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European Politics Kubicek 3rd Edition Chapter (12).doc

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Kubicek, European Politics Chapter 12 Test Bank Questions Multiple Choice Questions 1. All of the following are policies that have been adopted by at least one European country EXCEPT a. a ban on the construction of minarets. b. a ban on the Koran, the Muslim holy book. c. a ban on wearing the burqa. d. a ban on wearing the hijab in schools. e. prospective immigrants must pass a test on local language and culture. Answer: b; Skill level: Understanding; Page reference: p. 341, pp. 354-355 and p. 357 2. Prior to World War II, a. there were no immigrants in Europe. b. most immigration in Europe was intra-European integration. c. Gastarbeiter came to Germany. d. Muslim immigrants began to settle in large numbers in Europe. e. only Great Britain had a large number of immigrants. Answer b Understanding p. 342 Answer: b; Skill level: Understanding; Page reference: p. 342 3. The one problem with the “guest workers” was that a. they were not very efficient workers. b. they lowered wages for native workers. c. they did not go back to their home countries. d. they engaged in violent behavior. e. they entered Europe illegally. Answer: c; Skill level: Understanding; Page reference: p. 343 4. The largest group of immigrants in France comes from a. Turkey. b. sub-Saharan Africa. c. North Africa. d. Eastern Europe. e. South Asia. Answer: c; Skill level: Understanding; Page reference: p. 344-345 5. The process whereby immigrants adopt the practices, manners, customs, and language of the host country is known as a. integration. b. multiculturalism. c. assimilation. d. secularism. e. emigration. Answer: c; Skill level: Understanding; Page reference; p. 346 6. A problem with multiculturalism in Europe has been a. immigrants feel this policy does not respect their culture. b. it does not foster integration into the host society. c. it has not really been implemented in any state. d. the EU objects to its use. e. it has led to attacks on immigrants. Answer: b; Skill level: Analysis; Page reference: p. 356, 356-358 7. “Positive discrimination” has been proposed a. as an example of a multicultural policy. b. to enforce secularism in France. c. to enhance job opportunities for minorities. d. in the wake of the killing of Theo Van Gogh. e. by the EU as a way to foster integration. Answer: c; Skill level: Understanding; Page reference: p. 354-355 8. Foreign-born people in Europe a. likely earn more than the native-born people. b. cannot become citizens in any country. c. are discriminated against in employment. d. suffer from xenophobia. e. are likely to vote for far-right political parties. Answer: c; Skill level: Analysis; Page reference: p. 347 9. Xenophobia is associated with a. multiculturalism. b. emigration. c. assimilation. d. far-right political parties. e. positive discrimination. Answer: d; Skill level: Application; Page reference: p. 348 10. The Danish cartoon controversy revealed a. a tension between values of freedom and tolerance. b. that Europe was able to speak with a single voice against intolerance. c. that Europe is becoming more tolerant. d. that Europe is moving away from defending free speech. e. that Denmark has the most serious problems with immigrants among European countries. Answer: a; Skill level: Analysis; Page reference: pp. 349-350 11. The policy of issuing “blue cards” is designed to a. end immigration. b. attract only skilled immigrants. c. attract only immigrants who are white. d. expel immigrants. e. foster integration. Answer: b; Skill level: Understanding; Page reference: p. 352 12. Looking ahead, it is fair to say a. illegal immigration will become a more serious problem. b. multiculturalism will eventually succeed. c. Europe will be forced to adopt policies on immigrants similar to those of the United States. d. immigrants will naturally integrate with their host societies. e. Europe will have a high need for immigrants. Answer: e; Skill level: Analysis; Page reference: p. 353 13. The French policy of laïcité is a version of a. secularism. b. integration. c. assimilation. d. supranationalism. e. integration. Answer: a; Skill level: Understanding; Page reference: p. 354 14. President Nicolas Sarkozy of France a. is an advocate of multiculturalism. b. is pro-immigration because he is the son of an immigrant. c. wants to end the policy of laïcité. d. has proposed some changes in French law to accommodate immigrants. e. has suggested that those responsible for the riots in France receive the death penalty. Answer: d; Skill level: Analysis; Page reference: p. 355 15. In the Netherlands, all the following are true EXCEPT a. opponents to immigration have attacked Islam as a religion. b. unlike France, no one has been killed by radical Islamists. c. opposition to immigration comes from the left and the right. d. the far-right has gained strength in the Dutch parliament. e. the government has traditionally adopted a policy of multiculturalism. Answer: b; Skill level: Understanding; Page reference: p. 356 16. The European Union has yet to devise a comprehensive immigration policy because a. it would cost a lot of money. b. Europeans do not really recognize immigration as a