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Category: Biology
Type: Lecture Notes
Tags: species, following, population, rates, community, behavior, populations, extinction, water, correct, males, female, ecosystem, diversity, natural, organisms, exclusion, competitive, foraging, stimulus, abiotic, highest, niche, death, dispersion, pattern,
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1) Important abiotic factors in ecosystems include which of the followingI. temperatureII. waterIII. wind A) I only B) II only C) III only D) I and II only E) I, II, and III 2) All of the following statements about ecology are correct except A) Ecology is the study of the interactions between biotic and abiotic aspects of the environment. B) Ecology is a discipline that is independent from natural selection and evolutionary history. C) Ecologists may study populations and communities of organisms. D) Ecology spans increasingly comprehensive levels of organization, from individuals to ecosystems. E) Ecological studies may involve the use of models and computers. 3) Which of the following levels of organization is arranged in the correct sequence from most to least inclusive A) ecosystem, community, population, individual B) community, ecosystem, individual, population C) individual, population, community, ecosystem D) population, ecosystem, individual, community E) individual, community, population, ecosystem 4) Which of the following are important biotic factors that can affect the structure and organization of biological communities A) nutrient availability, soil pH, light intensity B) precipitation, wind, temperature C) predation, competition, disease D) A and B only E) A, B, and C 5) Landscape ecology is best described as the study of A) the array of interacting species within a community. B) abiotic factors and the community of species that exist in a particular area. C) the factors affecting the abundance of single species. D) physiological and behavioral ways in which organisms meet the challenges of their environment. E) related arrays of ecosystems just two examples are a corridor of trees lining a river flowing through a sparsely vegetated plain, or patches of coral reef surrounded by turtle grassand how they are arranged in a geographic region. 6) Ecology as a discipline directly deals with all of the following levels of biological organization except A) community. B) population. C) organismal. D) cellular. E) ecosystem. 7) How does the foraging of animals on tree seeds affect the distribution and abundance of the trees This question A) is difficult to answer because a long-term experiment would be required. B) is a valid ecological question. C) is difficult to answer because a large experimental area would be required. D) Both A and B are correct. E) A, B, and C are correct. 8) You are working for the Environmental Protection Agency considering the effect of a potentially toxic chemical in drinking water. There is as yet no documented scientific evidence against the chemical, but many suspect it to be a health hazard. Using the Precautionary Principle, what would be a reasonable environmental policy A) Establish a contingency fund to handle insurance claims in the event that the chemical turns out to produce negative health effects. B) Caution individuals to use their own judgment in deciding whether to drink water from a potentially contaminated area. C) Set the acceptable levels conservatively low, and keep them there unless future studies show that they can be safely raised. D) Set the acceptable levels at the highest levels encountered, and keep them there unless future studies demonstrate negative health effects. E) Establish no regulations until there are conclusive scientific studies. 9) All of the following would have a direct effect on the amount of precipitation in an area except A) mountain ranges. B) air circulation cells. C) continental drift. D) ocean currents. E) evaporation from vegetation. 10) The biogeographic realms described by Darwin, Wallace, and others are associated with patterns of (recall how scientists believe continents became separate continents) A) light intensity. B) precipitation and temperature. C) continental drift. D) climate. E) rocks and soil. 11) Species transplants are one way of A) determining the distribution of a species in a specified area. B) consolidating a landscape into a single ecosystem. C) developing mathematical models for distribution and abundance. D) determining if dispersal is a key factor in limiting distribution. E) determining the abundance of a species in a specified area. 12) Zebra mussel populations are growing explosively in the river systems of the central United States. The best explanation for this unchecked population growth is that A) they muddy the water around them, making it difficult for their natural enemies to see them. B) predators are too few to slow down population growth of the mussels. C) a mutation caused by pollution has increased their reproductive rate. D) they are better adapted to the environment than competing species. E) they are feeding on a source of food that had previously been underutilized. 