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Category: Biology
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Tags: plants, proteins, causes, response, concentration, called, membrane, growth, protein, enzymes, ethylene, leaves, produce, elongation, signal
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Plants respond to environmental signals.
Since plants are fixed in a place for live, they respond to environmental signals by adjusting its growth and development.
Review chapter 11 “Cell Communication.”
General models for a signal-transduction pathway.
Receptors are located in the plasma membrane of the target cells.
When reception occurs at the plasma membrane, a pathway of several steps is initiated, which brings a change in a molecule which in turn causes a change in an adjacent molecule and so on. The last molecule in the sequence brings about the response.
1) Reception: the signal molecule binds to an integral protein in the plasma membrane. Photoreceptors are called phytochromes.
2) Transduction: the binding of the signal causes a configurational change in the membrane protein, which initiates the process. Transduction can occur in one step or several steps. The intermediate molecules in the transduction pathway are called relay molecules.
Certain small molecules and ions are involved in the transduction pathway and are called second messengers.
The extracellular signal is the "first messenger."
First messenger (signal) combines with receptors on the plasma membrane of the target cell.
The plasma membrane has G-protein linked receptors.
G-protein linked receptor activates a G protein.
G protein releases GDP and then binds with GTP, which then becomes activated.
The active G protein binds to a receptor, Ca2+ channels open and calcium ions move into the cell.
Certain receptors are linked by a G protein to calcium ion channels.
Calcium in the cell binds to the protein calmodulin and changes conformation.
The activated calmodulin then activates certain enzymes, which activate genes and transcription starts.
Transcription of mRNA leads to the translation of proteins and the response, e. g. greening of leaves.
3) Response: in the final stage, an enzyme is activated that causes a response. The response could be the catalysis of a reaction, the rearrangement of the cytoskeleton or the activation of a gene
Transcriptional regulation: One mechanism involves the stimulation of transcription of mRNA. Transcription factors bind directly to specific regions of DNA and control the transcription of specific genes. The activation of transcription factors depend on cGMP or on Ca2+.
Post-transcriptional regulation: Another mechanism involves the activation of existing enzymes. Most often these existing proteins are modified by phosphorylation. Many second messengers, including cGMP, and some receptors themselves, including some forms of phytochrome, activate protein kinases directly. One protein kinase may phosphorylate another which in turns phosphorylate another forming a cascade reaction. There are other enzymes called phosphatases that remove phosphate and switch off the process.
The tissues that sense environmental change are not necessarily those that respond to the change.
Plant hormones are chemical messengers, chemical signals.
Produced in one part of the plant.
Transported to another part of the plant.
Causes a physiological response: regulate growth and development.
Each hormone type causes several responses.
The responses of different hormones overlap.
There are five classes of plant hormones.
Tropism is a growth response to an external stimulus from a specific direction.
Changes are permanent and irreversible.
Tropisms may be positive if the plant grows toward the stimulus or away from it.
The Discovery of Plant Hormones
The Darwins published their hypothesis about chemical signals and phototropism in 1881.
Peter Boysen-Jensen concluded in 1913, after conducting experiments, that the signal was indeed a chemical and that it could diffuse from one part of the plant to another.
In 1925, Frits Went conducted his classical experiment with oat coleoptiles. Went was able to collect the phototropic chemical in blocks of agar.
Went was able to produce a phototropic-like response without the stimulus of light.
Cholodny and Went proposed independently that the response is caused by an asymmetrical distribution of the hormone.
Went named the hormone auxin from the Greek auxein, to increase.
The Cholodny-Went Hypothesis.
Auxin is produced in the tips of the coleoptiles.
The word auxin is used for any substance that causes the elongation of coleoptiles.
Aux = Greek, "to increase."
Auxins may have multiple effects.
The auxin is then transported from one side to another of the coleoptile in response to light.
Cells on the side with the greater concentration of auxin will elongate more causing the entire stem to bend towards the light.
Other scientists have proposed that the auxin is destroyed in the side where the light strikes causing a difference in auxin concentration along the stem.
Kögl and Thimann independently isolated the auxin hormone. It turned out to be indoleacetic acid or IAA.
IAA has a molecular structure similar to the amino acid tryptophan; it is thought that IAA is derived from tryptophan.
