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Ch02 The Concept of Culture.docx

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Chapter 2 The Concept of Culture Multiple-Choice 1. The anthropological concept of culture includes a. the ideas people learn. b. the material things people share. c. the ways people behave. d. all of the above ANS: D PG: 28 2. Which statement about the concept of culture is true? a. Culture is symbolic. b. Culture is learned. c. Culture is always changing. d. all of the above ANS: D PG: 27, 31-33; 36-37 3. The central concept in anthropology is the concept of a. distribution. b. power. c. culture. d. artifact. ANS: C PG: 27 4. People from the same culture can predict one another's behavior because a. culture determines behavior. b. culture conditions behavior. c. all people in any given society accept exactly the same rules for behavior. d. all people in any given society have exactly the same ideas. ANS: B PG: 29 5. Trying to operate in an unfamiliar culture a. often leads to the experience of culture shock. b. is never difficult for an educated person. c. is never hard if you have read a book about that culture. d. may lead to physical distress but not psychological distress. ANS: A PG: 30 6. Despite many differences in details, all cultures share a number of common cultural features including a. marriage systems b. a system of distribution c. a system of communication d. all of the above ANS: D PG: 37-39 7. Children in the United States and Uganda are a. likely to marry one spouse at a time. b. born knowing the best solution for situations in daily life, if they are healthy at birth. c. likely to learn the ways of thinking and acting determined by their own cultures. d. likely to have the same set of values. ANS: C PG: 31 8. A majority of our behavioral responses are a. simple expressions of an individual’s original thoughts. b. instinctive. c. acquired at birth. d. the result of complex learning processes. ANS: D PG: 31 9. The process by which people acquire their culture is a. enculturation. b. genetically based. c. more rapid in industrialized societies than in less technologically developed ones. d. slowest in industrialized societies and most rapid in less technologically developed ones. ANS: A PG: 31 10. The three basic components of culture are a. things, artifacts, and blood types. b. things, ideas, and behavior patterns. c. religions, values, and attitudes. d. music, painting, and dance. ANS: B PG: 28 11. Which statement about the term civilization is true? a. Civilization is synonymous with culture. b. All cultures are civilizations, but all civilizations are not cultures. c. Civilizations are characterized by monumental architecture, writing and centralized government. d.. all of the above ANS: C PG: 29 12. Some people in the world have tattoos, use scarification or wear bones in their noses because a. they don’t understand the harm they do to their bodies. b. they have a distorted concept of beauty. c. they do it as part of their religious practice. d. their culture tells them that it looks good. ANS: D PG: 35 13. Ferraro's wife was considered unattractive by the Kikuyu because a. of the color of her skin. b. she was too thin. c. she had pierced ears. d. they wore lipstick. ANS: B PG: 35 14. Internal cultural changes occur most often in a. small-scale, non-western societies. b. highly Catholic societies. c. Asian societies. d. technologically complex societies. ANS: D PG: 36 15. What types of cultures remain completely static year after year? a. small-scale cultures b. non-western cultures c. no culture remains completely static d. western cultures ANS: C PG: 36 16. The spread of a cultural element from one society to another is called a. innovation. b. tabula rasa. c. ethnocentrism. d. cultural diffusion. ANS: D PG: 36 17. Which statement about the Amish culture is false? a. They live in Pennsylvania. b. They are at the forefront of change in the United States. c. They are hard-working farmers. d. They infrequently send their children to public schools. ANS: B PG: 30 18. Cultural diffusion is very important in cultural change because a. people are essentially uninventive and unimaginative. b. all important elements of culture came from European societies. c. all important elements of culture came from Asian and African societies. d. it is easier to borrow a thing or idea than it is to invent it. ANS: D PG: 36 19. Cultural universals include a. division of labor b. marriage c. monogamy d. a and b ANS: D PG: 37-39 20. Which statement about the concept of culture is false? a. Culture influences biological processes. b. Culture is learned. c. Cultures change