13) Introduced species A) can disrupt the balance of the natural species with which they become associated. B) often fail to colonize the new area. C) may become common enough to become pests. D) Both B and C are correct. E) A, B, and C are all correct. 14) Which ecological unit or relationship is least related to abiotic factors A) community B) symbiosis C) population D) species E) ecosystem 15) Which of the following are correct statements about light in aquatic environmentsI. Water selectively reflects and absorbs certain wavelengths of light.II. Photosynthetic organisms that live in deep water probably utilize redlight.III. Light intensity is an important abiotic factor in limiting thedistribution of photosynthetic organisms. A) I only B) II only C) I and III only D) II and III only E) I, II, and III Chapter 51 1) When, during a field trip, the instructor touched the body of a moth that was sitting on a tree trunk, the moth raised its forewings to reveal large eye-spots on its hind wings. The instructor asked the class why the moth lifted its wings. One student said that certain sensory receptors had fired and triggered a neuronal reflex culminating in the contraction of certain muscles. A second student responded that the behavior might frighten would-be predators. What can you say about the explanations of these two students A) The first response is correct, while the second is incorrect. B) Both explanations are reasonable and simply represent a difference of opinion. C) The first response answers a proximate question (How the movement occurs biologically, physically), while the second answers an ultimate question. (Why the movement occurred, the stimulus (if there is one))D) The first response is biological, while the second is philosophical. E) The first explanation is testable as a scientific hypothesis, while the second is not. Use the following information to answer the questions below. When a female cat comes into heat, she urinates more frequently and in a large number of places. Male cats from the neighborhood congregate near urine deposits and fight with each other. 2) Which of the following is a proximate cause of this behavior of increased urination A) It is a result of hormonal changes associated with her reproductive cycle. (How the movement occurs biologically, physically, genetically, physiologically, sign stimuli environmental stimuli)B) In the past, when she did it, more males were attracted. C) The female cat saw other cats doing it, and it worked for them. D) Female cats that did this in the past attracted more males. E) It announces to the males that she is in heat. 3) Which of the following would be an ultimate cause of the male cats response to the females urinating behavior (In other words, why did the female cat urinate near the male)A) Male cats hormones are triggered by the odor released by the female. B) By smelling the odor, various neurons in the males brains are stimulated. C) The males have learned to recognize the specific odor of the urine of a female in heat. D) The odor serves as a releaser for the instinctive behavior of the males. E) Male cats respond to the odor because it is a means of locating females in heat. Evolutionary significance. Why answer, in other words, it is a WAY. Like if someone were to ask you, why is this happening You would answer, Well, its a way of coping with 4) Which of the following is a behavioral pattern that results from a proximate cause A) A male sheep fights with another male because it helps it to improve its social position and find a mate. B) A goose squats and freezes motionless because that helps it to escape a predator. C) A female bird lays its eggs (a proximate cause would be how this is done, but the actual laying of the eggs is a result) because the amount of daylight (stimulus) is decreasing slightly each day. (Laying eggs is a behavioral pattern)D) A cat kills a mouse to obtain food. E) A cockroach runs into a crack in the wall and avoids being stepped on. 5) Which of the following is a behavioral pattern resulting from an ultimate cause A) A male robin attacks a red tennis ball because a part of its brain is stimulated by objects that are red. B) A male robin attacks a red tennis ball because several times in the past, red tennis balls have been thrown at it, and it has learned that they are dangerous. C) A male robin attacks a red tennis ball because it is spring and hormonal changes increase its aggression. D) A male robin attacks a red tennis ball because it confuses it with an encroaching male, and if it does not attack rival males it will lose its territory (Evolutionary status.)E) A male robin attacks a red tennis ball because it is much like the breast of another male. 6) After eating a monarch butterfly and regurgitating, a bird will subsequently avoid orange and black butterflies. This is not an example of A) trial-and-error learning. B) associative learning. C) innate behavior. D) adaptive behavior. E) operant conditioning. (trial and error) 7) In the territorial behavior of the stickleback fish, the red belly of one male elicits attack from another male by functioning as A) a search image. B) a fixed action pattern. C) a sign stimulus. This is a result of a fixed action patternD) a pheromone. E) an imprint stimulus. 