A Survey of Plant Hormones
1. Auxins
The natural auxin found in plants is indole-acetic acid, IAA.
Other natural and synthetic substances have auxin activity.
Auxin is made from the amino acid tryptophan in the shoot tip of plants.
The concentration of IAA is about 50 nanograms for every 50 grams of fresh tissue.
1 ng = 1 billionth of a gram or 0.000 000 000 1 g
When IAA arrives at a target cell, then its message must be received and transduced to produce the appropriate response.
The speed at which auxin is transported down the stem from the shoot apex is about 10 mm per hour: too fast for diffusion but slower than translocation in the phloem.
Auxin is transported through parenchyma cells from one cell to the next, from shoot tip to base and never in the opposite direction.
This unidirectional transport is called polar transport.
Polar transport is not related to gravity.
There are carrier proteins, efflux carrier proteins, located only on the cell membrane at the base of the cell.
Auxin leaves the cell through these carrier proteins following an electrochemical gradient.
The Acid-Growth Hypothesis
This hypothesis attempts to explain the role of auxin in cell elongation.
Auxin stimulates growth only over certain concentration range, 10-8 to 10-4 M.
The hypothesis proposes that...
IAA produces or activates additional proton pumps.
The pumping of protons into the extracellular matrix makes the cell wall more acidic.
Acidification of the wall activates enzymes called expansins that break the cross links between cellulose microfibrils and other cell wall material, loosening the fabric.
Increasing the membrane potential causes K+ and other positive ions to enter the cell.
This increase in solutes brings an influx of water into the cell.
There is then an increase in turgor pressure that makes cell expansion possible.
Hager and colleagues found that cells treated with addition IAA increased the number of proton pumps by 80% relative to untreated control cells.
They also found that the acidity of the cell wall changed from a pH of 5.5 to one of 4.5.
Cosgrove found two classes of cell wall proteins that actively increase cell length when the pH in the cell wall drops below 4.5.
These proteins are called expansins.
Expansins have been found in many species and tissues but how they work is not known yet.
One hypothesis proposes that these proteins break the bonds between cellulose fibers and pectin fibers or other wall components, allowing for stretching and expansion of the wall.
An overview of auxin action.
It is produce in the apical meristem of shoots, in young leaves and in seeds.
It is transported downward in parenchyma cells.
It causes cell elongation, induces cell division of the vascular cambium, promotes xylem and phloem differentiation, inhibits lateral bud development, stimulates the opening o tree buds and elongation of shoots, stimulates fruit development but delays ripening, and inhibits leaf abscission (delays senescence).
Auxin is also the root-growth hormone sold in nurseries. It promotes root growth on cut-off shoots.
It helps to determine the overall shape of the plant due to changes in light availability, wind strength, etc.
Auxin concentration signals how tissues should respond.
Auxins alter gene expression in the area of elongation by producing proteins that activate or repress other genes. These genes are involved in the production of cytoplasm and cell wall material after the initial spurt of growth.
2. Cytokinins
Cytokinins are modified form of adenine.
There are more than 200 natural and synthetic cytokinins. The most common is Zeatin, which was first discovered in Zea mays, corn.
Control of Cell Division and Differentiation.
They are produced in actively growing tissues like roots, embryos and fruits.
Travel upward in the xylem.
Cytokinins work together with auxin in stimulating cell division and influencing the pathway of differentiation.
The concentration of the two hormones has to be in proper balance.
Control of Apical Dominance
The direct inhibition hypothesis proposes that auxin and cytokinins act antagonistically in regulation lateral bud growth.
In apical dominance, the majority of the stem growth takes place in the apical meristem of the shoot, and inhibits the growth of other meristems (e.g. lateral buds) located down the stem of the plant.
The cytokinins entering the stem from the roots counter the action of the auxin and promote lateral bud development.
Not all facts are known about these interactions.
An overview of cytokinin action.
Cytokinins work together with auxin in the promotion of cell division.
The concentration of cytokinins promotes cell division but the cells remain undifferentiated, but if the concentration is raised, the cell will differentiate.
Promote cell division and differentiation in which unspecialized cells become specialized, stimulate leaf expansion due to cell elongation, promote chloroplast development, stimulate lateral bud development, inhibits abscission and delays senescence.
