82296004526280Central aspect of culture is its ability to adapt (ADAPT OR DIE)
HOME approach implemented based on 2 principles:
Management’s trust and respect for workforce
Improvement of quality of employment relationship within the company
00Central aspect of culture is its ability to adapt (ADAPT OR DIE)
HOME approach implemented based on 2 principles:
Management’s trust and respect for workforce
Improvement of quality of employment relationship within the company
969264012344400076809602057400Refining An Organizations Culture
Culture like a well functioning family (HOME) indicators of change.
H -History. Develop/restore a sense of companies history. Use stories about heroes in the company.
O-Oneness. Create unity and solidarity in workforce. Communicate norms and values.
M-Membership. Promote understanding of principles of membership. Use rewards, promotions, job security etc. you are one of us.
E-Exchange. Increase interaction among employees, ensure interfroup coordination. Socialize new members, Training & development, promote contact, participation in DM
00Refining An Organizations Culture
Culture like a well functioning family (HOME) indicators of change.
H -History. Develop/restore a sense of companies history. Use stories about heroes in the company.
O-Oneness. Create unity and solidarity in workforce. Communicate norms and values.
M-Membership. Promote understanding of principles of membership. Use rewards, promotions, job security etc. you are one of us.
E-Exchange. Increase interaction among employees, ensure interfroup coordination. Socialize new members, Training & development, promote contact, participation in DM
76809601417320Note: Research mildly supports Strength and Fit, strongly supports Adaptation. Leaders must demonstrate greater commitment to adaptability (service and product excellence) than any specific business strategy or practice
00Note: Research mildly supports Strength and Fit, strongly supports Adaptation. Leaders must demonstrate greater commitment to adaptability (service and product excellence) than any specific business strategy or practice
7680960-228600High performance culture should:
Strength - Support the sources of financial strength (workforce motivation, ROI, controls, structure, all the things that put bread on the table)
Fit - Align with strategic/market goals (if pursue low cost provider strategy you must have lean staff etc. Walk the talk)
Adaptation - Assist company to adapt core competencies to market conditions (encourages work force to adapt – this is very important. Adapt or Die!)
00High performance culture should:
Strength - Support the sources of financial strength (workforce motivation, ROI, controls, structure, all the things that put bread on the table)
Fit - Align with strategic/market goals (if pursue low cost provider strategy you must have lean staff etc. Walk the talk)
Adaptation - Assist company to adapt core competencies to market conditions (encourages work force to adapt – this is very important. Adapt or Die!)
8229600-685800Development of a High Performance Culture
00Development of a High Performance Culture
6675120-5029200042976803429000006400800137160006675120-685800006400800-6858000033832804709160Selection –previews – humility – training – mentoring – stories – rewards – role models
00Selection –previews – humility – training – mentoring – stories – rewards – role models
3749040-1371602 Founders Role: org will adopt founders value system, Eatons, Microsoft, Apple.
002 Founders Role: org will adopt founders value system, Eatons, Microsoft, Apple.
4389120-8686802 Factors That Contribute to Cultural Development
002 Factors That Contribute to Cultural Development
44805603520440Requirements for Pascales Program: Mangers:
View employment relationship as a core aspect
Embrace roles as mentors
Comfortable with human/personal aspects
Open to information/criticism from customers etc
00Requirements for Pascales Program: Mangers:
View employment relationship as a core aspect
Embrace roles as mentors
Comfortable with human/personal aspects
Open to information/criticism from customers etc
This transmits culture from one generation to the next.
Orgs with strong cultures tend to reinforce it through socialization process
Pascales steps to assist:
Realistic job previews – let them see what’s coming
Debasement & indoctrination. Humble them, let them fail. This provides motivation to do better and open up to cultural influences
Training - once they open – fill em up with training, imprint upon them
Reward System – ensure promotions rewards reflect values (base on merit)
Role models – Eatons. The lead by example rule.
Use stories – about the organization and its founder
Use Mentors – invest in promising talent
This transmits culture from one generation to the next.
Orgs with strong cultures tend to reinforce it through socialization process
Pascales steps to assist:
Realistic job previews – let them see what’s coming
Debasement & indoctrination. Humble them, let them fail. This provides motivation to do better and open up to cultural influences
Training - once they open – fill em up with training, imprint upon them
Reward System – ensure promotions rewards reflect values (base on merit)
Role models – Eatons. The lead by example rule.
Use stories – about the organization and its founder
Use Mentors – invest in promising talent
Values: what is important about the organization and what it stands for.
Beliefs: Perception of how organizational practices and systems work.