8) A cage with male mosquitoes in it has a small earphone placed on top, through which the sound of a female mosquito is played. All the males immediately fly to the earphone and thrust their abdomens through the fabric of the cage. Which of the following best describes this A) Copulation is a fixed action pattern, and the female flight sound is a sign stimulus that initiates it. (To engage in sexual intercourse is a FAP)B) Through classical conditioning, the male mosquitoes have associated the inappropriate stimulus from the earphone with the normal response of copulation. C) The reproductive drive is so strong that when males are deprived of females, they will attempt to mate with anything that has even the slightest female characteristic. D) The males learn to associate the sound with a female and are thus attracted to it. E) The sound from the earphone irritated the male mosquitoes, causing them to attempt to sting it. 9) Mayflies laying eggs on roads instead of in water involves which of the following A) insecticide poisoning noB) a defective behavioral gene noC) trial-and-error learning noD) natural behavioral variation in the mayfly population this is, in fact, anything but naturalE) misdirected response to a sign stimulus 10) Which of the following statements is (are) true of fixed action patterns A) They are triggered by sign stimuli in the environment and, once begun, are continued to completion. B) They are highly stereotyped, instinctive behaviors. C) An inappropriate stimulus can sometimes trigger them. D) Only A and B are correct. E) A, B, and C are correct. 11) The proximate causes of behavior are interactions with the environment, but behavior is ultimately shaped by A) evolution. B) the nervous system. C) sexuality. D) pheromones. E) hormones. 12) Which of the following is least related to the others A) pheromones B) sign stimulus C) fixed action pattern D) optimal foraging (Optimal foraging theory views foraging behavior as a compromise between the benefits of nutrition and the costs of obtaining food, such as the energy expenditure or the risk of being eaten by a predator while foraging. According to this theory, natural selection should favor foraging behavior that minimizes the costs of foraging and maximizes the benefits.) E) hormones 13) During a trip to the north woods, you discover a patch of blueberries. There are not very many of them, as it is a dry year, so you pick every one you find in order to have enough for pancakes the next morning. The next year you return to the same spot and find berries everywhere. Now you pick only the largest berries and only from the tops of the plants where they are easier to see. This is a good example of A) trial-and-error learning. B) associative learning. C) operant conditioning. D) cognitive thinking. E) optimal foraging. 14) In the evolution of whelk-eating behavior in the crows studied by Zack, which of the following was being minimized by natural selection A) the average number of drops required to break the shell B) the average height a bird flew to drop a shell C) the average thickness of the shells dropped by the birds D) the average size of the shells dropped by the birds E) the average total energy used to break shells Zach predicted that crows would, on average, fly to a height that would provide the most food relative to the amount of total energy required to break the whelk shells. 15) Animals tend to maximize their energy intake-to-expenditure ratio. What is this behavior called A) dominance hierarchies B) animal cognition C) optimal foraging D) territoriality E) agonistic behaviour Chapter 52 1) A population is correctly defined as having which of the following characteristicsI. inhabiting the same general areaII. individuals belonging to the same speciesIII. possessing a constant and uniform density and dispersion A) I only B) III only C) I and II only D) II and III only E) I, II, and III 2) A biologist reported that a sample of ocean water had 5 million diatoms of the species Coscinodiscus centralis per cubic meter. What was the biologist measuring A) range B) dispersion C) density D) carrying capacity E) quadrats 3) All of the following phrases could characterize a population except A) dispersion. B) interacting individuals. C) density. D) boundaries. E) several species. 4) To measure the population density of monarch butterflies occupying a particular park, 100 butterflies are captured, marked with a small dot on a wing, and then released. The next day, another 100 butterflies are captured, including the recapture of 20 marked butterflies. One would correctly estimate the population to be A) 500. B) 200. C) 1,000. D) 900,000. E) 10,000. 100 captured (1) X 100 captured (2) / 20 (Amount from 1) 5) The most common kind of dispersion in nature is A) uniform. B) clumped. C) dispersive. D) random. E) indeterminate. 6) How would the dispersion of humans in the United States best be described A) clumped B) random C) uniform D) dense E) intrinsic 7) The pattern of dispersion for a certain species of kelp is clumped. The pattern of dispersion for a certain species of snail that lives only on this kelp would likely be A) clumped. B) demographic. C) random. D) absolute. E) uniform. 