Chapter 17: Art Beyond the West
Multiple Choice Questions
A. African B. Oceanic C. Native Americas D. Islamic* E. Indian
F. Chinese G. Japanese
Shiva as Lord of the Dance
A. African B. Oceanic C. Native Americas D. Islamic E. Indian*
F. Chinese G. Japanese
A. African B. Oceanic C. Native Americas D. Islamic E. Indian
F. Chinese G. Japanese*
Benin bronzes
A. African* B. Oceanic C. Native Americas D. Islamic E. Indian
F. Chinese G. Japanese
Giant Stone Figures on Easter Island
A. African B. Oceanic* C. Native Americas D. Islamic E. Indian
F. Chinese G. Japanese
A. African B. Oceanic* C. Native Americas D. Islamic E. Indian
F. Chinese G. Japanese
The Great Stupa at Sanchi
A. African B. Oceanic C. Native Americas D. Islamic E. Indian*
F. Chinese G. Japanese
A. African B. Oceanic C. Native Americas* D. Islamic E. Indian
F. Chinese G. Japanese
Mochica culture
A. African B. Oceanic C. Native Americas* D. Islamic E. Indian
F. Chinese G. Japanese
Nkisi nkondi
A. African* B. Oceanic C. Native Americas D. Islamic E. Indian
F. Chinese G. Japanese
A. African B. Oceanic C. Native Americas D. Islamic* E. Indian
F. Chinese G. Japanese
The Sage Kuya Invoking the Amida Buddha
A. African B. Oceanic C. Native Americas D. Islamic E. Indian
F. Chinese G. Japanese*
The ruler of Orangun-Ila with a beaded scepter, crown, veil, and footstool.
A. African* B. Oceanic C. Native Americas D. Islamic E. Indian
F. Chinese G. Japanese
Matsuo Bashó
A. African B. Oceanic C. Native Americas D. Islamic E. Indian
F. Chinese G. Japanese*
Some of the earliest, and certainly the most massive, art of the Americas was produced by the ____________.
A. Olmecs* B. Mayans C. Aztecs D. Dogons
A Yakshi figure
A. African B. Oceanic C. Native Americas D. Islamic E. Indian*
F. Chinese G. Japanese
In tropical Africa, the lost-wax technique was developed to cast small bronze sculptures as early as the ____________ century.
A. fifth B. ninth* C. fifteenth D. seventeenth
Oceanic art is divided into three main cultures, Polynesia, Micronesia, and ____________.
A. Easter Island B. The Gilberts C. Melanesia* D. Tahiti
Cambios art flourished in ____________.
A. Japan B. Spain C. Mali D. Mexico*
Machu Picchu is located in modern-day ____________.
A. Peru* B. Chile C. Mexico D. United States
Completion/Fill-in-the-Blank Questions
The earliest African art consists of rock ____________ and engravings that date to the Neolithic period.
____________ in African societies are usually statues that can be "acted on" to ask for help from the gods.
{{Fetish figures}}
The area of Oceania spans ____________ of square miles.
Archaeologists have determined that the giant stone figures on Easter Island symbolize the ____________ that chieftains were thought to derive from the gods.
One of the most impressive prehistoric sites in what is now the United States is an earthwork called the Serpent Mound, located in ____________.
Some of the earliest and most massive art of the Americas was produced by the ____________ in southern Mexico.
The Mayans built many huge limestone structures with ____________ vaults.
The Aztecs were a small group of poor nomads until they established their capital in about 1325 CE on the site of modern ____________.
{{Mexico City}}
The engineering achievements of ____________ have been compared favorably to the feats of the Romans.
{{Machu Picchu}}
Among Native Americans, the Navajos of the Southwest are particularly noted for their fiber artistry and ____________ paintings.
The era of Islam was founded in Arabia by ____________ in 622 CE.
The most striking remain of the Great Mosque at Samara is its spiral ____________.
The Taj Mahal was built as a ____________.
Hinduism considers sexual expression one legitimate path to ____________.
Hindu temples are considered to be the ____________, not houses of worship.
{{dwelling places of the gods}}
Missionaries from ____________ successfully introduced Buddhism to China during the second century CE.
By the sixth century CE Chinese landscape painting transported viewers to unfamiliar, ____________ realms.
Li K'an's Bamboo consists of minor variations in line and ____________.
Over the centuries, Japanese art was influenced by the art of China and ____________.
In Japanese art, a ____________ is a religious symbol of the design of the universe.
Discussion Questions
Name one nineteenth- and one twentieth-century European or American artist who was influenced by Non-Western art. Describe the influence.
Why has the word ethnographic replaced such terms as primitive and barbarian among scholars dealing with art in Africa, the South Pacific, and the Americas?
Explain what the typical Western viewer's reaction to Hindu "erotic" art tells us about both Hindu culture and Western culture.
How does the intention of Chinese landscape painting differ from that of the West?
Henry Moore was attracted to ancient Mexican sculpture. Look through the illustrations in Understanding Art and find a work by Moore that illustrates a visual or tactile kinship with ancient sculpture from Mexico. Describe the similarities that you see.
Explain how Picasso's work would not be the work that it is without Picasso's exposure to non-Western art. Point to specific works of art.
Describe one characteristic or use of art that you noticed in "Art Beyond the West" that you had not noticed in our look at art of the west.
Describe one characteristic or purpose of art that you have found in all the works of art that we have examined thus far.
Compare and contrast Hiroshige's Rain Shower on Ohashi Bridge and van Gogh's Bridge in the Rain.
Compare and contrast Picasso's Nude with Drapery and the Etoumba region wood mask.