Organizational Culture: Beliefs and values exhibited by employees. It becomes the expression of organizational experience that personalizes the meaning of the organization for its members.
Values: what is important about the organization and what it stands for.
Beliefs: Perception of how organizational practices and systems work.
Organizational Culture: Beliefs and values exhibited by employees. It becomes the expression of organizational experience that personalizes the meaning of the organization for its members.
-5486402880360Impact of strong Culture:
Positive: Integration of various subunit and occupational cultures – good method for managing conflict.
Negative: Strategy of organization may change rapidly, culture cannot;
Will not mix well when one firm acquires another;
Threaten organizational goal attainment due to infighting, secrecy (AESOP seat).
00Impact of strong Culture:
Positive: Integration of various subunit and occupational cultures – good method for managing conflict.
Negative: Strategy of organization may change rapidly, culture cannot;
Will not mix well when one firm acquires another;
Threaten organizational goal attainment due to infighting, secrecy (AESOP seat).
-548640777240Qualities of Organizational Culture:
Taken for granted, only becomes obvious when contrasted.
Fairly stable over time, resistant to change
Internal (cost effectiveness) and external (social responsibility) aspects
Known by employees
Can be measured, evaluated, and perfected
Can develop in a random fashion or it can be managed
Existence of subcultures (geography, product lines, etc). Think of air crew vs ground crew.
00Qualities of Organizational Culture:
Taken for granted, only becomes obvious when contrasted.
Fairly stable over time, resistant to change
Internal (cost effectiveness) and external (social responsibility) aspects
Known by employees
Can be measured, evaluated, and perfected
Can develop in a random fashion or it can be managed
Existence of subcultures (geography, product lines, etc). Think of air crew vs ground crew.
-548640-320040Organizations use:
Training and development
Performance appraisal
Orientation programs
to transmit values and beliefs. These values and beliefs become shared employee expectations.
00Organizations use:
Training and development
Performance appraisal
Orientation programs
to transmit values and beliefs. These values and beliefs become shared employee expectations.
-548640-7772401 Organizational Culture
001 Organizational Culture
6492240-777240003108960-320040001737360-6858005 Organizational Life-Cycle Theory
005 Organizational Life-Cycle Theory
1 - Inception
2- High Growth
Organizational Structure
No formal structure
Decentralized / formal
Rigid, top heavy, complex
Comm process & planning
Informal, face to face
Very formal, long range
Comm breakdown
DM methods
Individual, entrepreneural
Pro analytical tools
Form instead of substance
Organizational growth rate
Uneven, episodic
Rapid, positive, sustained
Slowing or stopped
Organizational age & size
Young, small
Older larger
Oldest, large or largest
Variable and shrinking
2743203597910Organizational Culture & Change
00Organizational Culture & Change
3108960488950Number 1 reason for decline is management is overconfident and inattentive.
Building adaptability is best way to ward off decline
00Number 1 reason for decline is management is overconfident and inattentive.
Building adaptability is best way to ward off decline
5577840317500030175201677670000671830To avoid decline, watch out for:
Excess personnel;
Tolerance of incompetence;
Cumbersome admin procedures;
Form over substance;
Lack of clear goals and measurement of success;
Preference of harmony over disagreement
Loss of effective communication;
Excessive centralization of DM;
Outdated structure;
Increased scapegoating;
Resistance to change;
Low morale;
Special interest groups being more vocal;
Decreased innovation.
00To avoid decline, watch out for:
Excess personnel;
Tolerance of incompetence;
Cumbersome admin procedures;
Form over substance;
Lack of clear goals and measurement of success;
Preference of harmony over disagreement
Loss of effective communication;
Excessive centralization of DM;
Outdated structure;
Increased scapegoating;
Resistance to change;
Low morale;
Special interest groups being more vocal;
Decreased innovation.
-9144031750Note: It is impossible to say how long each stage will last. Companies can have very short life cycles with missing or very short stages. Some companies skip maturity and go right into decline (fads). Decline can happen to any company regardless of where they are. Decline can also be avoided.
00Note: It is impossible to say how long each stage will last. Companies can have very short life cycles with missing or very short stages. Some companies skip maturity and go right into decline (fads). Decline can happen to any company regardless of where they are. Decline can also be avoided.
-548640-228600While trying to deal with external environment, firm may experience, or create, this in form of lower productivity, customer complaints, absenteeism etc.