3. Gibberellins (GA)
Japanese scientist isolated a substance in the 1930s that causes rice seedlings to elongate abnormally and fall over before harvest.
These rice plants were infected with the fungus Gibberella fujikuroi. Treating seedling with extract of the fungus caused abnormally long plants.
The Japanese scientists name the chemical signal gibberellin.
By the 1950, scientists found that plants, not only fungi, produce gibberellins.
There are about 136 gibberellins identified from vascular plants, fungi and bacteria. Gibberellins are name in the sequence in which they are discovered: G1, G2, G3, etc.
Gibberellins are derived from acetyl-CoA.
Gibberellins cause cell wall loosening but not by acidifying the cell wall.
One theory proposes that gibberellins facilitate the penetration of expansin proteins into the cell wall.
Auxin acidifies the wall and activates expansins, and gibberellins, facilitates the penetration of expansins by stimulating cell-wall-loosening enzymes. Both hormones work in concert.
Gibberellins stimulate the synthesis of digestive enzymes in the seed such as ?-amylase that mobilize stored nutrients. This happens after water is imbibed by the seed.
An overview of gibberellin action.
It is produced in young leaves, roots, shoot apical meristem and in the seed embryo.
Method of transport in the plant is unknown.
It promotes seed germination, cell division and elongation, stimulates bolting and flowering in response to long days, fruit development, flowering in some plants and breaks seed dormancy and winter dormancy. They have little effect on root growth.
4. Brassinosteroids are steroid chemically similar cholesterol and the sex hormone of animals.
Their effects are similar to those of auxin.
Brassinosteroids promote cell elongation and division in stem segments, and may retard leaf abscission and promote xylem differentiation.
Brassinosteroids are produced in seeds, fruit, shoots, leaves and floral buds.
Abscisic acid (ABA)
Abscisic acid was isolated in the 1960s.
The name was given because it was thought by early investigators that it played a role in the abscission of leaves and bud dormancy. Dormin was another early name for ABA. ABA is no longer considered to be important in either of these two functions.
ABA is synthesized primarily in the chloroplasts.
ABA slows down growth and act antagonistically to the growth-promoting hormones. The ratio of ABA to the other hormones (gibberellins) determines the final outcome.
Preliminary data suggests that...
ABA activates transcription repressors.
Both activators and repressors compete for the same site in the promoter gene.
If ABA is in higher concentration, repression dominates and dormancy occurs.
If gibberellin is in higher concentration, activators dominate and germination proceeds.
ABA allows the plant to withstand drought.
ABA through its effect on second messengers causes an increase in the opening of outwardly directed potassium channels in the plasma membrane of guard cells, leading to a massive loss of potassium from them, a reduction in turgor and the closing of the stomata.
Inhibits shoot growth but will not have as much affect on roots or may even promote growth of roots.
Induces seeds to synthesize storage proteins.
Inhibits the affect of gibberellins on stimulating de novo synthesis of ?-amylase.
An overview of ABA activity.
It is produced in older leaves, the root cap and stems. Stressed plants produce abscisic acid.
It travels in the vascular tissue.
It inhibits seed germination and promotes winter and seed dormancy, formation of bud scales. It causes the closing of stomata in plants under water stress
6. Ethylene H2C=CH2
Plants produce the gas ethylene in response to stresses such drought, flooding, mechanical pressure, injury and infection.
Ethylene is produced from the amino acid methionine in most plant tissues.
Induction of ethylene synthesis by signals such as auxin or wounding usually occurs through activation of ACC synthase through increased gene expression.
ACC synthase is the enzyme responsible for changing the ethylene precursor to ethylene.
For a detail description of the synthesis of ethylene, see:
Ethylene causes seedlings to undergo the triple response when they encounter a solid object blocking their path to the surface, allowing the seedling to circumvent the obstacle.
The stress of the obstacle on the delicate tip causes the seedling to produce ethylene.
Slowing of stem elongation
Thickening of the stem
Auxin may induce ethylene to cause some physiological effects.
It is a gaseous hormone produced in stem nodes, aging tissues and ripening fruits.
It probably diffuses out of the tissue that produces it.
