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Drug Use and Abuse.docx

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Drug Use and Abuse MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. _____________ is popular among drug enthusiasts, and some users snort heroin and smoke crack in combination. a. drug crossing b. criss-crossing c. drug spiking d. potentiating ANS: B 2. In reaction to emotional memories burned into it by the intensity of the drug euphoria, the __________ operates outside of conscious control to cause intense cravings. a. hypothalamus b. medial forebrain bundle c. blood-brain barrier d. amygdala ANS: D 3. The __________ acts as a gatekeeper to prevent certain substances from entering brain tissue. a. hypothalamus b. medial forebrain bundle c. blood-brain barrier d. amygdala ANS: C 4. The _________________ controls such basic drives as sexual activity. a. hypothalamus b. medial forebrain bundle c. blood-brain barrier d. amygdala ANS: A 5. Neurotransmitter levels are controlled by chemicals in the presynaptic terminal which are known as _________. a. agonists b. catecholamines c. monoamine oxidases (MAO) d. antagonists ANS: C 6. Substances that stimulate receptor sites are known as __________. a. agonists b. catecholamines c. monoamine oxidases (MAO) d. antagonists ANS: A 7. One of the last parts of the brain to mature deals with the ability to _______________.. a. make sound judgments b. control movement c. communicate d. all of the above ANS: A 8. The term kindling is an alternative term for __________. a. reverse tolerance b. sensitization c. tolerance d. selective tolerance ANS: A 9. Increased sensitivity to the same or lesser dosage of a drug over time is known as _____. a. reverse tolerance b. sensitization c. tolerance d. selective tolerance ANS: A 10. When determining risk versus reward, the _______________ tends to emphasize benefits while discounting dangers. a. adult brain b. adolescent neurons c. adolescent brain d. adult neurons ANS: C REF: 24 11. Psychoactive drugs are absorbed into the bloodstream and quickly carried to the _______ nervous system. a. central b. autonomic c. sympathetic d. parasympathetic ANS: A 12. Brain imaging and other technologies show that the addicted brain is _____________ from the nonaddictive brain. a. somewhat different b. not different c. distinctly different d. comparatively different ANS: C REF: 34 13. A ___________ is the basic working unit of the central nervous system. a. neuron b. cell body c. synapsis d. neurotransmitter ANS: A REF: 24 14. __________ where neurotransmitters attach cause chemical substances to interact and produce pharmacological actions. a. Transmitting neurons b. Axon terminals c. Receptor sites d. Receiving neurons ANS: C REF: 27 15. An important part of the cell body are __________, which appear as branches of a tree and receive messages from other neurons. a. Serotonin b. Norepinephrine c. Dendrites d. Dopamine ANS: C REF: 24 16. Neurotransmitters are broken down by MAO or recycled by the sending neuron in a process called ______________. a. reuptake b. transportation c. homeoestase d. synthesis ANS: A REF: 27 17. __________ activates nerve cell receptors to stimulate pleasurable feelings. a. Serotonin b. Norepinephrine c. Dendrites d. Dopamine ANS: D REF: 26 18. Depending on the type of _______________, electrical charges from the adjoining neuron are either inhibited or enhanced. a. neurotransmitter b. neuron c. drug d. drug cues ANS: A REF: 27 19. ___________, one of about 100 neurotransmitters found in the central nervous system, has received special attention because of its apparent role in the regulation of mood and affect and because of its role in motivation and reward processes. a. Serotonin b. Norepinephrine c. Dendrites d. Dopamine ANS: D REF: 26 20. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that infants who are born to heroin-abusing mothers frequently suffer from ________________________. a. neonatal adaptation syndrome b. neonatal abstinence syndrome c. neonatal disability syndrome d. neonatal syndrome of polyendocrinopathy ANS: B REF: 35 21. __________ trigger activity by moving across the synaptic gap to receptor sites on the dendrites on the other side. a. Transporters b. Synapses c. Receptors d. Neurotransmitters ANS: D REF: 26 22. __________, a part of neurons, are contact points for communication between neurons. a. Transporters b. Synapses c. Receptors d. Neurotransmitters ANS: B REF: 24 23. Many, if not most, people who have been exposed to ____________ or heroin, for example, find the initial experience distinctly unpleasant. a. morphine b. benzodiazepine c. cocaine d. serotonin ANS: A REF: 28 24. Consuming more than one type of psychoactive chemical is called _________. a. multidrug use b. criss-crossing c. polydrug use d. additive effects ANS: C REF: 30 TRUE/FALSE 1. The greater the half-life of a drug, the more severe the withdrawal symptoms after use of the drug is discontinued. ANS: F 2. Cocaine use by pregnant women has been linked to various abnormalities in their infants because the substance reduces the supply of blood and oxygen to the fetus. ANS: T REF: 35 3. Catecholamine, dopamine, norepinephrine, and endorphins are examples of polydrugs. ANS: F REF: 30 4. Reuptake is the sending neuron’s process of recycling neurotransmitters. ANS: T REF: 27 5. The continued use of certain drugs, particularly depressants, can produce tolerance. ANS: T 6. Neurons do not interlock but instead are separated by synapses. ANS: T REF: 24 7. The hypothalamus regulates the release of hormones from the pituitary gland. ANS: T REF: 34 8. Selective tolerance is also referred to as kindling. ANS: F 9. Homeostasis is a state of equilibrium achieved through the self-adjusting characteristics of the body. ANS: T 10. A neuron consists of a cell body (soma), the axon, synapses, and dendrites. ANS: T REF: 24 COMPLETION 1. __________ is the basic building block for the advancement of human knowledge. ANS: Theory REF: 28 2. Neurotransmitter level is controlled by chemicals in presynaptic terminals known as ______________________ (MAO) and transporters that recycle them for further use. ANS: monoamine oxidases REF: 27 3. A cell body is also called a __________. ANS: soma REF: 25 4. With regular drug use, ___________ become less responsive to drugs that stimulate them. ANS: receptors REF: 27 5. The __________ model emphasizes the involuntary nature of drug use—use based on a craving—that has found support in laboratory experiments with animals. ANS: disease REF: 28 6. Understanding the biology of psychoactive drugs is complicated by the phenomenon of _______ use—abusers consuming more than one type of psychoactive chemical. ANS: polydrug REF: 30 7. ____________develops as the body becomes progressively immune to the chemical effects of the drug at the cellular level. ANS: Tolerance 8. Children born to __________-addicted mothers, in addition to having a host of other physical problems, such as small size, anemia, heart disease, hepatitis, and pneumonia, also suffer from withdrawal symptoms. ANS: heroin REF: 35 9. ___________ use by pregnant women has been linked to serious emotional difficulties in children which can hinder their social and psychological development. ANS: Cocaine REF: 35 10. The neurological effects of mixing drugs can be additive, synergistic, potentiating, or _______________. . ANS: antagonistic ESSAY 1. Explain the three ways in which drugs can enter the bloodstream. ANS: N/A 2. Explain homeostasis. ANS: N/A 3. Explain the concept of reverse tolerance. ANS: N/A LO 3 4. Explain the additive, synergistic, potentiating, and antagonistic neurological effects of mixing drugs. ANS: N/A 5. What are the symptoms of children who were born with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder? ANS: N/A REF: 36-37

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