High Moderate Uncertainty
Fashion design
Low Moderate Uncertainty
Public Utilities
Government Agencies
Low Uncertainty
Beer distribution
Legal services
High Uncertainty
Int’l Finance
Environmental Complexity
Change is normal, it is the way it is managed that is crucial
Organizational Change
Acts on firm
Regulatory agencies
Special interest groups
Environmental Uncertainty
(Change & Complexity)
Change is the stability of the factors and whether they change rapidly or not
Complexity is the number, variety of external factors faced
Change goals and strategies (introduce new products and services, or segment markets.)
Structure. Modify from a functional to a product, and from centralized to decentralized
Internal Uncertainty
Job design. Provide more op for needs of employees, more variety, autonomy, feedback, significance, and social interaction
People. Develop a program of employee empowerment. Be willing to spend $ training.
Control systems. Alter such things as performance appraisal and reward systems
In order to change the company you have to change the employee behaviour and organizational culture.
Three Conditions for Change
Motivation to change. They must be dissatisfied with the status quo otherwise why change?
Future vision. Something to aspire to now that they are dissatisfied with status quo. This will guide future reorganization
A road map. A well managed process of change to help employees modify attitudes and behaviour
00While trying to deal with external environment, firm may experience, or create, this in form of lower productivity, customer complaints, absenteeism etc.
High Moderate Uncertainty
Fashion design
Low Moderate Uncertainty
Public Utilities
Government Agencies
Low Uncertainty
Beer distribution
Legal services
High Uncertainty
Int’l Finance
Environmental Complexity
Change is normal, it is the way it is managed that is crucial
Organizational Change
Acts on firm
Regulatory agencies
Special interest groups
Environmental Uncertainty
(Change & Complexity)
Change is the stability of the factors and whether they change rapidly or not
Complexity is the number, variety of external factors faced
Change goals and strategies (introduce new products and services, or segment markets.)
Structure. Modify from a functional to a product, and from centralized to decentralized
Internal Uncertainty
Job design. Provide more op for needs of employees, more variety, autonomy, feedback, significance, and social interaction
People. Develop a program of employee empowerment. Be willing to spend $ training.
Control systems. Alter such things as performance appraisal and reward systems
In order to change the company you have to change the employee behaviour and organizational culture.
Three Conditions for Change
Motivation to change. They must be dissatisfied with the status quo otherwise why change?
Future vision. Something to aspire to now that they are dissatisfied with status quo. This will guide future reorganization
A road map. A well managed process of change to help employees modify attitudes and behaviour
40976553760470Team level
Basic tasks
Systems that back up processes (performance appraisal, reward, goal setting)
Teams that manage core processes
Problem solving effectiveness
Conflict management
00Team level
Basic tasks
Systems that back up processes (performance appraisal, reward, goal setting)
Teams that manage core processes
Problem solving effectiveness
Conflict management
-1828804880610Organizational level
History/events that shaped it
Product and service mix
External environmental aspects (weighted)
Resources (capital, technical ability, people)
Strategic plan
Extent of vertical and horizontal differentiation
Extent of vertical and horizontal integration
Characteristics or firm's communication system
Characteristics and number of output measures
00Organizational level
History/events that shaped it
Product and service mix
External environmental aspects (weighted)
Resources (capital, technical ability, people)
Strategic plan
Extent of vertical and horizontal differentiation
Extent of vertical and horizontal integration
Characteristics or firm's communication system
Characteristics and number of output measures
-4572003691890 Effective analysis of org requires multi-level diagnosis (organization/group/individual levels)
Important because ineffective functioning may appear throughout firm. Concentrating on one level may not solve the problem
00 Effective analysis of org requires multi-level diagnosis (organization/group/individual levels)
Important because ineffective functioning may appear throughout firm. Concentrating on one level may not solve the problem
-4572001680210 Collaborative process between firm and a change agent
Integral part of the unfreezing process
Usually triggered by an external/internal event that has created uncertainty (monitor performance for reasons to change)
Need not be reactive (360 performance appraisal may detect team related problems before product or service quality are affected)
More effective if a steering committee guides it
Composed of high performers
Respected by peers
Interest in effectiveness of firm
Excellent communication skills
00 Collaborative process between firm and a change agent
Integral part of the unfreezing process
Usually triggered by an external/internal event that has created uncertainty (monitor performance for reasons to change)
Need not be reactive (360 performance appraisal may detect team related problems before product or service quality are affected)
More effective if a steering committee guides it
Composed of high performers
Respected by peers
Interest in effectiveness of firm
Excellent communication skills
40976555474970Individual/Job level
Diversity of work force
Key executive leadership styles
Motivational basis for job performance
Level of job satisfaction
Extent of empowerment
00Individual/Job level
Diversity of work force
Key executive leadership styles
Motivational basis for job performance
Level of job satisfaction
Extent of empowerment
4389120491490Getting employees dissatisfied. Constructive destruction. Crises stimulate due to need for immediate attention
00Getting employees dissatisfied. Constructive destruction. Crises stimulate due to need for immediate attention
-182880-1485906 The Planned Change Process
Kurt Lewin
006 The Planned Change Process
Kurt Lewin
7406640228600 Employees fear personal and organizational costs outweigh benefits (may simply prefer status quo)
Knowledge obsolescence
Economic uncertainty
Loss of personal power
Increased conflict
Changes in work relationships
Those resistant to change are often better organized, more vocal (Burden of proof is with changers). Things manager can do to assist:
Involve those affected
Emphasis on employees taking ownership
Communicate, be credible, constant, confident, consistent.