It promotes ripening of the fruits, stimulates flower opening, senescence and abscission, inhibits cell elongation, stimulates germination of seeds (break of dormancy), stimulates root and shoot growth and differentiation, and it is involved in responses to wounds and infections by microorganisms.
Apoptosis is programmed cell death. A burst of ethylene accompanies the programmed destruction of organs, cells and the entire plant.
During apoptosis, enzymes breakdown DNA, RNA, proteins and membrane lipids.
The plant may salvage these products.
Abscission of leaves is controlled by a change in the balance of ethylene and auxin.
The abscission layer is located at the base of the petiole. This layer is made of small parenchyma cells with a very thin cell wall. There are no fiber cells in the layer.
Enzymes hydrolyze the polysaccharides in the cell walls.
A layer of cork cells is formed on the stem side of the layer before the leaf falls.
As the leaf ages, it produces less auxin, eventually the ethylene concentration prevails and cell produces the hydrolytic enzymes that digest the cellulose.
The ripening of fruit is triggered by a burst of ethylene.
Ethylene triggers ripening, and ripening then triggers even more ethylene production – a positive feedback response.
Enzymatic breakdown of the cell wall softens the fruit, starch and acids are converted to sugars.
The signal from ethylene is spreads from fruit to fruit; ethylene is a gas.
Light triggers many events in the development and growth of plants.
These effects are called photomorphogenesis.
Plants detect the presence of light, its direction, intensity and wavelength.
Phototropism is a response to the direction of light.
Through these means, plants measure the passage of days and seasons.
Plants can detect the presence of light, its intensity, direction and wavelength (color).
Action spectrum measures the effectiveness of a wavelength in driving a particular process.
There are two major types of light receptors in plants:
Blue-light receptors
Phytochromes that absorb mostly red light.
Blue-light receptors
Blue light is the most effective in initiating phototropism, light induced slowing of hypocotyl elongation when a seedling breaks ground during germination, and the light-induced opening of the stomata.
Plants use at least three different types of pigments detect blue light:
Cryptochromes for the inhibition of hypocotyl elongation.
Phototropin for phototropism.
Zeaxanthin for stomatal opening.
Phytochromes as photoreceptors
The photoreceptor is a phytochrome.
Structure of the phytochrome:
A phytochrome consists of two identical proteins joined to form one molecule.
Each protein has two domains.
One domain functions as a photoreceptor is covalently bonded to a non-protein pigment or chromophore, the light absorbing part of the molecule.
The other domain has protein kinase activity. The photoreceptor domains interact with the kinase domains to link light reception to cellular responses triggered by the kinase.
The photoreceptor is a group of five blue-green pigments:
Each coded by different gene.
Collectively called phytochrome.
Found in the cells of all vascular plants.
Phytochrome occurs in two isomeric forms: one form, Pr, absorbs red light at 660 nm and the other form, Pfr, absorbs far-red light at 730 nm.
When either form absorbs its preferred wavelength, it changes to the other form or isomer. They called this phenomenon photoreversibility.
Pfr was considered to be the active form and Pr the inactive form of the phytochrome.
The appearance of Pfr is one way in which plants detect sunlight.
Phytochrome is involved in the germination of seeds:
Exposure to red light converts Pr to Pfr and germination occurs.
Other physiological responses influenced by phytochrome include leaf abscission, pigment formation in flowers and fruits, sleep movements, stem elongation, shade avoidance and shoot dormancy.
Phytochrome and shade avoidance
Phytochromes monitor the amount of shade a plant receives.
Sunlight has both red light and far-red light.
During the day Pr and Pfr reach a dynamic equilibrium.
If a tree in the forest is shaded by other trees, the equilibrium is shifted in favor of Pr because the canopy absorbs most of the red light (remember the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll!!).
Far-red light is allowed to pass, which is then absorb by Pfr and converted to Pr.
This shift causes the tree to grow taller (search for light) and restrict the development of branches.
Biological clocks and circadian rhythms
Many plant processes, such as transpiration and synthesis of certain enzymes, oscillate during the course of a day.
Some of these cyclic variations are responses to the changes in light levels, temperature, and relative humidity that accompany the 24-hour cycle of day and night.
Biological clocks control circadian rhythms in plants and other eukaryotes.
These internal timers or biological clocks of organisms.
