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Final Review Chapter 7-16
Peru State College
Final Review Chapter 7 – 16
Chapter 7 - 9 Review
Which theory of intelligence predominates the most widely used intelligence tests?
Which theory predominates the research literature on intelligence?
Spearman is identified with which theory of intelligence?
Thurstone is mainly identified with which theory of intelligence?
Hierarchical models attempted to seek a compromise:
Gardner is associated with which theory of intelligence?
What is the correlation between intelligence and socioeconomic status (as a continuous variable)?
According to the best estimates, how much of intelligence is inherited?
What is a major advantage of individual intelligence testing as compared to a group measure of mental ability?
What is the major division of subtests (and subscores) for the Wechsler scales?
What is the mean and standard deviation of the Wechsler scales?
Raw scores are converted to scaled scores separately on the Wechsler scales according to?
How are the WISC and WAIS similar or different?
What is the target age range for the WISC?
What feature of the Stanford-Binet IV did not appear in earlier editions?
The Composite score on the SB-IV is intended to be a measure of?
What is cut-score for mental retardation on the IQ scale?
What are the criteria included in the AAMR definition of Mental Retardation?
The DSM IV classification of mental retardation depends primarily upon?
One of the crucial differences between adaptive behavior scales and tests of intelligence is that the adaptive behavior scales try to measure ______
How is the Vineland administered?
What are the main settings for Group Administered Mental Ability Tests?
Group administered mental ability tests are used in elementary and secondary schools mainly in conjunction with –
In comparison with the research bases (e.g., size of norm groups) for individually administered mental ability tests, the research bases for group administered mental ability tests tend to be –
What is the most common purpose for the use of group administered mental ability tests?
Who usually administers a group administered mental ability test like the Otis-Lennon?
What are the two major content divisions of the Otis-Lennon ?
What are the three major tests within the GRE: General Test?
What are the tests identified in the textbook as used in military and business settings for personnel selection?
When did psychologists begin to develop culture-fair tests?
Raven’s is considered to be an excellent measure of?
Culture-fair tests emphasize what type of content?
Compared to traditional intelligence tests, how well do culture-fair tests predict success in school and job settings ?
Chapter 10-11 Review
Deficits in the ability to express or comprehend written or spoken communication as a result of brain injury are called -
The case of Phineas Gage was especially interesting because it showed that brain damage could affect ________.
This approach to neuropsychological assessment uses the same set of tests for each examinee.
This approach to neuropsychological assessment allows the clinician to choose the subtests believed to be best suited to assess each examinee.
According to the textbook, what is the more widely used approach to neuropsychological testing?
What are the two most commonly used fixed neuropsychological batteries?
What measure is typically used to provide a quick screen for significant cognitive impairment?
When patients with brain injury have difficulty switching between patterns of thought on the Trail-making Test, they are said to be _____________.
What assessment of intelligence is most frequently used in a neuropsychological assessment?
What assessment of personality is most frequently used in a neuropsychological assessment?
The most frequent complaint reported by patients referred for neuropsychological evaluation are deficits in ________.
When a clinical neuropsychologist gathers information about the patient’s status from family members, he or she is utilizing –
What is cognitive impairment that is similar to dementia, but related to a psychiatric condition (typically depression)?
The most general definition of a learning disability is a significant discrepancy between -
How might a child with attention deficit disorder score on the WISC as compared to the WIAT?
What are the ways in which a psychologist might interface with achievement testing?
Psychologists in which specialty deal most frequently with achievement tests? ?
What term is used to describe individually administered achievement tests administered in conjunction with mental ability tests to determine discrepancies between scores on the two types of tests?
Research on the correlation between scores on ability and achievement tests shows that the correlation is usually –
What term is used to describe individually administered achievement tests administered in conjunction with mental ability tests to determine discrepancies between scores on the two types of tests?
Chapters 12-13 Study Guide:
What are the item formats for objective and projective personality assessments?
What are the common characteristics of objective personality tests?
When we refer to objective personality tests, the word “objective” refers to what?
What are primary uses of objective personality tests?
According to the two-dimensional classification system of objective personality tests, tests are grouped according to what categories?
What are examples of comprehensive objective personality tests for use with abnormal populations?
What are examples of comprehensive objective personality tests for use with normal populations?
What are the strategies for dealing with response sets and faking on objective personality inventories?
What are the major approaches to developing objective personality tests?
In this approach to test development, items are selected for a personality scale in terms of their ability to discriminate between well-defined groups of examinees.
The approach to the development of personality tests that builds test items to reflect a pre-determined concept of human personality
The principal advantage of the theory-driven approach to personality test development
The empirical method for identifying the dimensions underlying a large number of observations is called –
Which of the approaches to the development of personality tests is most likely to guarantee good face validity?
The Edwards Personal Preference Schedule is based upon what theory?
What is ipsative scoring?