Give and receive feedback
Encourage expression of emotions and opinions
Be an example, a driving force
Avoid surprises
Manage rumours
Examples of employee participation in change management:
Performance appraisal systems
Fringe benefits
Cost saving (& compensation for)
Employee empowerment
Installing self directed work teams
Example of non-participative approach:
Time is crucial
Top mgmt has all information necessary
Change outcomes do not affect employees
Employee acceptance is not crucial to success
Employee skill development is not a significant focus
Above based on Vroom-Yetton-Jago Normative Model
Appoint a steering committee composed of:
High performers
Respected by peers
Interest in effectiveness of firm
Excellent communication skills
00 Employees fear personal and organizational costs outweigh benefits (may simply prefer status quo)
Knowledge obsolescence
Economic uncertainty
Loss of personal power
Increased conflict
Changes in work relationships
Those resistant to change are often better organized, more vocal (Burden of proof is with changers). Things manager can do to assist:
Involve those affected
Emphasis on employees taking ownership
Communicate, be credible, constant, confident, consistent.
Give and receive feedback
Encourage expression of emotions and opinions
Be an example, a driving force
Avoid surprises
Manage rumours
Examples of employee participation in change management:
Performance appraisal systems
Fringe benefits
Cost saving (& compensation for)
Employee empowerment
Installing self directed work teams
Example of non-participative approach:
Time is crucial
Top mgmt has all information necessary
Change outcomes do not affect employees
Employee acceptance is not crucial to success
Employee skill development is not a significant focus
Above based on Vroom-Yetton-Jago Normative Model
Appoint a steering committee composed of:
High performers
Respected by peers
Interest in effectiveness of firm
Excellent communication skills
9509760-457200077724005189220One must also evaluate if the change is even worthwhile in the first place. Above only evaluates the change. Include: Cost, time required, employee's satisfaction with the nature of planned change, and managements views on ease of installation.
00One must also evaluate if the change is even worthwhile in the first place. Above only evaluates the change. Include: Cost, time required, employee's satisfaction with the nature of planned change, and managements views on ease of installation.
8001000845820Evaluating Effects Of Change Programs
Employee reaction:
Was participation worthwhile?
Are they satisfied with program?
Has job involvement and company loyalty improved?
Employee Learning
What new knowledge should have been learned?
How widespread was the learning?
Employee behaviour
What changes in employee behaviour occurred?
Can employees describe the new behaviour?
Can managers and employees recognize the new behaviour?
Organizational Outcomes
Has productivity increased?
Is absenteeism lower?
Has turnover been reduced?
Have grievance rates declined?
Has customer satisfaction improved?
00Evaluating Effects Of Change Programs
Employee reaction:
Was participation worthwhile?
Are they satisfied with program?
Has job involvement and company loyalty improved?
Employee Learning
What new knowledge should have been learned?
How widespread was the learning?
Employee behaviour
What changes in employee behaviour occurred?
Can employees describe the new behaviour?
Can managers and employees recognize the new behaviour?
Organizational Outcomes
Has productivity increased?
Is absenteeism lower?
Has turnover been reduced?
Have grievance rates declined?
Has customer satisfaction improved?
7772400137160Organization benefits most thru developing a "profile" of program outcomes to measure gains/losses based on below:
00Organization benefits most thru developing a "profile" of program outcomes to measure gains/losses based on below:
7406640-45720007406640-45720001737360-457200041148001417320 Checking the soundness of the programs goals or the quality of the implementation process
Often everyone so happy to do it, they do not check it
Anecdotal success is when we assume it was good based on feeling of employees that it was
Change programs happen due to pursuit of latest fad (overweight with fad diet) -Check!