It is innate in all living organisms except bacteria.
It has a strong genetic component. They are not learned from or imprinted upon the organism by the environment.
They are alternating patterns of activity that occur at regular intervals.
Approximate 24-hour period (21-27 hour periods).
Independent of temperature and light cycles.
The clock keeps time; it is not erratic.
Reset by the sun every day.
Opening and closing of stomata, sleep movements, opening of flowers.
A leading hypothesis is that biological timekeeping may depend on the synthesis of a protein that regulates its own production through feedback control.
In humans, pulse, blood pressure, temperature, rate of cell division, blood cell count, alertness, urine composition, metabolic rate, sex drive, and response to medications all fluctuate in a circadian manner.
Effect of light on the biological clock
The biological clock period is not exactly 24 hour long. Shut off from environmental cues, organisms become desynchronized.
The rapid conversion of Pr to Pfr after dawn automatically resets the circadian rhythm.
In the absence of external cues, circadian rhythms repeat every 21 to 27 hours. Sunrise resets the clock and avoids drifting of the reaction into wrong times of the day.
Photoperiodism and responses to seasons
Photoperiod is the length of daylight in a 24-hour day.
A physiological response to a photoperiod is called photoperiodism.
The length of the night or continuous darkness controls flowering and other responses to photoperiod.
Short-day plants (long-night plants) flower when the continuous night length is equal to or greater than some critical period.
Plant detects the shortening of the day or lengthening of the night.
Minimum critical night length varies with the species.
Fall flowers like poinsettias and chrysanthemums.
The Pfr inhibits flowering.
They need long nights in order to flower.
During long nights, the inhibitor Pfr concentration falls through enzymatic action and the plant flowers.
Long-day plants (short-night plants) flower when the continuous night length is equal to or less than some critical period.
Plant detects the lengthening of the day and shortening of the night.
Maximum critical night length varies with the species.
Spring flowers.
The Pfr induces flowering.
During short nights, little Pfr is destroyed by enzymes and the concentration remains high because Pr is converted to Pfr during the long days; the high concentration of Pfr induces flowering.
Day-neutral plants do not respond to photoperiod.
Many originated in the tropics where there is little difference in day length throughout the year.
Tomato, beans, corn, cucumber, etc.
Phytochrome detects the varying periods of day length.
Some plants measure the length of the night very accurately, not flowering if the night is one minute shorter than the critical length.
Some plant flower after a single exposure to the photoperiod required. Others require several days of exposure. Others still require a previous exposure to another environmental stimulus before they respond to the photoperiod.
There is evidence of hormonal regulation in flowering but the hormone(s) involved have not been found.
The name florigen has been given to this unknown hormone.
Florigen may refer to a relative concentration of a known hormone.
The transition of vegetative bud to flowering bud is controlled by meristem identity genes that must first be switched on.
Then the organ identity genes that specify the arrangement of floral organs indifferent part of the meristem must be activated.
Studies are being conducted in order to signal transduction pathways that link such cues as photoperiod and hormonal changes to the gene expression required for flowering.
Tropism is growth response to an external stimulus from a specific direction.
Changes are permanent and irreversible.
Tropisms may be positive if the plant grows toward the stimulus or away from it.
Response to gravity
Gravitropism (syn. geotropism) is a response to gravity.
Gravitropism functions as soon as the seed germinates ensuring that the root grows into the soil and the shoot reaches sunlight regardless of how the seed happens to be oriented in the soil.
Gravitropism may be positive (toward) or negative (away from).
The curvature that occurs in reaction to gravity is due to differences in cell elongation on the opposite sides of a root or shoot.
The molecule called auxin promotes cell elongation in shoot and inhibits it in roots.
Statoliths made of starch accumulate at the bottom of cells in the root cap in response to gravity.
Statoliths at the low point trigger a redistribution and accumulation of Ca2+ and auxin on the lower side of the root's zone of elongation.
The side of the cell opposite to the statoliths elongates.
Gravitropism may be positive (toward) or negative (away from).
Some experiments hint an accumulation of Golgi bodies on the opposite side to the statoliths. Golgi bodies are involved in the synthesis of plasma membrane and cellular growth.
