into the goods or services. Included in a job description. Routine Predictable tasks, habitual responses EX. Flight attendant – giving security instructions Adaptive What happens in a time of crisis. Thoughtful responses to unpredictable tasks. EX. Middle of an exam, the fire alarm goes off. Creative Finding new and better wats of doing things EX. Entrepreneurially minded business Citizenship Behaviours Voluntary behaviours that contribute to achieving organizational goals by the work context. Interpersonal Helping EX. New employee, stay to help them out Courtesy EX. Fill them in on what the other person has missed (class) Sportsmanship EX. Refraining from being difficult to work with Organizational Voice EX. Bringing up ideas for improvement – constructive Civic Virtue EX. Participating in activities at a deeper than normal Boosterism EX. Image that you project to your employer when you’re not at work Counterproductive Behaviours Intentional (voluntary) behaviours that hinder the achievement of organizational goals. Can be interpersonal or organizational. Production deviance Wasting resources Substance abuse Property deviance Sabotage Theft Political Deviance Gossiping Incivility Personal Aggression Harassment Abuse CHAPTER 3 – ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT Commitment is the desire to remain a member of the organization. People who aren't committed are slowly becoming withdrawn. Why is Commitment Important • Unengaged employees are expensive • Less employee turnover - Turnover is expensive • Increase performance EX. Working with an organization for 5 years. Why would you remain a member of this organization? Benefits Opportunity for advancement The people Job Security Drivers of Overall Organization Commitment 1. Affective Commitment a. Emotional attachment to and involvement with the organization. Staying because you WANT to. EMOTION BASED SADNESS ? DUE TO… i. Erosion ? Fewer bonds with others are likely to leave. ii. Social Influence ? Staying because you WANT to. 2. Continuous Commitment a. Perceptions of costs associated with staying vs leaving. Staying because you NEED to. Lack of alternatives. RESOURCE BASED ANXIETY ? DUE TO… i. Embeddedness ? So tied to your situation, that leaving would be tough ii. Lack of alternatives 3. Normative Commitment a. Feeling of obligation to remain loyal. Staying because you SHOULD. OBLIGATION BASED GUILT ? DUE TO… ® Owing someone? How do people respond to negative work events? 1. Loyalty 2. Voice 3. Neglect a. Psychological Withdrawal (STILL PRESENT) Daydreaming Socializing Looking Busy Cyber loafing Moonlighting 4. Exit a. Physical Withdrawal (NOT PRESENT) Tardiness Missing Meetings Long Breaks Absenteeism Quitting

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