The steering committee has responsibility for designing the measurement tools and employing them
00 Checking the soundness of the programs goals or the quality of the implementation process
Often everyone so happy to do it, they do not check it
Anecdotal success is when we assume it was good based on feeling of employees that it was
Change programs happen due to pursuit of latest fad (overweight with fad diet) -Check!
The steering committee has responsibility for designing the measurement tools and employing them
1737360-45720004480560-228600005029200-685800Occurs when action plan implemented. To be successful, firm must have model to explain and employee supported plan for adopting
00Occurs when action plan implemented. To be successful, firm must have model to explain and employee supported plan for adopting
-62865777240 Essentially transfer of learning
Elements in change process correspond to specific features of the work environment
Change perceived to be immediately useful in work (introduce them to situations in which new behaviours are demanded)
Changed attitudes or behaviours are supported by others in the work environment
Users should be motivated to use new learned behaviours
Behaviours must be reinforced by all
Change and behaviours must be understood and valued by mgmt
Ensure people understand there is no turning back
Consider use of "assignments" that extend learning to the work setting. These involve manager/employee teams responsible for implementing action plans developed in the learning site. They bridge the gap between the 'learning environment' and 'work environment'.
Note: Motorola estimates they receive 30,000 bucks back over a three year period for every 1000 bucks spent on training (9/20)
00 Essentially transfer of learning
Elements in change process correspond to specific features of the work environment
Change perceived to be immediately useful in work (introduce them to situations in which new behaviours are demanded)
Changed attitudes or behaviours are supported by others in the work environment
Users should be motivated to use new learned behaviours
Behaviours must be reinforced by all
Change and behaviours must be understood and valued by mgmt
Ensure people understand there is no turning back
Consider use of "assignments" that extend learning to the work setting. These involve manager/employee teams responsible for implementing action plans developed in the learning site. They bridge the gap between the 'learning environment' and 'work environment'.
Note: Motorola estimates they receive 30,000 bucks back over a three year period for every 1000 bucks spent on training (9/20)
79552802377440Unfreezing (Diagnosis, Resistance)
Moving (Carry over, Evaluation)
Refreezing (Instituionalization, Diffusion)
00Unfreezing (Diagnosis, Resistance)
Moving (Carry over, Evaluation)
Refreezing (Instituionalization, Diffusion)
7955280182880What good (planned) change looks like:
It focuses on a whole organizational unit (work group, department, division, entire organization
Based on behavioural science knowledge (micro and macro)
Not associated with business planning or forecasting
Involves creation and reinforcement of managed organizational change
It uses strategy, structure and process changes in organization
Primary goal of improving organizational effectiveness
00What good (planned) change looks like:
It focuses on a whole organizational unit (work group, department, division, entire organization
Based on behavioural science knowledge (micro and macro)
Not associated with business planning or forecasting
Involves creation and reinforcement of managed organizational change
It uses strategy, structure and process changes in organization
Primary goal of improving organizational effectiveness
Institutionalization throughout firm
Normally change programs started small and spreads after/during early success
Not guaranteed
Less likely if:
Low support from top management
"it won't work here" syndrome (steering committee can assist here)
becoming preoccupied with diffusing a particular technique at cost of goals which can be adapted to other work units
No rewards provided for successful mgmt of change (measures performance the old way & does not recognize the employees who did what they were told.
labour undermines the program because it believes the program will weaken its power (place labour reps on steering committee)
Concern that successful non-unionized locations will diffuse to unionized
Conflict between operating characteristics of the work unit undergoing the change and the bureaucratic machinery elsewhere in org.
Institutionalization throughout firm
Normally change programs started small and spreads after/during early success
Not guaranteed
Less likely if:
Low support from top management
"it won't work here" syndrome (steering committee can assist here)
becoming preoccupied with diffusing a particular technique at cost of goals which can be adapted to other work units
No rewards provided for successful mgmt of change (measures performance the old way & does not recognize the employees who did what they were told.
labour undermines the program because it believes the program will weaken its power (place labour reps on steering committee)
Concern that successful non-unionized locations will diffuse to unionized
Conflict between operating characteristics of the work unit undergoing the change and the bureaucratic machinery elsewhere in org.
