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Exam 3 Review.doc

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Contributor: rohu
Category: Environmental Biology
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BIOL 1130.004 REVIEW FOR EXAM #3 NOTE: THIS IS THE FINAL AND COMPLETE REVIEW-THERE ARE NO FURTHER CORRECTIONS TO BE MADE The exam will be 50 questions, multiple-choice. A scantron will be provided. As always, the exam emphasizes material available in the text and specifically, you can definitely expect one question on each of the figures or tables listed below. Please read the Central Case for each chapter as there will also be a question. There might also be questions concerning inset sections. (About 70% of exam material comes directly form figures and tables.) Chapter 10- We did not have a question about the Central Case last time, so there will be one on this exam. Also, Figures 10.10 (make sure you understand this graph), 10.13, and 10.14, and 10.15. There will probably be three additional question taken from the text. Chapter 11- Questions on Central Case, and Figures 11.3, 11.9, 11.10, 11.12 (know the six criterion pollutants), 11.13, 11.14 or 11.15 (these both have to do with formation of secondary pollutants). There will be 3 additional questions taken from the text, that do not concern further details about Atmospheric Science on pp. 326-333. Chapter 12- Questions on the Central Case, and Figures 12.1, 12.7 (look at the labels carefully and notice what is modeled and what is not), 12.8 or 12.9 (these are similar), 12.11, 12.13 (note that there are several parts to this), and Tables 12.2 and 12.4. You might expect 3 additional questions from anywhere in this chapter. Chapter 13- Questions on the Central Case, and Figures 13.4, 13.6, 13.9, 13.22, and 13.25. There will be up to 4 additional questions covering material on pages 394 (Marine Ecosystems) to the end of the chapter, (but no further questions about oceanography beyond information in the figures). Chapter 14- Questions on the Central Case, and Figures 14.1 (take a few minutes to look carefully at these percentages and do a little bit of math to understand just how little surface water there is!), 14.2, 14.3, 14.5, 14.7, 14.11 (read Table 14.1 to understand the figure), 14.16 (note part b, also, on the opposite page), and 14.17. There will be up to 2 additional questions from the text. Chapter 15 (tentative)- Questions form 15.2 (and additional types of diversity), 15.3 (you do not have to memorize the hierarchy, just be aware that it exists), 15.5, 15.6, and 15.7 ANY FIGURES ADDED AFTER THURSDAY’S LECTURE ARE IN BOLD, TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO THE CHANGE. EXTRA CREDIT: PLEASE LOOK AT THE WATERWAYS EVENT SCHEDULE POSTED AROUND THE EESAT BUILDING. ATTEND ANY ONE EVENT AND WRITE A 250 WORD SUMMARY ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCE. THIS IS WORTH 10 BONUS POINTS ON YOUR FINAL EXAM SCORE. DUE: ON OR BEFORE MAY 10th. FINAL EXAM: TUESDAY, MAY 10th, at 8:00 A.M.

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