The entire cell helps the root sense gravity by mechanically pulling on proteins that tether the protoplast to the cell wall, stretching the proteins on the upper side and compressing the proteins on the down side of the root cells.
Response to mechanical stimuli
Thigmomorphogenesis refers to the morphological changes that result from mechanical stress.
Mechanical stress due to the action of wind, rain, etc. in exposed places causes plants to grow shorter and stockier.
Mechanical stress activates a transduction pathway that increases the Ca2+, which in turn contributes to the activation of genes involved in regulating the quality of the cell wall.
Thigmotropism is the directional growth as a response to contact with a solid object.
The interior of plant cells has a negative charge relative to the exterior.
This occurs because proton pumps are active in many cells creating a charge separation across the membrane.
Plants like the Venus flytrap and the sensitive plant Mimosa can send messages similar to nerve impulses.
This impulse is a drastic voltage change across the membrane due to a rapid flow of charges in the form of ions, from the outside of the cell to the inside.
This rapid, temporary voltage change is called an action potential.
The action potential is a rapid change of the inside of the cell from negative to positive then back to negative.
Depolarization occurs when positive charges begin to flow into the cell lowering the membrane potential by making the both sides more alike in charges.
The mechanical signal of pulling or touching causes the depolarization of the hair cells at the base of the trap leaves of the Venus flytrap.
These cells swell with water and their pH increases dramatically. The mechanism involved in this change in size is not well understood.
Responses to drought
Causes stomata to lose turgor and close to minimize transpiration.
Stimulates the production of abscisic acid that causes leaves to drop.
Inhibit the growth of young leaves.
Inhibits the growth of shallow roots.
Responses to flooding
The air spaces of flooded soil lack the oxygen need for roots to live.
Oxygen deprivation causes the production of ethylene, which causes the cell in the root cortex to undergo apoptosis. This creates air tubes that allow oxygen to reach the flooded roots.
Response to salt stress
A salty soil causes the roots to lose water.
A high concentration of certain ion can be harmful to the plant. The semipermeable membrane prevents these ions to get into the root cells but this creates problems in obtaining enough water from a hypertonic surrounding soil.
Some plants produce organic compounds that maintain more negative water potential inside the cell. This cannot be maintain for a long time.
Halophytes, salt-tolerant plants, have salt glands that pump salts out across the leaf epidermis.
Response to heat stress
Excessive heat can denature enzymes and disrupt metabolism.
Transpiration keeps the leaves and the plant cool (evaporative cooling).
Evaporation may lower the temperature of leaves 3 - 10°C below ambient temperature.
Above certain temperature (e. g. 40°C in most temperate plants), plants begin to synthesize large quantities of special proteins called heat-shock proteins.
It is suspected that these heat-shock proteins like chaperon proteins, help to prevent the denaturing of enzymes by creating a scaffold around the enzyme.
Response to cold stress
When a membrane cools below a critical point, it looses its fluidity. This alters solute transport across the membrane and affects the functions of the membrane proteins.
Plants respond to cold stress by altering the lipid composition of its plasma membranes, e. g. more unsaturated fatty acids are incorporated into the membrane to maintain fluidity.
The water in the cell wall and intercellular spaces freezes. This lower the water potential in these areas and more water leaves the cells resulting in an increase in the concentration of solutes and lowering the freezing point of the cytosol.
Plants in cold regions increase the concentration of sugars in their cells before winter. Sugars are tolerated in large concentration than many ionic salts.
Protective chemicals are called secondary compounds since they are not essential for the metabolic processes of the plant.
Substances not produced as part of primary metabolism in plant; frequently with an uncertain function.
More than 20,000 different secondary compounds have been identified.
Plant poisons or allelochemics are constantly produced in plants. There is no need for a stimulus.
Allelochemics are secondary substances capable of modifying the growth, behavior or population dynamics of other species through inhibitory or regulatory processes.
These compounds cover a wide range of organic chemicals: toxic proteins, terpenes, alkaloids, phenolics, resins, steroids, cyanogenic and mustard oil glycosides and tannins (contain aromatic rings, some are glycosides).
Tannins bind to the digestive enzymes of insects that sicken the insect. They also interfere with protein break down.