When newly developed behaviours, work designs, organizational structures, processes adopted permanently. Evaluation of success & transplant to other units/subsidiaries
When newly developed behaviours, work designs, organizational structures, processes adopted permanently. Evaluation of success & transplant to other units/subsidiaries
15544801828800034747200001828802103120Less likely if:
Evaluation not conducted
Not multi-level (lower, middle, upper management issues
Not multi-method (address ind/job characteristics, group processes, and organizational design issues)
Takes too long
Does not involve external constituencies
Promised rewards not provided
Employee expectations not met (ex. no increase in promotion rate)
New members not exposed to program
Ignores organizational culture
Key "idea champions" leave
Environmental factors cause abondoning
00Less likely if:
Evaluation not conducted
Not multi-level (lower, middle, upper management issues
Not multi-method (address ind/job characteristics, group processes, and organizational design issues)
Takes too long
Does not involve external constituencies
Promised rewards not provided
Employee expectations not met (ex. no increase in promotion rate)
New members not exposed to program
Ignores organizational culture
Key "idea champions" leave
Environmental factors cause abondoning
182880914400 Making the plan permanent
When achieved, it is part of operations in spite of managerial succession, attrition, or other alterations.
00 Making the plan permanent
When achieved, it is part of operations in spite of managerial succession, attrition, or other alterations.
7498080-5486400013716003108960Organizational culture & relate to mission, strategic plan & goals.
Roles of founder in culture
Features of strong org culture
Competitive advantage – strategy – culture relationship
Organizational life cycle
Planned change (phases and problems)
Diagnosis (multi method & multi level)
Methods for each phase of change
Three OD change processes
Factors which contribute to sustaining/absorption of change
00Organizational culture & relate to mission, strategic plan & goals.
Roles of founder in culture
Features of strong org culture
Competitive advantage – strategy – culture relationship
Organizational life cycle
Planned change (phases and problems)
Diagnosis (multi method & multi level)
Methods for each phase of change
Three OD change processes
Factors which contribute to sustaining/absorption of change
6492240137160000-548640137160000228600160020Other OD Professionals
2 Schools of thought
Assumptions of
Change Agents
Growth seeking & desire self-fulfillment
Can assume delegated authority
Try to contribute to organizational goals
Desires open and honest communications
Can benefit from improved trust & coop
Change agents should be less assertive in their assumptions and focus instead on helping:
Firm generate valid data on current operations
Employees clarify their desired outcomes
Firm make strategic choices using diagnosis
Change Agents
00Other OD Professionals
2 Schools of thought
Assumptions of
Change Agents
Growth seeking & desire self-fulfillment
Can assume delegated authority
Try to contribute to organizational goals
Desires open and honest communications
Can benefit from improved trust & coop
Change agents should be less assertive in their assumptions and focus instead on helping:
Firm generate valid data on current operations
Employees clarify their desired outcomes
Firm make strategic choices using diagnosis
Change Agents
77724005193665 Develop methods for DM and goal setting
Conflict resolution
Enhance relationship btw group mgr and members
Solving product / service problems
Integration of new mbrs into groups
Clarifying job requirements/work expectations
Attacking org and departmental coordination problems
00 Develop methods for DM and goal setting
Conflict resolution
Enhance relationship btw group mgr and members
Solving product / service problems
Integration of new mbrs into groups
Clarifying job requirements/work expectations
Attacking org and departmental coordination problems
77724003145790 Unfreeze you: off site workshops prepare mbrs to accept change
Look @ you: data collection, questionnaires, measure culture, leadership & satisfaction
Look @ yourself: data confrontation. Change agents present above data, work groups develop recommended changes
Plan: Work groups develop plans to initiate changes
Team building: Groups deal with barriers to effective group problem solving (teamwork solutions)
Intergroup Team Building: teams with interdependent goals seek collaboration
00 Unfreeze you: off site workshops prepare mbrs to accept change
Look @ you: data collection, questionnaires, measure culture, leadership & satisfaction
Look @ yourself: data confrontation. Change agents present above data, work groups develop recommended changes
Plan: Work groups develop plans to initiate changes
Team building: Groups deal with barriers to effective group problem solving (teamwork solutions)
Intergroup Team Building: teams with interdependent goals seek collaboration
8229600-579120008753475-276860Variation to address transfer of learning (carry over) considerations assoc with T Groups. This is an important feature of changing and refreezing stages of planned change
00Variation to address transfer of learning (carry over) considerations assoc with T Groups. This is an important feature of changing and refreezing stages of planned change
7772400-229235Team Building
00Team Building
33832802034540003383280662940007223760-160020007223760-160020006858000240030000-548640-525780Origin of the OD field. Focus on “here and now”. The most personalized and penetrates most deeply into org
00Origin of the OD field. Focus on “here and now”. The most personalized and penetrates most deeply into org
35947354434840 Anxiety/negative feedback can damage members and group effectiveness
Little validation for DM, productivity, efficiency etc.