8) Uniform spacing patterns in plants such as the creosote bush (this is actually a fungi) are most often associated with which of the following A) the random distribution of seeds B) the concentration of resources within the populations range C) antagonistic interactions among individuals in the population D) patterns of high humidity E) chance 9) Which of the following would be most likely to exhibit uniform dispersion Uniform occurs with territorial animals usuallyA) cattails, which grow primarily at edges of lakes and streams B) dwarf mistletoes, which parasitize particular species of forest trees C) lake trout, which seek out deep water D) tassel-eared squirrels, which are nonterritorial E) red squirrels, which hide food and actively defend territories 10) A table listing such items as age, observed number of organisms alive each year, and life expectancy is known as a(an) A) insurance table. B) life table. C) survivorship table. D) rate table. E) mortality table. 11) Life tables are useful in determining which of the followingI. carrying capacity (Has nothing to do with carrying capacity)II. mortality ratesIII. the fate of a cohort of newborn organisms throughout their lives A) I only B) II only C) III only D) I and III only E) II and III only 12) Which of the following statements about human birth and death rates in populations is correct A) Death rates are highest in the elderly, whereas birth rates are highest in newborns. B) Death rates are highest in middle-aged adults, whereas the birth rates are highest in teenagers. C) Death rates are highest in newborns and in the elderly, whereas birth rates are highest in 20-year-olds. D) Both death rates and birth rates are highest in teenagers. E) Both death rates and birth rates are highest in 30-year-olds. 13) A demographer studying a population of a particular organism would be least likely to be engaged in which of the following A) constructing a life table for the organism B) measuring birth and death rates C) sampling the population and determining the sex ratio D) estimating how long an individual of a given age will live E) studying courtship (behavior in animals before and during mating) behavior between males and females 14) Life history strategies result from A) natural selection. B) environmental pressures. C) conscious choice. D) both A and B. E) A, B, and C. 15) Which of the following is a life history characteristic that would not be associated with big-bang reproduction, which is a life history in which adults have but a single reproductive opportunity to produce large numbers of offspring, such as the life history of the Pacific salmon also known as semelparity.A) death of the parent following reproduction B) a life cycle that may require a number of years of maturing before reproduction C) many gametes produced at reproductive maturity D) reproduction triggered by an unpredictable event E) repeated reproductive events over a long life span (This is not associated with the big-bang reproduction) This is the opposite of semelparitiy, or big-bang reproduction. Chapter 53 1) Which of the following statements is most consistent with F. E. Clementss integrated hypothesis A) The composition of plant species seems to change on a continuum. B) The community functions as an integrated unit. SuperorganismC) Communities lack discrete geographic boundaries. D) The community is a chance assemblage of species. E) Species are distributed independently of other species. 2) All of the following statements about communities are correct except A) The distribution of almost all organisms is probably affected to some extent by both abiotic gradients and interactions with other species. B) Some animal species distributions within a community are linked to other species. Wherever there are shrubs, there are fungi or squirrelsC) The trophic structure of a community describes abiotic factors such as rainfall and temperature affecting members of the community. D) Ecologists refer to species richness as the number of species within a community. TrueE) Many plant species in communities seem to be independently distributed. 3) A biologist measures predation rates by crab spiders on flower-visiting insects in a particular field community and then experimentally removes as many of the spiders as she can. She discovers that predation rates remain the same but that the major predators shift from spiders to ambush bugs. Which of the following community structure models is most consistent with her findings A) manipulative B) interactive C) redundancy (a predator disappears, another predatory species will take its place as a consumer of specific prey.) D) individualistic E) rivet 4) Communities can be linked by which of the followingI. predationII. systematicsIII. competition A) I only B) III only C) I and II only D) I and III only E) I, II, and III 5) Which of the following statements is consistent with the competitive exclusion principle (competitive exclusion principle states that two species with similar needs for the same limiting resources cannot coexist in the same place) A) The density of one competing species will have a positive impact on the population growth of the other competing species. B) Two species with the same fundamental niche will exclude other competing species. C) Even a slight reproductive advantage will eventually lead to the elimination of inferior species. D) Bird species generally do not compete for nesting sites. E) Evolution tends to increase competition between related species. 