problem. c. Eastern Europeans have objected to it. d. it lacks the legal power to cover any immigration issue. e. countries have been reluctant to cede power to the EU in this area. Answer: e; Skill level: Analysis; Page reference: p. 358 17. The only European country where people were more likely than Americans to say religion is important is a. Spain. b. France. c. Italy. d. Greece. e. Turkey. Answer: e; Skill level: Understanding; Page reference: p. 361 18. Some have suggested that America may be more religious than most of Europe because of a. the effects of modernization theory. b. the separation of church and state in the United States. c. the cold war. d. high levels of post-materialism in the United States. e. its electoral system. Answer: b; Skill level: Analysis; Page reference: p. 362 19. Compared to 1980, abortion rates in Europe a. have tended to rise. b. have tended to fall. c. have tended to remain about the same. d. have risen most strongly in Eastern Europe. e. have risen most strongly in western Europe. Answer: b; Skill level: Analysis; Page reference: pp. 364-365 20. Policies toward drugs such as marijuana a. are set by the EU. b. are universally permissive across Europe. c. vary greatly from country to country. d. have changed because the majority of Europeans favor legalization of many drugs. e. are most liberal in the Netherlands. Answer: c; Skill level: Understanding; Page reference: p. 366-367 21. All of the following countries allow gay marriage EXCEPT a. Spain. b. Belgium. c. Norway. d. Czech Republic. e. Portugal. Answer: d; Skill level: Understanding; Page reference: p. 367 22. Turkey’s prospective membership in the EU has been held up by all of the following EXCEPT a. Turkey’s human rights record. b. periodic military coups. c. Turkey has not been recognized as “European” by the EU. d. disputes over the status of Cyprus. e. economic underdevelopment. Answer: c; Skill level: Analysis; Page reference: p. 368 23. The Justice and Development Party, which has Islamic roots, has a. rejected Turkey’s bid to join the EU. b. tried to impose Islamic law in Turkey. c. pulled Turkey out of NATO. d. pushed through numerous democratic reforms. e. been banned by the Turkish courts. Answer: d; Skill level: Understanding; Page reference: p. 369 24. Public opinion on Turkish membership in the EU seems to suggest that people object to Turkey’s membership a. because Turkey is not a democracy. b. because Turkey is poor. c. because they fear Turkish immigrants. d. for cultural reasons. e. because Turkey is too big. Answer: d; Skill level: Analysis; Page reference: p. 370 25. The Schengen Agreement a. was designed to address Europe’s immigration problem. b. makes the need for an EU immigration policy more urgent. c. will expire in 2012. d. will restrict immigration to Europe. e. will foster integration of immigrants. Answer: b; Skill level: Understanding; Page reference: p. 358 True/False Questions 1. France’s approach to immigrants is one of multiculturalism Answer: False; Skill level: Application; Page reference: p. 353-355 2. It is easier to be naturalized as a citizen in France than in Germany. Answer: True; Skill level: Application; Page reference: p. 347-348 3. The Swiss People’s Party endorses policies of multiculturalism. Answer: False; Skill level: Application; Page reference: p. 351 4. Public opinion surveys reveal that most Europeans believe immigrants should be Christian. Answer: False; Skill level: Understanding; Page reference: p. 352 5. France has banned the wearing of the hajib in schools. True Understanding p. 354 Answer: True; Skill level: Understanding; Page reference: p. 354 6. Ayaan Hirsi Ali was expelled from the Netherlands for being a radical Islamist. False Understanding p. 357 Answer: False; Skill level: Understanding; Page reference: p. 357 7. Since the 2000s, Turkey has failed to adopt reforms required by the EU for membership. False Understanding pp. 369–370 Answer: False; Skill level: Understanding; Page reference: p. 369-370 8. Most states in the EU now allow gay marriage. Answer: False; Skill level: Understanding; Page reference: p. 367 9. Americans tend to be more religious than most Europeans. True Understanding pp. 361–362 Answer: True; Skill level: Understanding; Page reference: p. 361-362 10. All European states have more liberal laws on abortion and drug use than the United States. False Analysis pp. 364–366 Answer: False; Skill level: Analysis; Page reference: p. 364-366 Essay Questions 1. What are the arguments for and against immigration in Europe? Which point of view do you find more persuasive? 2. In 2010-2011, the leaders of Germany, France, and Great Britain call claimed that policies of multiculturalism have failed. Do you think European countries can pursue policies of multiculturalism, or should they adopt alternative approaches to deal with their increasingly more diverse societies? 3. How are differences in levels of religious belief between the United States and Europe reflected in European identity? 4. Do you think Turkey should join the EU? How would its membership change the EU? 5. Should immigration policy be something decided at the EU level? What types of EU-level policies might be good for solving problems relating to immigration?

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