over time. d. none of the above ANS: D PG: 31, 34, 36-37 21. When we describe a culture as being polychronic, we mean that people a. feel comfortable engaging in a number of activities simultaneously. b. tend to be extremely punctual. c. prefer to engage in only one activity at a time. d. believe in the saying “time is money.” ANS: A PG: 34 22. The integration of a culture means a. that all its parts are tightly connected to all other parts. b. that its parts are somewhat interconnected with one another. c. that Blacks and Whites attend school together. d. a culture is exactly like the body of a living organism. ANS: B PG: 41-42 23. The task of the cultural anthropologist is to a. describe the various parts of the culture he or she studies. b. study aspects of a culture in isolation from the rest of the cultural system. c. show how parts of a culture are independent from one another. d. determine if one culture is more moral than another. ANS: A PG: 41 24. The process by which culture traits are spread from one culture to another is called a. parallel evolution. b. cultural diffusion. c. racism. d. ethnocentrism. ANS: B PG: 36 25. The anthropological attitude that a society’s customs and ideas should be viewed in the context of that society’s culture is called a. ethnocentrism. b. cultural relativism. c. cultural constraint. d. cultural diffusion. ANS: B PG: 42 26. Civilizations are generally characterized by a. cities. b. monumental architecture. c. state systems of government. d. all of the above ANS: D PG: 29 27. Which statement about Hikikomori is true? a. It is a culture-specific psychological disorder found in China b. It affects teenage girls and young women. c. It results from the enormous pressure Japanese culture places on young males to succeed in school and later in the corporate world. d. It is an eating disorder found among Japanese teenage girls ANS: C PG: 44 28. Subcultures a. are subsets of the wider culture. b. enjoy all the benefits of the mainstream culture. c. retain a level of cultural uniqueness that sets them apart. d. a and c ANS: D PG: 30 29. The “organic analogy” refers to the idea that a. the parts of a culture are interconnected much as are the organs of a living animal. b. only the fittest members of a species will survive. c. humans evolved directly from non-human primates. d. culture helps people adapt to their environments. ANS: A PG: 41-42 30. The study of comparative cultures has taught us that people in different cultures a. learn different cultural content. b. learn essentially the same content in similar ways. c. learn cultural content with similar efficiency. d. a and c ANS: D PG: 32 31. Culture is changed by a. technology. b. ideas and values. c. changes in the physical and social environment. d. all of the above ANS: D PG: 36-37 32. Cultural anthropologists no longer use the term “primitive” because a. it erroneously implies that a culture is earlier in time. b. it erroneously implies that a culture is inferior. c. it is politically incorrect. d. all of the above ANS: D PG: 42 33. Saying that every society has an economic system means a. that every society has a system of standardized currency. b. that every society has markets. c. that each receives goods and services based on his or her capacity to pay. d. that every society has worked out a patterned way of ensuring that people get what they need for survival. ANS: D PG: 38 34. When Ferraro used “small-scale society,” he is referring to societies with relatively a. small populations. b. simple technologies. c. little labor specialization. d. all of the above ANS: D PG: 42 35. In terms of how close people get to one another in different cultures, we know that a. middle class North Americans get closer than Cubans b. Cubans tend to get closer to one another than do people from New York City c. Cubans and New Yorkers tend to keep the same distance during normal conversations d. People from New York City get closer to one another than people from all other cultures ANS: B PG: 43 36. Cross cultural coaching is appropriate in which setting? a. factory b. public high school c. the United States Army d. all of the above ANS: D PG: 32-33 37. Which statement about culture change is false? a. Cultures are always changing. b. Cultures change through the processes of diffusion and innovation. c. Cultures change more through invention than through diffusion. d. Anthropologists do not agree on the single most important cause of culture change. ANS: C PG: 36-37 38. A Hindu who vomits after inadvertently eating beef illustrates which cultural principle? a. Culture is learned. b. Cultures are always changing. c. Culture influences