6) All of the following act to increase species diversity except A) competitive exclusion (As more species are present, extinction rates increase because of the greater likelihood of competitive exclusion.)B) patchy environments. C) keystone predators. D) migration of populations. E) moderate disturbances. 7) According to the competitive exclusion principle, two species cannot continue to occupy the same A) biome. B) habitat. C) territory. D) range. E) niche. 8) The sum total of an organisms interaction with the biotic and abiotic resources of its environment is called its A) habitat. B) logistic growth. C) biotic potential. D) ecological niche. E) microclimax. 9) A species of fish is found to require a certain temperature, a particular oxygen content of the water, a particular depth, and a rocky substrate on the bottom. These requirements are part of its Very demanding )A) ecological niche (As stated above, an ecological niche is one that includes the sum of all biotic and abiotic resources.) Remember, this is the sum totalB) prime habitat. C) resource partition. D) home base. E) dimensional profile. 10) Resource partitioning (Resource partitioning is the differentiation of niches that enables two similar species to coexist in a community opposite of the competitive exclusion principle) is best described by which of the following statements A) Species diversity is maintained by switching between prey species. B) A climax community is reached when no new niches are available. C) Slight variations in niche allow similar species to coexist. D) Two species can coevolve and share the same niche. E) Competitive exclusion results in the success of the superior species. 11) Two barnacles, Balanus and Chthamalus, can both survive on the lower rocks just above the low tide line on the Scottish coast, but only Balanus actually does so, with Chthamalus adopting a higher zone. Which of the following best accounts for this niche separation Also take into account that one of these species is a keystoneA) mutualism B) predation of Chthamalus by Balanus C) primary succession D) cooperative displacement E) competitive exclusion (Strong competition can lead to the local elimination of one of the two competing species, a process called competitive exclusion) 12) Resource partitioning would be most likely to occur between A) sympatric populations of species with similar (see above) ecological niches. B) allopatric populations of species with similar ecological niches. C) sympatric populations of a predator and its prey. D) allopatric populations of the same animal species. E) sympatric populations of a flowering plant and its specialized insect pollinator. Recall Character displacement is the tendency for characteristics to be more divergent in sympatric populations of two different species than in allopatric populations of the same two species. 13) Dwarf mistletoes are flowering plants that grow on certain forest trees. They obtain nutrients and water from the vascular tissues of the trees. The trees derive no known benefits from the dwarf mistletoes. Which of the following best describes the interactions between dwarf mistletoes and trees A) competition B) mutualism C) parasitism D) commensalism E) facilitation 14) Which of the following is not an example of a plant defense against herbivory A) cryptic coloration (This just makes prey difficult to spot against the background, camouflage)B) spines C) nicotine D) morphine E) thorns 15) An insect that has evolved to resemble a plant twig will probably be able to avoid A) competition. B) parasitism. C) commensalism. D) symbiosis. E) predation. Chapter 55 1) The total number of extant species is approximately A) 1,000 to 50,000. B) 50,000 to 150,000. C) 500,000 to 1,000,000. D) 10,000,000 to 80,000,000. Some scientists suggest. However, to date, only 1.8 million have been named. Some biologists think there are 200 millionE) 5-10 billion. 2) Which of the following most directly relates to the current biodiversity crisis A) increased atmospheric carbon dioxide B) ozone depletion C) the rate of extinction D) introduced species E) zoned reserves This along with habitat destruction, overexploitation, disruption of interaction networks. Recall that Conservation biology integrates ecology, evolutionary biology, physiology, molecular biology, genetics, and behavioral ecology to conserve biological diversity at all levels. In fact, current rate of extinction is what underlies the biodiversity crisis. 3) Which of the following terms includes all of the others A) genetic diversity B) species diversity C) biodiversity D) ecosystem diversity Biodiversity ( Ecosystem diversity ( Species Diversity ( Genetic Diversity 4) In order to better understand the extent of current extinctions it will be necessary to do which of the following A) Focus intensely on identifying more species of mammals and birds. B) Monitor atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. C) Differentiate between plant extinction and animal extinction. D) Use the average extinction rates of vertebrates as a baseline. E) Identify more of the yet unknown species of organisms on our planet. 