Group effect temporary, little impact on culture
High risk of ineffective carry over (transfer of learning)
00 Anxiety/negative feedback can damage members and group effectiveness
Little validation for DM, productivity, efficiency etc.
Group effect temporary, little impact on culture
High risk of ineffective carry over (transfer of learning)
35947353088640 Personal styles & feelings of others
How other perceive themselves
Group processes and member influence
Ability to diagnose group effectiveness
Group involvement and satisfaction
00 Personal styles & feelings of others
How other perceive themselves
Group processes and member influence
Ability to diagnose group effectiveness
Group involvement and satisfaction
37090352834640Goals: (Understanding of:)
00Goals: (Understanding of:)
7372355374640007372355603240if seeking deeper personal knowledge
Ex. AA
Encounter Group
00if seeking deeper personal knowledge
Ex. AA
Encounter Group
Begin in unstructured manner
Facilitator states objective: to learn about themselves and group processes
Small talk begins and peters off (group going nowhere)
Frustration leads to establishment of leader "announces" agenda
More frustration resulting from ambiguity, leader loses influence
Hostility directed at facilitator (why not helping out?)
uses process of frustration ventilation to focus on origins of hostility
encourages feedback about interpersonal styles and perceptions of others in the group
Sustained level of anxiety necessary to cause change (significant emotional event)
Begin in unstructured manner
Facilitator states objective: to learn about themselves and group processes
Small talk begins and peters off (group going nowhere)
Frustration leads to establishment of leader "announces" agenda
More frustration resulting from ambiguity, leader loses influence
Hostility directed at facilitator (why not helping out?)
uses process of frustration ventilation to focus on origins of hostility
encourages feedback about interpersonal styles and perceptions of others in the group
Sustained level of anxiety necessary to cause change (significant emotional event)
16516352402840Pioneered by Kurt Lewin Navy and MIT in 40s
T - Group
00Pioneered by Kurt Lewin Navy and MIT in 40s
T - Group
7709535-283210007709535-3022600071380358597900019945352174240008281035688340Interpersonal and Group Methods
00Interpersonal and Group Methods
4394835459740Classified as:
Interpersonal and group (origin of OD)
System wide process changes
Grid OD
Note: large change can include methods from all three.
00Classified as:
Interpersonal and group (origin of OD)
System wide process changes
Grid OD
Note: large change can include methods from all three.
Strong emphasis on interpersonal & group processes incl:
Managerial styles
Work group problem solving
Application of behavioural science
Distinguished from other change strategies that are functionally oriented (accounting, marketing)
Assumption that all org change affects employee behaviour
Use of change agents
Strong emphasis on interpersonal & group processes incl:
Managerial styles
Work group problem solving
Application of behavioural science
Distinguished from other change strategies that are functionally oriented (accounting, marketing)
Assumption that all org change affects employee behaviour
Use of change agents
51435-3403609 Methods of Change in Organizational Development
009 Methods of Change in Organizational Development
4394835-454660Defn: System wide application of behavioural science to the planned development and reinforcement of organizational strategies, structures and processes for improving effectiveness.
00Defn: System wide application of behavioural science to the planned development and reinforcement of organizational strategies, structures and processes for improving effectiveness.
The depth of the intervention refers to how personal and behavioural focused it is. (As opposed to impersonal and organizationally focused). You cannot get too much depth out of an off the shelf program, is should be customized. If change is broad, use several methods. A successful combination may have 1) all employees participating in goal setting, DM and job redesign 2) employee empowerment thru self directed teams 3) company delayered
The depth of the intervention refers to how personal and behavioural focused it is. (As opposed to impersonal and organizationally focused). You cannot get too much depth out of an off the shelf program, is should be customized. If change is broad, use several methods. A successful combination may have 1) all employees participating in goal setting, DM and job redesign 2) employee empowerment thru self directed teams 3) company delayered
1079563562890400082810356289040007938135548894000793813544602400067475105136515Concern for people
00Concern for people
87953856127115Concern for production
00Concern for production
8281035354584000828103560604400083953355603240Minimum effort to meet required work, membership
00Minimum effort to meet required work, membership
82810355374640Impoverished Management
00Impoverished Management
101098355374640Authority - Obedience
00Authority - Obedience
98812355603240Efficiency thru arranging work with minimum human interference
00Efficiency thru arranging work with minimum human interference
88525354688840Adequate performance thru balance of necessity of work, maintaining employee morale
00Adequate performance thru balance of necessity of work, maintaining employee morale
87382354460240Organizational Man Management
00Organizational Man Management
99955353888740Committed people, common stake, all for one & one for all
00Committed people, common stake, all for one & one for all
82810353888740Attn to needs of people & relationships> friendly work environment
00Attn to needs of people & relationships> friendly work environment
82810353660140Country Club Management
00Country Club Management
99955353660140Team Management
00Team Management
Due to cookie cutter pre package process, it may not be suitable for all firms
Many firms do not finish (change of mgmt etc - long process)
Due to length and many changes taking place it is hard to establish ROI on any particular initiative
Due to cookie cutter pre package process, it may not be suitable for all firms
Many firms do not finish (change of mgmt etc - long process)
Due to length and many changes taking place it is hard to establish ROI on any particular initiative
40328851374140 Removal of communications barriers (get the organization 'tuned up')
Grid Seminar. Structured team building activity, encourages unfreezing by having personnel diagnose own managerial styles. Top mgrs usually attend first (top down approach)
Intra-group development. Analysis of group DM (capabilities and obstacles) to improve team DM
Inter-group development. Work groups with high co-ord needs work thru structured activities to isolate, defeat barriers (inter group coordination)
Foster better planning and goal setting (now that it is tuned up - seek improvement in other areas)
Develop ideal strategic model. Developed by top mgmt, deepens understanding of coordination issues and seeks vision pertaining to $ goals, structural design, employee satisfaction.
