Cyber warfare in China
China is the second largest economy in the world and a nuclear weapons state. The country has the second largest defense budget in the world. The Chinese information and information operations integrates the concept of network warfare which is apparently analogous to the cyber warfare of the United States.
Estimated Level of Sophistication
China has been accused of aggressive espionage and several organizations have traced multiple attacks on their computer systems and corporate to computers in china. However, there is difficulty in determining if such attacks are government sponsored because of difficulty in tracking the cyberspace true identity (DeWeese, 2009). China is known to organize its resources in specialized military network warfare forces whereby there is a military unit mandated to perform network defense and attack. There is PLA’s authorized forces which are network warfare specialists that works under the Ministry of Public Security and Ministry of State Security. There are also non-governmental forces including semi civilian and civilian groups which engage in network defense and attack.
Intelligence analysis revealed that People’s Liberation Army of China has a dedicated Bureau to other countries. One department of the Bureau in Shanghai which is charged with the responsibility of conducting operations focused on the U.S. while the other department of the Bureau is focused on Korea and Japan (Fritz, 2008). There is a Bureau that is dedicated to encrypting communications securing the networks of third department which maintains the data and information acquired by several offices in China. China is considered the most cyber threat to the United States and it has large network of volunteer net militia units.
The U.S. accused the Chinese of espionage against American interest whereby the latter has accessed the networks of crucial military, research, industrial organizations, and commercial information. China has been declared a greatest risk to U.S. technology and an increase in the cyber intrusion by china to the U.S. defense related computer systems and government has also been reported. In January 2010, China was involved in attacks of corporate infrastructure of Google as reported by Google itself. This attack was reported to result to the theft of intellectual property. Two human rights activists had their Gmail accounts compromised during the Google’s password systems raid. This attack was connected to multiple corporate and political espionage efforts by Chinese. Besides Google, about 34 companies have been victims of attacks which included Symantec, Yahoo, Adobe systems, and Northrop Grumman.
Many private computer firms have reported growing evidence of Chinese cyber espionage efforts. The diplomat cables reported that America is concerned with the Chinese use of Microsoft code to expand its defensive and offensive capabilities. China has however denied claims by the U.S. about their involvement in the cyber warfare and it has accused the U.S. of involving in cyber war with them. Other countries have also accused the Chinese of cyber warfare against their countries. The victims includes Canada, India, and Australia. These countries have reported serious claim against cyber warfare sponsored by the Chinese government.
DeWeese, S. (2009). Capability of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to conduct cyber warfare and computer network exploitation. DIANE Publishing.
Fritz, J. (2008). How China will use cyber warfare to leapfrog in military competitiveness. Culture Mandala: The Bulletin of the Centre for East-West Cultural and Economic Studies, 8(1), 2.