Phenolics are very common amino acid derivatives found in seed-producing plants; they are the burning substances in poison ivy and poison oak. Alkaloids are also amino acid derivatives found thousands of species of plants. Cyanogenic glycosides are found in a few hundreds of species.
Glycosides are oligosaccharides bound to alcohols, phenols or amino groups. They usually interfere with the formation of ATP.
Nicotine, caffeine, cocaine and morphine are alkaloids. Alkaloids are found in about 20% of the plant species. Alkaloids are highly toxic to herbivores and parasites; disrupt several cell mechanisms: enzyme poisoning, inhibition of protein synthesis, disruption of a membrane transport system, etc.
Some plants increase the production of their secondary metabolites in their wounded tissues.
Other products mimic insect hormones that disrupt growth and development of the larva.
Responding to pathogens.
Plants can respond to pathogens and herbivores after they are attacked.
Proteinase inhibitors inhibit the enzymes responsible for the digestion of proteins.
Herbivores detect proteinase inhibitors by taste and avoid plants with large concentration these substances.
Parasitoids lay their eggs in the larvae of insects and devour the larva slowly as they grow and develop. By the time larva dies, the parasitoid larvae is ready to emerge as an adult.
Caterpillar saliva has a substance called volicitin that induces damaged leaves to produce volatile substances that attract wasps.
These wasps are parasitoids and lay their eggs in the caterpillars that have damaged the plant. In this way plants recruit parasitoids to infect the herbivores that are eating them.
Defenses against pathogens
Pathogens against which a plant has little defense is said to be virulent.
Infectious; able to overcome the host's defenses.
Avirulent pathogens can infect the host without severely damaging it.
Plants are generally resistant to most pathogens because they are capable of recognizing the invading pathogen and mounting a successful defense.
Successful pathogens can infect the plant because they can either avoid recognition or or suppress host defense mechanisms.
Gene-for-gene hypothesis
When gene products from the plant and the pathogen match and interact.
A widespread form of plant disease resistance that involves recognition of pathogen-derived molecules by the protein products of specific plant-disease resistance genes, R.
Plants have a dominant resistant allele R, which recognizes pathogens with a complementary dominant avirulent Avr allele.
R alleles probably code for receptors in the plasma membrane of host plant cells.
Avr produce compounds that probably act as ligands, binding to receptors in the host plant.
Experiments from around the world have confirmed the gene-for-gene hypothesis through the synthesis of R (plant gene) and avr (virulent/avirulent pathogen gene) gene products that interact.
These experiments were confirmed in 1996 by an experiment designed and carried out by Scofield and colleagues.
Plant responses to pathogen invasions
Non-resistant plants can mount localized responses when infected by pathogens.
Molecules called elicitors induce the production of antimicrobial compounds called phytoalexins.
Elicitors are often cellulose fragments called oligosaccharins; they are released by the damaged cell wall.
Antimicrobial molecules attack the cell wall of the bacterium.
Others function as signals that spread to other cells and organs.
Infection also causes an increase in cross-linking of the cell wall molecules and an increase in lignin deposition that act as barricade.
Infected cells respond by dying. This is called a hypersensitive response or HR.
Pathogens infect the plant via a wound or some other means.
Pathogens release their own proteins in the plant tissues.
These proteins cause the plant to react and produce their own proteins that may or may not inactivate the pathogen's proteins.
Binding between the plant and pathogen proteins causes the hypersensitive response, the area of infection is sealed, the plant cells die and the pathogen with it.
Not binding (no match) between the plant and the pathogen proteins causes no HR reaction and the plant becomes seriously infected and eventually succumbs to disease.
Phytoalexin production
Plants can produce certain antibiotic compounds called phytoalexins.
A phytoalexin is small molecule that is induced by infection and that poisons the pathogen.
By the recognition of R-Avr gene-for-gene pathway.
Plants make these antibiotics when infected by a pathogen.
Phytoalexins occur at the point of infection but a slower and more widespread reaction occurs, the systemic acquired resistance (SAR).
This response, systemic acquired resistance, is non-specific, providing protection against a diversity of pathogens for days.
Salicylic acid concentration increases dramatically in infected plants. Experiments have shown that addition of SA triggers an SAR response.
It is not clear if SA is the hormone that causes SAR or is only a local signal that causes the expression of genes involved in the SAR response.