biological processes. d. The parts of a culture are interrelated. ANS: C PG: 35 39. Which statement about the learned nature of culture is true? a. Humans are born with very few predetermined behaviors. b. People learn what they need to know in order to adapt to their environment. c. There are no dumb cultures. d. all of the above ANS: D PG: 31-33 40. A pluralistic society a. is composed of a number of subcultural groups. b. has a great potential for misunderstandings or hostilities. c. is found in the United States and the United Kingdom. d. all of the above ANS: D PG: 30 True-False 1. Culture refers to the people living in a society. ANS: F PG: 28 2. Culture is acquired through learning rather than encoded in genes or DNA. ANS: T PG: 31 3. A subculture refers to an inferior cultural group ANS: F PG: 30 4. It is ethnocentric for a member of an African tribe to think an anthologist's wife is too thin in comparison to his own wives. ANS: T PG: 35 5. Few cultural universals have to do with meeting the basic physiological needs of humans. ANS: F PG: 37-39 6. Cultural adaptations have little importance in humans' adaptation to the sub-Arctic. ANS: F PG: 39-40 7. The American Anthropological Association has taken the official position that humans are born with a built-in culture. ANS: F PG: 32 8. In the last decade there has been a reduction in the extent to which Americans alter their appearance through plastic surgery. ANS: F PG: 35-36 9. Taiwanese men are prevented from wearing green hats because it violates their religious beliefs. ANS: F PG: 37 10. People in French-speaking Africa tend to view their language as an art form. ANS: T PG: 32-33 Short Answer 1. What are the two basic processes of cultural change within a society? ANS: innovations and cultural diffusion PG: 36 2. What is a social control system? ANS: a set of mechanisms that coerce people to obey the social norms of a society PG: 38 3. Why is the word "primitive" ethnocentric? ANS: It implies that something primitive is both inferior and earlier in a chronological sense. PG: 42 4. How does the author define the concept of culture? ANS: everything that people have, think, and do as members of a society PG: 28 5. What is culture shock? ANS: a form of psychological distress that can result in depression, overeating, or irritability brought on when trying to operate in an unfamiliar culture PG: 30 6. Define the organic analogy made popular by some of the early functionalist anthropologists. ANS: A comparison between a culture and a living organism such as the human body that has systems that work together to maintain the overall health of the organism PG: 41-42 7. What are pluralistic societies? ANS: societies composed of a number of subcultural groups PG: 30 8. What is hikikomori? ANS: It refers to young male Japanese shut-ins resulting from enormous pressure their culture places on young men to succeed in school and in the workplace. PG: 44 9. Give examples of variations in cultural attitudes concerning male and female attractiveness. ANS: Burmese women elongating their necks with brass rings, Chinese foot binding, scarification, tattooing, ear piercing PG: 35 10. List five cultural universals ANS: Economic systems, marriage and family systems, social control systems, communication systems, and supernatural belief systems. PG: 37-39 Essay 1. One of the most important technological changes that took place in the United States was the mass use of television during the 1950s. How has the introduction of that one new gadget influenced or changed other parts of American culture, such as politics, education, religion, and family life? 2. Write an essay illustrating how the concept of “culture influencing biological processes” has affected American culture. 3. In your own words, how would you define the concept of culture? What general statements hold true for all cultures of the world? 4. Write an essay illustrating the concept of the interrelatedness of the parts of culture. 5. What is ethnocentrism and how would you illustrate it from a number of different cultures? 6. How many things that you do during your waking hours are purely biologically based? 7. What types of problems of cultural adjustment would a Japanese teenager face when enrolling in a public high school in the suburbs of Chicago? What advice could you offer this student if you were his/her cross-cultural coach? 8. Write an essay comparing the culture specific diseases of Anorexia (an eating disorder among U.S. girls/women) and Hikikomori (young Japanese males who sequester themselves in their bedrooms for months and years at a time.

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