5) Estimates of current rates of extinction A) indicate that we have reached a state of unstable equilibrium in which speciation and extinction rates are approximately equal. B) suggest that one-half of all animal and plant species may be gone by the year 2100. C) indicate that rates may be 1,000 times higher than at any other time in the last 100,000 years. D) B and C only are true. E) A, B, and C are true. Several researchers estimate that at the current rate of destruction, more than half of all plant and animal species will be gone by the end of this new century. 6) The most accurate assessments of current extinction rates probably come from studies of A) reptiles, because they are ectothermic and susceptible to population declines during frequent past glacial periods. B) birds and mammals, because they are relatively well-known taxa. C) marine invertebrates, because of their relatively long and complete fossil history. D) insects, because they comprise the vast majority of extant multicellular organisms. E) vascular plants, because they do not move around. 7) Which of the following would not qualify as an ecosystem service A) rain falling to Earth B) squirrels burying acorns C) leaves falling on a forest floor D) blowfly larvae infesting a deer carcass E) bees pollinating an apple tree Including Purification of air and water. Reduction of the severity of droughts and floods. Generation and preservation of fertile soils. Detoxification and decomposition of wastes. Pollination of crops and natural vegetation. Dispersal of seeds. Cycling of nutrients. Control of many agricultural pests by natural enemies. Protection of shorelines from erosion. Protection from ultraviolet rays. Moderation of weather extremes. Provision of beauty and recreational opportunities. 8) Which of the following is a valid conclusion about the outcome of Biosphere II A) Natural ecosystems are complex and not easily duplicated. B) Humans cannot live in small spaces for an extended period of time. C) Closed ecoystems must be made airtight. D) Small populations are more likely to go extinct. E) Fragmented habitats can reduce species diversity. 9) According to most conservation biologists, the single greatest threat to global biodiversity is A) insufficient recycling programs for nonrenewable resources. B) global climate change resulting from a variety of human activities. C) stratospheric ozone depletion. D) chemical pollution of water and air. E) alteration or destruction of the physical habitat. 10) The Nile perch (Lates niloticus) is a good example of a(n) A) endangered endemic. B) threatened migratory species. C) primary consumer. D) population sink. E) introduced predator. 11) Which of the following was not presented as an example of an introduced species A) red foxes in Australia B) timber wolves in Minnesota C) starlings in New York D) zebra mussels in the Great Lakes E) kudzu in the southern United States 12) Introduced species can have important effects on biological communities by A) preying upon native species. B) displacing native species. C) reducing biodiversity. D) competing with native species for resources. E) doing all of the above. 13) Which of the following does not represent a potential threat to biodiversity A) importing a European insect into the United States to control an undesirable weed B) letting previously used farmland go fallow and begin to fill with weeds and shrubs C) building a new mall on a previously unoccupied piece of midwestern prairie. D) harvesting all of the oysters from an oyster bed off the Atlantic coast E) shooting wolves because they pose a threat to cattle farmers 14) Which of the following DOES NOT apply to the concept of the extinction vortex A) Populations of the species entering it are small. B) It is a concept developed by conservation biologists who adopt the small population approach. C) The genetic variation of the species population decreases. D) The key factor driving the extinction vortex is intraspecific competition. This is not the key factor driving the extinction vortexE) Interbreeding leads to smaller populations, which leads to more interbreeding, and so on. Recall that An extinction vortex is a downward population spiral in which positivefeedback loops of inbreeding and genetic drift cause a small population to shrink and, unless reversed, become extinct. The key factor driving the extinction vortex is the loss of the genetic variation necessary to enable evolutionary responses to environmental change, such as new strains of pathogens. Both inbreeding and genetic drift can cause a loss of genetic variation (see Chapter 23), and the effects of both processes become more significant as a population shrinks. 15) Which of the following is a method of predicting the likelihood that a species will persist in a particular environment A) source-sink analysis B) minimum viable population size C) population dynamic analysis D) population viability analysis (By definition)E) None of the above can predict whether a species will persist.