The NEO PI-R claims to measure what personality dimensions?
Raw scores for the domain and facet scores of the NEO PI-R convert to what?
What are the major categories of MMPI-2 scores?
Which type of scale in the MMPI-2 was developed by grouping together those items that seemed to measure the same construct?
What is the a critical item on the MMPI-2?
What is a code type on the MMPI-2?
What are the three distinctive features of the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory identified by the textbook?
What are examples of specific domain tests discussed in the textbook?
What is the projective hypothesis?
What are the most widely used projective techniques?
Chapter 14 Study Guide
What is the projective hypothesis?
What are the most widely used projective techniques?
Be able to identify or recognize each
Why would a psychologist prefer to use a projective test?
What is the informal scoring approach to projective techniques?
What are the two phases of Administration of the Rorschach under the Comprehensive System?
How is a response determined to be a “Popular” response to a Rorschach stimulus card?
How many Rorschach inkblots (cards) are there?
What is the most widely used system for administering and scoring the Rorschach?
What are the research conclusions about the Rorschach (reliability, validity)?
What is the TAT and how is it administered?
According to the textbook, why might the TAT be declining in use?
What single construct doe the Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank (RISB) claim to measure?
What can we learn from the RISB regarding scoring systems for projective techniques?
What are the textbook’s conclusion about the validity of human figure drawings?
What effect does managed care seem to be having on the use of projective techniques?
With respect to use of objective scoring systems, what is the current trend for projective techniques?
Chapter 15
Who are considered the 2 dominant figures in the field of vocational interest testing?
Who pioneered the use of criterion-keying for vocational interest testing? Be able to recognize an example of criterion-keying on a vocational interest test?
Kuder’s early work on vocational interest testing concentrated on what approach to test development?
Strong’s early work on the development of career interest measures used the same methodology as that used by what personality test?
Which is the most widely used career interest test? (2nd, 3rd?)
Who is the author of the RIASEC hexagon?
What does RIASEC stand for?
In the RIASEC hexagon, the distance between vertexes is supposed to indicate what?
What is the item format (how are items presented) on each of the major career interest inventories?
Which of the measures advertises itself as “self-administered, self-scored, and self-interpreted?
Which of these measures is based entirely on the RIASEC hexagon?
How do the three major career interest inventories compare in terms of interpretation of scores (norm-referenced vs. criterion-referenced)?
What generalization was developed about the stability of career interests from late adolescence onward?
What generalization was noted about the degree of gender differences in scores on career interest measures?
There is a special desire to conduct long-term studies with career interest measures. What are the difficulties the text identifies in conducting such studies?
What are the components usually identified in defining an attitude?
What are the three methods of attitude scale construction? How are they different? Which is used most often and least often? Be able to recognize examples of each.
What are the differences between attitude measurement and public opinion polls?
Some career interest inventories use item formats that indicate relative rather than absolute levels of interest. The “relative level” format tends to yield what types of scores?
Chapter 16 Review
Which phrase signals an ethical issue?
Which ethical principle appeared in the Nuremberg Code but is not in the Hippocratic Oath?
The Belmont Report was aimed primarily at what?
What are the purposes of ethical codes for professions?
The Standards for Educational and Psychological Tests was developed by what three organizations?
The term “non-maleficience” addresses which historical principle in the ethical codes?
Which ethical principle includes the expectation that psychologist who uses tests should learn the principles of psychological testing and stay up-to-date regarding new tests?
Dr. Phil explains the purpose of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory before administering it to Mr. Bush. Dr. Phil is observing which ethical principle?
When is the psychologist’s general responsibility to maintain confidentiality waived?
A psychologist is trained in use of the Raven’s Progressive Matrices, but not the WAIS. He uses the WAIS anyway, reasoning that they are both tests of intelligence. He may be violating what ethical principle?
Who has the primary responsibility for valid interpretation of a computer-generated narrative test report?
What test publishers refer to as “test user qualifications” would more accurately be called –
Most publishers use a system of “test user qualifications” with how many levels?
What are the major areas for the interface of testing and the law?
What is the specialization that deals with the application of psychological principles and methods in legal settings?
Which clause in the 14th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution has played a prominent role in court cases related to testing?
Which types of disability are included within the definition of a “specific learning disability” according to the IDEA law?
Several laws related to the handicapped/disabled in education call for use of an IEP. These initials stand for –
Several laws related to the handicapped/disabled in education call for education in “the least restrictive environment.” The popular term for implementing this provision is –
Which law emphasizes that parents have a right to see their child’s test results from school testing programs?
The “EEOC guidelines” define adverse impact in terms of the __________ rule.
In the legal system, the term INSANITY refers to mental capacity at the time of –
What are the special areas of concern for forensic application of tests identified in the textbook?
Which generalization best describes the relationship between the law and principles of good testing?
Legal requirements related to testing developed within the past 50 years have been most influential regarding what?
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