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University of South Carolina - Beaufort : USCB
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Sociology for the 21st Century, Census Update, 5th Edition
______ is the process in which people transfer goods, services, and other items with one another. Cooperation Conflict Competition Exchange ______ is the process in which people transfer goods, services, and other items with one another. Cooperation Conflict Competition Exchange (p. 141) An ___ status is one that can be obtained through individual effort. achieved ascribed prescribed proscribed An ___ status is one that can be obtained through individual effort. achieved (p. 143) ascribed prescribed proscribed A _____ is defined as the expected behavior associated with a status. sanction role position network A _____ is defined as the expected behavior associated with a status. sanction Role (p. 144) position network A ______ status is an ascribed or achieved status that is so important that a person organizes his or her life and social identity around it. main basic central master A ______ status is an ascribed or achieved status that is so important that a person organizes his or her life and social identity around it. main basic central master (p. 144) Role ______ refers to the incompatibility of expectations within a single role. conflict strain pressure stress Role ______ refers to the incompatibility of expectations within a single role. conflict strain (p. 145) pressure stress _______ is the conscious manipulation of props, scenery, costumes, and behavior in an attempt to present a particular image to other people. Role construction Dramaturgy Impression management Role neutralization _______ is the conscious manipulation of props, scenery, costumes, and behavior in an attempt to present a particular image to other people. Role construction Dramaturgy Impression management (p. 147) Role neutralization The norm of _____ refers to a strong norm that says that if you do something for a person, then that person must do something of approximately equal social value in return. restitution priority principality reciprocity The norm of _____ refers to a strong norm that says that if you do something for a person, then that person must do something of approximately equal social value in return. restitution priority principality reciprocity (p. 149) A _____ is a collection of people who take each other’s behavior into account as they interact, and who develop a sense of togetherness. group aggregate category cohort A _____ is a collection of people who take each other’s behavior into account as they interact, and who develop a sense of togetherness. group (p. 150) aggregate category cohort A ____ refers to a cluster of people who share a social trait such as age, sex, or race. sociogram aggregate category association A ____ refers to a cluster of people who share a social trait such as age, sex, or race. sociogram aggregate category (p. 151) association _______ groups are characterized by limited participation and impersonal and formal relationships. Primary Secondary Categorical Aggregated _______ groups are characterized by limited participation and impersonal and formal relationships. Primary Secondary (p. 151) Categorical Aggregated A _____ group is a group whose values, norms, and beliefs come to serve as a standard for one’s own behavior. cohesive cohort reference master A _____ group is a group whose values, norms, and beliefs come to serve as a standard for one’s own behavior. cohesive cohort reference (p. 153) master Which one of the following is NOT one of the three styles of leadership identified in the text? cohesive laissez-faire democratic authoritarian Which one of the following is NOT one of the three styles of leadership identified in the text? cohesive (p. 154) laissez-faire democratic authoritarian An _____ leader is a group leader whose activities are aimed at accomplishing the groups tasks. expressive affective instrumental associational An _____ leader is a group leader whose activities are aimed at accomplishing the groups tasks. expressive affective instrumental (p. 154) associational A(n) _____ is a group that is deliberately constructed, with well-defined roles and positions hat differ in prestige and power, and has rules and sanctions for violation of those rules. corporation association cohort organization A(n) _____ is a group that is deliberately constructed, with well-defined roles and positions hat differ in prestige and power, and has rules and sanctions for violation of those rules. corporation association cohort organization (p. 158) An ____ is a composite of characteristics based on many specific examples. ideal-type association corporation oligarchy An ____ is a composite of characteristics based on many specific examples. ideal-type (p. 159) association corporation oligarchy ______ is the process in which people transfer goods, services, and other items with one another. Cooperation Conflict Competition Exchange ______ is the process in which people transfer goods, services, and other items with one another. Cooperation Conflict Competition Exchange (p. 141) A(n) ___ status is one that can be obtained through individual effort. achieved ascribed prescribed proscribed A(n) ___ status is one that can be obtained through individual effort. achieved (p. 143) ascribed prescribed proscribed A _____ is defined as the expected behavior associated with a status. sanction role position network A _____ is defined as the expected behavior associated with a status. sanction role (p. 144) position network A ______ status is an ascribed or achieved status that is so important that a person organizes his or her life and social identity around it. main basic central master A ______ status is an ascribed or achieved status that is so important that a person organizes his or her life and social identity around it. main basic central master (p. 144) Role ______ refers to the incompatibility of expectations within a single role. conflict strain pressure stress Role ______ refers to the incompatibility of expectations within a single role. conflict strain (p. 145) pressure stress _______ is the conscious manipulation of props, scenery, costumes, and behavior in an attempt to present a particular image to other people. Role construction Dramaturgy Impression management Role neutralization _______ is the conscious manipulation of props, scenery, costumes, and behavior in an attempt to present a particular image to other people. Role construction Dramaturgy Impression management (p. 147) Role neutralization The norm of _____ refers to a strong norm that says that if you do something for a person, then that person must do something of approximately equal social value in return. restitution priority principality reciprocity The norm of _____ refers to a strong norm that says that if you do something for a person, then that person must do something of approximately equal social value in return. restitution priority principality reciprocity (p. 149) A _____ is a collection of people who take each other’s behavior into account as they interact, and who develop a sense of togetherness. group aggregate category cohort A _____ is a collection of people who take each other’s behavior into account as they interact, and who develop a sense of togetherness. group (p. 150) aggregate category cohort A ____ refers to a cluster of people who share a social trait such as age, sex, or race. sociogram aggregate category association A ____ refers to a cluster of people who share a social trait such as age, sex, or race. sociogram aggregate category (p. 151) association _______ groups are characterized by limited participation and impersonal and formal relationships. Primary Secondary Categorical Aggregated _______ groups are characterized by limited participation and impersonal and formal relationships. Primary Secondary (p. 151) Categorical Aggregated A _____ group is a group whose values, norms, and beliefs come to serve as a standard for one’s own behavior. cohesive cohort reference master A _____ group is a group whose values, norms, and beliefs come to serve as a standard for one’s own behavior. cohesive cohort reference (p. 153) master Which one of the following is NOT one of the three styles of leadership identified in the text? cohesive laissez-faire democratic authoritarian Which one of the following is NOT one of the three styles of leadership identified in the text? cohesive (p. 154) laissez-faire democratic authoritarian An _____ leader is a group leader whose activities are aimed at accomplishing the groups tasks. expressive affective instrumental associational An _____ leader is a group leader whose activities are aimed at accomplishing the groups tasks. expressive affective instrumental (p. 154) associational A(n) _____ is a group that is deliberately constructed, with well-defined roles and positions that differ in prestige and power, and has rules and sanctions for violation of those rules. corporation association cohort organization A(n) _____ is a group that is deliberately constructed, with well-defined roles and positions that differ in prestige and power, and has rules and sanctions for violation of those rules. corporation association cohort organization (p. 158) A(n) ____ is a composite of characteristics based on many specific examples. ideal-type association corporation oligarchy A(n) ____ is a composite of characteristics based on many specific examples. ideal-type (p. 159) association corporation oligarchy

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