Gap analysis and interventions. Attaining the model. Close the gap (performance interventions)
Evaluation. Stabilization and process critique. Use of quantitative data to eval (project teams and independent third parties)
00 Removal of communications barriers (get the organization 'tuned up')
Grid Seminar. Structured team building activity, encourages unfreezing by having personnel diagnose own managerial styles. Top mgrs usually attend first (top down approach)
Intra-group development. Analysis of group DM (capabilities and obstacles) to improve team DM
Inter-group development. Work groups with high co-ord needs work thru structured activities to isolate, defeat barriers (inter group coordination)
Foster better planning and goal setting (now that it is tuned up - seek improvement in other areas)
Develop ideal strategic model. Developed by top mgmt, deepens understanding of coordination issues and seeks vision pertaining to $ goals, structural design, employee satisfaction.
Gap analysis and interventions. Attaining the model. Close the gap (performance interventions)
Evaluation. Stabilization and process critique. Use of quantitative data to eval (project teams and independent third parties)
Comprehensive, long term effort (up to several years), changes entire organization. (Robert Blake & Jane Mouton of Scientific Methods)
Assumption: change only achieved if concern for high performance & psychologically healthy work environment. Considered a pre-packaged program since it follows diagnostic 6 step procedure.
Comprehensive, long term effort (up to several years), changes entire organization. (Robert Blake & Jane Mouton of Scientific Methods)
Assumption: change only achieved if concern for high performance & psychologically healthy work environment. Considered a pre-packaged program since it follows diagnostic 6 step procedure.
5652135231140Grid OD
00Grid OD
Similar to Team building in that really looking at self awareness/examination, although process slightly different
Uses survey feedback method to assist workers in determining interventions. Can be done by change agent (survey customized) or off shelf (Survey of Organizations).
Despite name, it is more than just feedback but also the team building inherent in process. Biggest problem encountered is mechanical application
Similar to Team building in that really looking at self awareness/examination, although process slightly different
Uses survey feedback method to assist workers in determining interventions. Can be done by change agent (survey customized) or off shelf (Survey of Organizations).
Despite name, it is more than just feedback but also the team building inherent in process. Biggest problem encountered is mechanical application
3943353317240 Data collection:
Steering committee + Change agent = organizational survey and interview procedure to be given to employees
Pilot, modify, then administer the survey
Analysis: Change agent off site (confidentiality)
Feedback: (Cascaded) Steering committee, top management, division mgrs, teams, individuals
Courses of Action: appropriate levels make plans to address issues
Staffing: plans presented to top management with recommended priorities
Implementation: Steering committee + Change agent assist work units
Evaluation: employee reactions, learning, behavioural and org outcomes
00 Data collection:
Steering committee + Change agent = organizational survey and interview procedure to be given to employees
Pilot, modify, then administer the survey
Analysis: Change agent off site (confidentiality)
Feedback: (Cascaded) Steering committee, top management, division mgrs, teams, individuals
Courses of Action: appropriate levels make plans to address issues
Staffing: plans presented to top management with recommended priorities
Implementation: Steering committee + Change agent assist work units
Evaluation: employee reactions, learning, behavioural and org outcomes
965835231140System Wide Process Change
00System Wide Process Change